7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

2/B/1-7 Multiple ASL Openings

  • 266
  • 4

(Assistant) Squad Leader Opening

2nd Platoon, Bravo Troop (Cavalry Scout Stryker Platoon) is currently looking for highly motivated and capable individuals interested in fulfilling the following roles:

1/2/B/1-7 Assistant Squad Leader (SP - Sundays at 2000z)

3/2/B/1-7 Assistant Squad Leader (SP - Sundays at 2000z)

Your Duties:

  • Assist your Squad Leader in all administrative duties
  • Assist your Squad Leader in building and hosting weekly section practices
  • Maintain the standard of section practices we provide in Bravo Troop First Battalion

Minimum Requirements:

ARMA3 | IS | ACC | 10JUN21 - S1 Completed
