7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

All Hands Meeting 16APR22

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An all hands meeting has been called by the Regimental Chief of Staff

When: 16th of April at 2200 Zulu

Attendance of officers is required and expected. Senior NCOs (Platoon Sergeants and above) may attend if they so desire. If you are for some reason unable to attend you are to inform the next in your chain of command. Failure to notify next in command will result in disciplinary action.

Tharen.R LaCombe.M Lombardi.M Please pass this down

S5 Multiple Position Openings

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- S5 Position Openings -

The S5 Department has currently has openings for the following roles:
  • S5 Public Relations Clerks (All AO's)
  • S5 Graphics Clerks
  • S5 Film Markers/Streamers (All AO's)

Minimum requirements for all roles:
  1. Minimum rank of Private First Class (E-3)
  2. No negative action within 60 days.

Film Maker Guidelines

  1. Report to Media Lead via Forum at least twice a month.
  2. Media must be reviewed by Lead + Staff before being uploaded to YouTube/Cav Hosting.
  3. Work must be done at a reasonable pace.
  4. If you are being DCS'd for failing to file your report, you will have 7 days to file said report or you will be punitively removed from the department.
  5. Actions malicious in nature through the use of S5 Media will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from department.

Public Relations

  1. Network with other clans/communities who have a similar play style as us (i.e. tactical, respectable, etc.).
  2. Pitch Combat Missions to other communities that are given by S3 Battle staff.
  3. Find community events for the 7th Cavalry to take place in and assist writing the event post for the external event calendar. (i.e. Battles, tournaments, StackUp, etc.)
  4. Review and update clan folders in forum section.
  5. Actions deemed malicious in nature through the use of S5 Public Relations will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from department.


  1. Meet established timeline for posting.
  2. 30 days to Complete request
  3. 7 days for first draft on thread
  4. 3 days from posting to notify requester and confirm assignment
  5. All graphics must meet 7 Cavalry standards on professionalism and decency.
  6. Actions deemed malicious in nature through the...