7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

The Passing of a Brother - Corporal Sean Mac

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Link to Funeral Service Friday 3-7PM ET


It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of one of our own, Corporal Mac.S, on September 03, 2024. On behalf of the entire Regiment, General Staff extend our sincerest condolences to his family, friends, and all those who knew him. He will be honored and remembered by the Cav through our Arlington Memorial Cemetery. Rest in peace, brother!

Please continue to support each other, through These difficult times. For the next 30 days, we encourage everyone to honor the fallen with our official mourning band avatars.

Our sincerest condolences,

Regimental Staff

S3 Hell Let Loose Public Staff Openings

  • 89
  • 1
The S3 Hell Let Loose Public Staff are actively seeking personnel to join the department. S3 Hell Let Loose Public Staff members are responsible for fostering a healthy community that reflects our values as well as conducting weekly Operations or other public facing events on the Tactical Realism servers. This secondary billet reports to the S3 HLL Lead Public Staff and is a part of S3 Public Operations. All S3 Public Staff members are considered Game Admins and must adhere to all game admin SOP's and enforce all 7Cav Rules and Regulations.

Position Openings
  • 1 Public Staff Positions for HLL PC.
  • Hold the rank of Private First Class (E-3) or higher.
  • No active NFA or punitive discipline
  • Own Hell Let Loose on PC
Personnel in this role are responsible for the following:
  • Assisting with seeding on Tactical Realism East or West.
  • Being a mentor to players
  • Taking leadership/critical kit roles in a team setting to enable organized gameplay
  • Regularly filling out the S3 Accountability spreadsheet
  • Mission control weekly operations (Operation Trenched n' Tuesdays)
  • Completing AAR for TNT at least once a month.
  • Development of potential public facing operations and/or events
  • Active on Tactical Realism East or West for a minimum 1 hour each week
All motivated and qualified members regardless of AO are encouraged to apply via Personnel Action Forms. All questions can be directed to myself via forum or Discord PM.