7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

S3 2IC Opening

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S3 Command Staff Position Opening


The S3 Department has an opening for the S3 2IC position.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Be in good standing with no active negative actions
  • Be at the minimum rank of:
    • Second Lieutenant (O-1) for Officers
    • Chief Warrant Officer 2 (W-2) for Warrant Officers
    • Sergeant (E-5) for Non-Commissioned Officers
  • Letter of Interest from applicant to BG.Tharen.R and LTC.Rob.Y for review
  • Prepared to serve in the position for at least 6 months or longer
  • Leadership experience within S3 is preferred, but not required

  • Help maintain departmental accountability: Ensure that minimum expectations are being met by staff, missions are being developed, quality is maintained, and that staff deficiencies are filled.
  • Enforce all departmental standards and regulations.
  • Help keep the Wiki up to date for the entire department
  • Track and award medals for the department
  • Perform other duties as required
How to Apply:

  • Please send a Letter of Interest to BG.Tharen.R and LTC.Rob.Y for review
    • Please explain why you are the best candidate for the job
    • Please explain the greatest challenge you see facing S3
    • Please explain what you would like to accomplish as a member of the S3 Command staff
    • Please be prepared to meet for an interview
  • The deadline to apply is 23JUL23
If there are any questions, please contact LTC.Rob.Y

Defense Superior Service Medal Awarded (S3) - S1 Completed

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Defense Superior Service Medal

MedalBox DSSM.png

Is Awarded To

Sergeant First Class Raeder.U

For exceptionally meritorious leadership of the S3 Department while serving as the S3 Second-In-Charge during NOV21 to JUL23. Sergeant First Class Ulrich Raeder distinguished himself by providing consistent leadership and experience to help run the S3 Department for almost two years. Over his tenure, Sergeant Raeder has helped to expand the department in multiple games, mentored new staff and leadership, provided countless hours of technical skills to help manage our Arma servers, provided countless hours of operation creation oversight, and has also been directly responsible for the creation of some of the most well-received operations in the Arma area of operations. His contributions to 1-7, S3, and the Arma AO in general have greatly enhanced the experience of all members by overseeing and providing high quality content over a long period of time. Sergeant First Class Raeder's exceptionally meritorious leadership is in great credit to themselves, the S3 Department, and the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

