7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

3/2/C/1-7 Assistant Section Leader Opening

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Assistant Section Leader Opening


Charlie Company 1-7 is accepting applications for an Assistant Section Leader position for 3/2/C/1-7 (Misfit 3), an airborne infantry squad in Second Platoon, Charlie Company! Everyone interested regardless of meeting all formal requirements are encouraged to apply. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 22OCT23.

Your Duties:

  • Handle all administrative duties related to the role of an Assistant Section leader
  • Assist the Section Leader with tasks and duties as may be delegated to the Assistant Section Leader
  • Be present and available for your trooper's needs
  • Maintain the gold standard of section practices we provide in Charlie Company First Battalion

Minimum Requirements:

  • Listed below is the process and requirements for billet selection for ASL for all Troopers across the Regiment.
    • Be in good standing with no active negative actions.
    • Maintained the MOS billet 11B for a minimum of 30 days prior to application.
    • Be at the minimum rank of Private First Class or higher upon recommendation.
    • Submit a letter of recommendation from your current SL as well as a letter of interest
    • Applications received prior to 22OCT23 will be reviewed by Company Staff.
    • If you have questions about the role itself, you may contact CPT.Mackey.A 2LT.Tucker.C 1SGT.Jupiter.J SSG.Oldham.G
    • If interested in applying, please send a forum PM with your letter of interest addressed to Charlie Company HQ and 2/C/1-7 Platoon Staff....

Announcement  SQD Recruitment Competition Q4 2023

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SQD Recruitment Competition

Welcome everybody to the second Squad Recruitment Drive! Taking advantage of our current position and the Infantry Overhaul, we are going to be carrying out this special event with the objective of keeping the momentum and further increasing our numbers and presence in Squad.

Remember everyone, the more, the merrier, and the bigger and more fun our events and section practices will be!


This competition will be taking place from the 14OCT till 03DEC, taking up most of the last quarter of the year.

Who can participate?

Everyone and anyone within the 7th Cavalry Regiment! Members of 1/C/ACD will automatically be partaking in the event. However, regardless of the AO or role you play in the 7th Cavalry Regiment, the moment you step into the 7th Cavalry Squad server to help us seed, or the moment you get a recruit for Squad, we will take you into account. We will place you on the sheet and have your game time and recruitment information updated and set on the standings table.

How do you earn points?

There are three ways through which you are able to earn points:

1. Playing on Squad Tactical Realism will earn you 1 point for every hour spent on the server
2. Recruiting new members and having them place you as Recruiter in the enlistment papers will earn you 5 points.
3. For every one of your recruits that who passes Bootcamp you will earn an extra 10 points.

