7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

3-7 7th Cavalry Memorial Day Video 2024

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Produced with the kind cooperation of S5​

The 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment is a brotherhood which sets itself apart from the rest by way of professionalism, high standards of conduct, and above all: performing as a close-knit team in all facets of life. While many gaming communities end their days together when they log off of their favourite games, the 7th Cavalry continues this brotherhood into both late and rough nights.

Together we stand united by a banner of Yellow and Black, bleeding for one another when the time comes. Were our actual lives similar to the games we play, we would not need dedications such as this. Our real lives are much more hectic, chaotic, and trying than our toughest day in the Unit. Those tangible lives, unlike our digital ones, will always get the better of us in the end. The hopeful majority of are us lucky enough to pass on peacefully when the time is right, others taken from us by acts of God, and unfortunately too many who fall to the battle within themselves.

August 21st marks the traditional memorial day of the 7th Cavalry Regiment. This date was chosen in remembrance of the first fallen member of the 7th Cavalry, Brigadier General Krazee. The 7th Cavalry memorial day is considered a furlough day, in which all departments and units of the 7th Cavalry cease operations in respect for the fallen. Within this time, a special Regimental Meeting is held in which the BG James "Krazee" Foster Lifetime Achievement Medal and the CSM Ronnie "Coldblud" Bussey Lifetime Achievement Medals are awarded to those who display exceptional merit and skill in thier careers within the 7th Cavalry. Additionally, each battalion of the regiment has the option to host a memorial service in their dedicated areas of operation.

2/A/3-7 Platoon Sergeant Position Opening

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2nd Platoon, Alpha Company 3-7 is currently accepting applications for the billet of Platoon Sergeant.​

If you do not meet all of the requirements but are still interested, you are still encouraged to submit an application.

Applications via PM to Benson.G Caliber.J Weeks.Z


Minimum Requirements
Listed below is the process for billet selection for PSG for all Troopers across the Regiment:
(taken from https://wiki.7cav.us/wiki/Billet_Selection_SOP_for_ASL,_SL,_and_PSG)
  • Be in good standing with no active negative actions
  • Maintained the MOS billet of SL for a minimum of 30 days prior to application
  • Submit an application upon position opening and following the application process
  • Applications reviewed by Company and Platoon staff.
  • Company Staff selects the successful candidate (can be delegated to Platoon Staff)
Daily Duties
  • Take Care of Troopers - When on Discord be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord or the forums.
  • Make an effort to meet with your Section Leaders to build a rapport and ensure a positive working relationship with them.
  • Spend time with troopers and leadership within your Platoon.
  • Counselling - Issue appropriate counselling measures as required to ensure understanding and compliance with all rules, regulations and minimum expectations.
  • Ensure information is passed up and down the Chain of Command in a timely manner.
Weekly Duties
  • Accountability - Ensure you are attending one Section Practice a week within the Company.
  • Roll Call - Ensure Section roll calls are posted in the appropriate area of the forums no later...