7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

S1 Submission Deadline Before Furlough - 07DEC24

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Due to the website maintenance being extended earlier in November, the S1 Department will be extending its medal recommendation and S1 tickets submission deadline to Saturday, December 7th. This is so S1 personnel can use the time after the deadline to complete all S1 business before Furlough on 14DEC24 such as posting medals and citations. Anything submitted after the 07DEC24 deadline will wait until after Furlough to be processed. Thank you for your understanding, and please pass down the S1 07DEC24 deadline where appropriate!


A/2/B/ACD ASL Opening

  • 40
  • 0
Assistant Squad Leader Opening
2/B/ACD is accepting applications for the Assistant Squad Leader position in A/2/B/ACD. All persons interested in the position, meeting the minimum requirements or not, are encouraged to apply.

If you have questions about the role itself, you may contact 2LT.Cree.T.
or SGT.Formola.J
Role & Responsibilities
The purpose of an ASL is to compliment the SL in ensuring the Section functions at full potential. The two should be in close communication with one another, and act as a team in ensuring that all responsibilities of section leadership are taken care of.

The Assistant Section Leader is responsible for assisting the Section Leader in his duties in running the section. The ASL assists the SL in ensuring that Roll Call is posted, troopers are accounted for and taken care of, and that Section Practices are ran to or above standard. ASL's will also assist in the creation of SP AAR's & taking attendance at SP.

Regarding Section Practices, the Assistant Section Leader will help devise and run practices alongside the Section Leader to the best of their ability.

An ASL should be able to, in lieu of a Section Leaders' absence, run the section in its entirety. Just as the SL should make the ASL aware of planned absences, the ASL is to inform the SL of their own absences ahead of time.

Expected Duties
  • Daily Duties
    • Take care of Troopers - When on Discord, be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over Discord or the forums. Spend time with the troopers in your section.
    • Make an effort to meet with members of the Section to build a rapport and ensure a positive working relationship with them.
    • Spend time with the leadership within the...