7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

4/1/C/1-7 SL Opening

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Bandit Platoon Squad Leader Opening

1st Platoon, Charlie Company (Airborne / Air Assault) is looking for an Squad Leader in Bandit-4, a weapons team. SP times are Sundays at 1900Z.

Your Duties:
  • Perform Squad Leader administrative duties
  • Building and hosting weekly section practices
  • Maintain the C Co standard of combat leadership and training

Minimum Requirements:
  • Be in good standing with no active negative actions
  • Maintained the MOS billet of ASL for a minimum of 30 days prior to selection or submit an application as a Trooper
  • Be at the minimum rank of Corporal or higher prior to selection
  • Submit an application to Platoon and Company upon position opening and following the application process unless company/platoon staff select an ASL to fill the role

Exceptions to the above may be made based on the needs of the regiment, if you are interested in leading but lack any of these requirements, approach your Chain of Command.

If you have questions about the position, contact Staff Sergeant Ocean.M

If interested in applying, please send a forum PM with your letter of interest addressed to Staff Sergeant Ocean.M, First Sergeant Green.R, Captain Phoenix.G, and Major LaCombe.M.

We look forward to working with you

HQ | LDS | NCOA Phase 1 | 17JAN22 - S1 Completed

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NCOA Phase I Graduation​


NCOA Phase I

Effective with this posting the following individuals have completed the requirements set forth by the 7th Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. They have applied themselves and showed dedication to furthering their position within the 7th Cavalry. Please join me in congratulating our new graduates.

Specialist Bishop.C
Specialist Kilo.M
Specialist DeVriend.M
Specialist Raymond.S
Specialist Smithson.R
Specialist Zander.D
Specialist Verlot.L
Private First Class Steward.H
Private First Class Samba.S
Private First Class Pickens.A
Private First Class Hoffmann.D
Private First Class Corbin.R

Command Sergeant Major Nexhex.A
First Sergeant Komar.T
Sergeant Stetchkov.A
