7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

S5 | Public Relations | Open

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- S5 Position Openings -

The S5 Department has currently has openings for the following roles:
  • S5 Public Relations Clerk (Arma 3, DCS, Squad)

Minimum requirements for all roles:
  1. Report to their respective AO Lead/Senior.
  2. Follow the guidelines set by the AO Lead.
  3. Any additional tasks assigned by leadership.
  4. Minimum rank of Private First Class (E-3)
  5. No negative action within 60 days.

Public Relations Clerk (All AO's)

  1. At least one contact report every week (this can include advertising posters on other platforms).
  2. Network with other clans/communities who have a similar playstyle as us (i.e. tactical, respectable, etc.).
  3. Forward clan folders to an S5-S3 Operations Staff Liaison to develop the Combat mission.
  4. Find community events for the 7th Cavalry to partake in (i.e. Battles, tournaments, etc.).
  5. Review and update clan folders in the forum section once a week.
  6. Consequences for incomplete duties may result in the removal from the department.
  7. Actions deemed malicious in nature through the use of S5 Public Relations will result in an immediate LoR and or removal from the department.
  8. Minimum Rank is PFC
If interested in applying, please fill out the Department Application PAF and state your preference of AO if applicable.

If you have any questions about the Clerk roles, S5, or anything in general, feel free to PM me.


Last edited: Dec 14, 2023​

S5 | Social Media Clerk | Open

  • 54
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- S5 Position Opening -

The S5 Department has currently has opening for the following role:
  • S5 Social Media Clerks (Cav Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

Minimum requirements for all roles:
  1. Report to their respective AO Lead/Senior.
  2. Follow the guidelines set by the AO Lead.
  3. Any additional tasks assigned by leadership.
  4. Minimum rank of Private First Class (E-3)
  5. No negative action within 60 days.

Social Media Clerk

  1. At least one contact with Social Media Senior per week.
  2. All communications on social media must meet the "Cav Communications Guidelines". Any non Cav supported events or media including film and graphics must be reviewed and approved by Social Media Lead prior to posting.
  3. Be responsible for maintaining your designated social media platform in line with the posting requirements set out by section lead.
  4. Attendance at a monthly planning and review meeting with Section lead. Requirements for this meeting will be to analyze and review content posted, assess impact and engagement and forward plan next quarters activities.
  5. Consequence for incomplete duties may result in immediate removal from department.
  6. Actions deemed as malicious in nature using 7CAV social media platforms will result in an immediate LoR and removal from the department.
  7. Minimum rank PFC

If interested in applying, please fill out the Department Application PAF and state your preference of AO if applicable.

If you have any questions about the Clerk roles, S5, or anything in general, feel free to PM me.
