7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

S5 | Public Relations Lead Position *CLOSED*

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S5 Position CLOSED

The S5 Department has currently has openings for the following roles:
  • S5 Public Relations Lead

Minimum requirements for all roles:
  1. Minimum rank of Private First Class (E-3)
  2. No negative action within 60 days.
  3. Leadership experience in S5 is preferred

Role of the S5 Department Leads

To take charge of managing their specific department projects and quality checking any work. The S5 Department Leads will be in charge of counseling new members of their department and ensuring that they stay at an effective strength at all times.

Responsibilities of Department Leads

  • Read and respond to PMs in the S5 Department Comms PM.
  • Verbally Counsel S5 members as required to ensure adherence to rules/regulations/policies/codes.
  • Ensure all members of their AO have the correct access to all resources required to allow them to fulfil their job requirements.
  • Ensure disciplinary documentation is reviewed and sentenced where appropriate.
  • Provide monthly reports to 1IC and 2IC by the 1st of each month.
  • Any additional tasks assigned by 1IC or 2IC

How to Apply:

  • Please send a Letter of Intent to Sergeant Fields.Q and Major Hobbs.T for review
    • Please explain why you are the best candidate for the job
    • Please explain what you would like to accomplish as S5 PR Lead
    • Please be prepared to meet for an interview
  • Open until Filled

If you have any questions about the Clerk roles, S5, or anything in general, feel free to PM me and Hobbs.T



A/1/B/2-7 ASL Opening - CLOSED

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We currently have an Assistant Section Leader position that has recently opened for A/1/B/2-7 due to some restructuring as well as promotions.

Daily Duties
  • Take Care of Troopers - When on TeamSpeak be available for your troopers. Be prompt when responding to requests for assistance over TeamSpeak or the forums. Spend time with troopers in your section.
  • Make an effort to meet with members of the Section to build a rapport and ensure a positive working relationship with them
  • Spend time with troopers and leadership within your section
  • Ensure information is passed up and down the Chain of Command in a timely manner
Weekly Duties
  • Accountability - Ensure you are attending and assisting to lead your Squad/Section practice each week.
  • Counseling - Provide guidance and counseling to Squad/Section members as required.
  • Roll Call - Ensure Section/Squad roll calls are up to standard and are posted in the appropriate area of the forums no later than 0100HRS Zulu every Sunday. [7CAV-BATT2-004]
  • Report - Ensure your weekly SL report is submitted on time NLT 0100HRS Zulu every Monday. [7CAV-BATT2-004]
  • Recruiting - Constantly encourage the recruitment of members on our public servers and any MILSIM/FPS/gaming forum sites.
Monthly Duties
  • Section Practice - As an ASL you should conduct at least one SP a month. Ensure the weekly practice that you lead was in line with the Monthly Training Plan. Coordinate with your Section Leader ahead of time to ensure success in this capacity.
  • Leadership Development - Coordinate with the Platoon Sergeant and Section/Squad Leader to conduct leadership development within your squad.
  • Monthly Training Plan - Coordinate with the Platoon...