7th Cavalry Gaming

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Announcement  7th Cav Discord Server Consolidation Test

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7th Cav Discord Server Consolidation Test


As announced at the previous couple of Command Staff Call meetings, General Staff is exploring and testing the possibility of consolidating all of the Cav's official Discord servers (including Company and Departmental ones) into our main Discord server. Testing has already started with B/1-7 and B/2-7 having channels and roles created for them in the main discord for the past month. The next phase of the testing is to create channels and roles for all the remaining Companies as well and continue to test everything for the next month or so. Starting today, all members may start seeing channels created for their line units.


Consolidating our multiple Discords into one main Discord server can offer several advantages in terms of ownership, ease of access, and bot integrations. Here's a breakdown of these benefits and why we are looking at exploring this idea:

Ownership and Administration:
When we have multiple Discord servers, each one requires its own set of administrators and moderators. Consolidating them into one main server allows us to streamline the administration process. We can establish a clear hierarchy of roles and permissions, making it easier to manage and maintain a unified community.

Ease of Access:
Managing multiple Discord servers can become cumbersome for both administrators and users. By consolidating them, we can create a centralized hub where all members can interact. This simplifies the user experience, as they no longer need to switch between different servers to participate in various units or departments. Members can access all the relevant channels, discussions, and resources within a single server, leading to improved community engagement and participation.

Community Building:
Bringing multiple companies together...

Announcement  Ready or Not (D/ACD) Stood Down -14JUN23

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Effective Immediately,

Ready or Not (D/SP/ACD) was originally stood up as a starter platoon on 14FEB22 under ACD, and grew to maintain the tight twenty-man roster that stood for over a year. They stood up officially as D/ACD on 27OCT22 until the closure.

I would like to thank 2LT Bonder.L [RET], 2LT Teddy.J, SSG Perry.W , SGT Taylor.C, CPL Lee.R , CPL Mobius.T .T and SPC Miranda.V personally for their hard work, dedication, and leadership within the group and the rest of the company for keeping such great morale.

The membership of Ready or Not will transfer to Bravo Troop, 1-7.

ACD has always strived to be a place where we can grow new games and new troopers alike. Just because Ready or Not didn't make it does not mean that the troopers we were lucky to have with us did not grow themselves, and in arma, they will be able to grow even further.

I am proud of what Ready or Not was able to accomplish; the material they created, the stories they told, and the good times that were shared.

Sergeant Major Anthony Preacher