7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

HQ | NCOA | PHASE 1 | 04JUN22 - S1 Completed

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NCOA Phase I Graduation​


NCOA Phase I

Effective with this posting the following individuals have completed the requirements set forth by the 7th Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. They have applied themselves and showed dedication to furthering their position within the 7th Cavalry. Please join me in congratulating our new graduates.

Specialist Robertson.S
Specialist Zaren.T
Specialist Xinos.T
Specialist Toz.T
Specialist Smith.V
Specialist Macht.V
Specialist Hilberg.A
Specialist Greenberg.B
Specialist Cobblestone.G
Specialist Beiter.A
Specialist Perry.W
Specialist Mickey.J
Private First Class Bell.JJ
Private First Class Flash.D
Private First Class Ford.W
Private First Class Groves.A
Private First Class Moon.P
Private First Class OConnell.H
Private First Class Perry.D
Private First Class Ray.M...​

Memorial Day 2022

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Today while enjoying and celebrating with Family and Friends. Please take a moment of silence for those who gave their lives in previous conflicts, to allow us to have our freedoms.
