7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Colonel Promotion (O6) - 04APR22 - S1 Completed

  • 278
  • 20

To all who shall see these presents, greeting:

Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in the fidelity and abilities of

Lieutenant Colonel Maxwell Lombardi

I hereby appoint them a Colonel, as such from the date of April 4th, 2022. Effective with this appointment you are charged to carefully and diligently execute the duties and responsibilities of a Colonel of Soldiers and I do strictly direct and require all personnel of lesser grade to render obedience to appropriate orders.

As a Colonel you must set the example for others to emulate. Your conduct and professionalism both on and off duty shall be above reproach. You are responsible for the accomplishment of your assigned mission and for the safety, professional development, and well-being of the Soldiers in your charge. You will be the embodiment of our institutional core values. You will lead your Soldiers with firmness, fairness, and dignity while observing and following the orders and directions of your senior leaders and enforcing all regulations and articles governing the discipline of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Given under my hand, on this 4th Day of April, in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand And Twenty-Two.


2-7 XO Applications

  • 201
  • 0

2-7 Executive Officer Opening

The 2-7 Executive Officer position has become available, and we are looking for a dedicated individual to fill this role.

The following are the requirements for the position:

Minimum Requirements:

  • Be in good standing with no active negative actions (NFA)
  • Be at the minimum rank of Captain (O-3) or higher
    • Extensive Company Commander experience strongly recommended
  • Letter of interest from officer to Chief of Staff MG.Jarvis.A and 2-7 CO LTC.Lombardi.M
  • Selected by the Chief of Staff

Daily Duties (When Online)
  • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord be available to talk to people. Make an effort once daily to meet with members of Company staffs for the purpose of:
  • Developing relationships
  • Identifying key problems
  • Answering questions
  • Supporting Company Staff
  • Discharges - Monitor discharge requests as they occur for issues that may be popping up in a specific area. Follow up as required.
  • Approve promotion requests that require Battalion Approval (MSG Promotions, Officers below the rank of LTC.)
  • Approve transfer requests between companies as required.
  • Post discharges and ELOA's for Battalion members as they occur in a timely manner.
  • Review all Negative Counseling Statements as they occur for correctness and awareness of specific issues.
  • Work as part of the Battalion Staff team to ensure all companies are running effectively and work with each Company and the rest of the Staff to come up with plans to address any issues or shortcomings.
  • Counseling - Issue appropriate counselling measures as required to ensure understanding and compliance with all...