7th Cavalry Gaming

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Of the Year Awards (1-7) - 08DEC23 - S1 Completed

  • 391
  • 14


1st Battalion Service Medals

Meritorious Service Medal


Is Awarded To

Colonel LaCombe.M

For exceptionally meritorious service to 1st Battalion in 2023. Colonel Mike LaCombe distinguished themselves by leading the Battalion with professionalism and dedication throughout the year. He consistently met or exceeded performance standards, held his subordinates accountable, worked towards the betterment of the Battalion, and was an example to all as a leader and officer. His oversight has helped guide 1-7 and the Arma 3 AO through a difficult time when Arma 3 is at its oldest, but in spite of this challenge, has still largely maintained 1-7's unit strength compared to previous years. Colonel Mike LaCombe's dedication to duty and exceptionally meritorious service are in great credit to themself and the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

Defense Distinguished Service Medal


Is Awarded To

Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dread

For exceptionally meritorious leadership of a primary billet while serving as a Company Commander in A/1-7 and Executive Officer of 1-7 from February 2023 - December 2023. Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dread distinguished themselves by leading Alpha Company's growth and tactical development while acting as the Company Commander. Under his leadership, the Company experienced remarkable growth, enabling them to open up a second platoon. This opened a pathway for junior leadership to advance...​

Of the Year Awards (2-7) - 08DEC23 - S1 Completed

  • 402
  • 26

Meritorious Service Medal


Colonel Yvon Rob

For exceptionally meritorious service to 2nd Battalion in 2023. Colonel Yvon Robb distinguished themselves by leading the Battalion with professionalism and dedication throughout the year. He consistently met or exceeded performance standards, held his subordinates accountable, worked towards the betterment of the Battalion, and was an example to all as a leader and officer. His oversight has helped guide 2-7 into the largest Battalion in the Regiment. Colonel Yvon Robb's dedication to duty and exceptionally meritorious service are in great credit to himself, 2-7, and the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

Defense Distinguished Service Medal


Lieutenant Colonel John Hayes

For exceptionally meritorious leadership of a primary billet while serving as Battalion Executive Officer during 2023. Lieutenant Colonel John Hayes distinguished themselves by helping to lead and shape 2nd Battalion with professionalism, dedication, and exceptional service throughout the entire year. He consistently works towards the betterment of 2-7, is accessible to all troopers, and goes above and beyond to handle all administrative tasks. He's helped train and guide countless staff, emphasized leadership development, and held his subordinates accountable all while helping to grow 2-7 to become the largest Battalion in the Regiment. He helps set the standard of leadership in 2-7, and is an example for all others to follow. Lieutenant Colonel John Hayes' exemplary leadership demonstrates their commitment to their troopers and reflects great credit upon himself...​