7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

1/1/C/1-7 SL Closed

  • 176
  • 0


Squad Leader Opening
Charlie Company 1-7 is accepting applications for a Squad Leader position for an airborne infantry squad in First Platoon Charlie Company. Everyone interested regardless of meeting all formal requirements is encouraged to apply.

Your Duties:

  • Handle all administrative duties related to the role of a section leader
  • Be present and available for your trooper's needs
  • Maintain the gold standard of section practices we provide in Charlie Company First Battalion
  • Foster leadership development within your squad and encourage troopers to get involved in extracurricular activities
Minimum Requirements:

  • Listed below is the process and requirements for billet selection for SL for all Troopers across the Regiment.
    • Be in good standing with no active negative actions.
    • Maintained the MOS billet 11B for a minimum of 30 days prior to application.
    • Maintained the MOS billet of ASL for a minimum of 30 days prior to selection or submit an application as a Trooper.
    • Submit a letter of recommendation from your current SL as well as a letter of interest to your chain of command
    • Applications received prior to 25APR22 will be reviewed by Company Staff.

  • Exceptions to the above may be made based on the needs of the regiment and with a waiver approved by the Chief of Staff pursuant to the policy and submitted by the receiving Company Staff.
  • If you are interested in leading but lack any of these requirements, approach your Chain of Command.
  • If you have questions about the role itself, you may contact Corporal Van Alstine, First Sergeant Green...

HQ | LDS | NCOA Phase 2 | 10APR22 - S1 Completed

  • 280
  • 18

NCOA Phase II Graduation​



Effective with this posting the following individuals have completed the requirements set forth by the 7th Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. They have applied themselves and showed dedication to furthering their position within the 7th Cavalry. Please join me in congratulating our new graduates.

Corporal Tom Benjamin
Specialist John William Beck
Specialist Brandon Berry
Specialist Joseph Canuck
Specialist Rose Ewing
Specialist David Morris
Specialist Ben Norman
Specialist Patrice Voci
Specialist Joshua Zito
Private First Class Nathaniel Buford
Private First Class Des Carrington
Private First Class Brandon Phillips
Private First Class William Sutodoreh

Command Sergeant Major Apollo Nexhex
Staff Sergeant Preacher.A
Sergeant Artyom Stetchkov
