Candidates chosen will be interviewed by Battalion XO and CO
Deadlines for Applications
Applications accepted until position is filled
Must be Filled by Sept 13 interviews scheduled for Saturday 14 & 15 of sept
Overview of the Position
Daily Duties
Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord or the forums.
Make an effort to meet with members of Platoon Staff to build a rapport and ensure a positive working relationship with them.
Spend time with troopers and leadership within your Company.
Administrative tasks - Ensure transfers, AWOLs, PAF Logs and discharges happen in a timely manner, and monitor them for any changes to the Company Strength.
Counseling - Issue appropriate counselling measures as required to ensure understanding and compliance with all rules, regulations and minimum expectations.
Promotions - Follow Regimental SOP in regards to promotion recommendations passed up from within the Company. Perform spot checks to ensure no one who meets promotion requirements has been overlooked.
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