7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Announcement  Reminder Call To Arms Stack Up 2023

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The time has come for the 7th Cavalry to jump into the 2023 Call to Arms Campaign! Last year we managed to raise over $1500.00 so we could send Stack-up supply drops to Veterans around the world! We have been a part of the Stack-up community since 2019, and have been inducted onto their wall of heroes for our Teams/members generous donation.

Why did we choose Stack-UP?

Stack-up was created by veterans and gamers in 2015 who want to make a difference. Since we ourselves are veterans and gamers, it seems like the best initiative for us to get on the ground level of. Together as gamers we can show the world why gaming is good for people, and how it benefits our amazing veterans with their problems through this program.

Go check and see where we are on the List of Teams and Totals as of Today
Log into one of the Links to Help Donate. Lets make these last few months strong.
Thank you from all of us .

Second Lieutenant Commission - Tucker.C - S1 Completed

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To all who shall see these presents, greeting:

Know ye that reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of

Sergeant Tucker.C

I do appoint him a SECOND LIEUTENANT in the 7th Cavalry Regiment as such from this 17SEPT23. This officer will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the office to which appointed by doing and performing all manner of things therein to belonging.

I do strictly charge and require those officers and other personnel of lesser rank to render such obedience as it is due an officer of his grade and position. These officers are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as may be given by the General Staff of the 7th Cavalry Regiment or other superior officers acting in accordance with the rules and regulations of the 7th Cavalry Regiment.

This commission is to continue in force during the pleasure of the General Staff of the 7th Cavalry Regiment under the provisions of those rules and regulations relating to officers of the 7th Cavalry Regiment.
Done at 7th Cavalry Headquarters on the Seventeenth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three, the 247th year of the Independence of the United States of America.


Posted with Adjutant General approval.