7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

ARMA 3 Training Server Modpack Information - OUTDATED

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Attached to this post is a Zip file containing presets for both the training and public servers with both required and required + optional mods. Import the preset into your launcher to download the mods required.

Link to Modpack Zip File: Updated_Arma_3_Presets_03MAR2023_V3.zip

Modpack changes for Training Servers:

Mods Being Removed:
  • Rosche
  • Mandol
  • Lingor/Dingor
  • G.O.S. Song Bin Tanh
  • FIR A-10
  • Simple Map Tools (Will be added into Cav Aux)
  • ZEN Ace Compat (Will be added into Cav Aux)
Mods Being Added:
  • Deniland
  • Niakala
  • ACE3 Arsenal Ext Core
  • ACE3 Arsenal for USP
  • USAF Main
  • USAF Fighters
  • USAF Utility

C/1-7 Executive Officer Assigned - 1LT.Spiers.M - S1 Complete

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Effective Immediately,

First Lieutenant Spiers.M is hereby transferred and assigned:

Executive Officer
Charlie Company
1st Battalion


Posted on behalf of the Battalion Commander.

Phoenix.G Jupiter.J Schmidt.A Tharen.R Mackey.A Centeno.JP Couvillion.T Spiers.M

Lieutenant Colonel Mike LaCombe
Executive Officer 1-7