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Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

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Lieutenant Colonel
Local time
6:35 AM
It looks like medics can't PAK in the field anymore can they still PAK in spawned medical vics and hueys?


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
11:35 AM
They should only be able to pak next to or inside a medical vehicle/building
Local time
4:35 AM
Is there a potential solution for the OP of enemy forces when the server is low pop of players? Me and another guy found ourselves in the server alone, so we went out and go after small targets... and as soon as we make some headway, a Jet showed up, then an Mi8 paradropped a bunch of dudes, then the Mi8 goes into hunter killer mode and chases us and nukes our stolen gaz... then 2 MBT's arrive, with BDRM support, 2 troop transports and a technical.
Last edited:


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Is there a potential solution for the OP of enemy forces when the server is low pop of players? Me and another guy found ourselves in the server alone, so we went out and go after small targets... and as soon as we make some headway, a Jet showed up, then an Mi8 paradropped a bunch of dudes, then the Mi8 goes into hunter killer mode and chases us and nukes our stolen gaz... then 2 MBT's arrive, with BDRM support, 2 troop transports and a technical.

Likely a couple things at play here. If there is a radio tower held by the enemy in range of what you're attacking it will radio for reinforcements. The reinforcements called will be based on the alert level of the enemy at the time, this is visible by the number next to the exclamation point visible on the map. If its high, you will get heavy reinforcement like this with jets and helicopters and lots of armor. Recommend completing a fob hunt to lower the heat level.

We will look into other options though as well.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
There is a poll currently posted on our discord in the #arma-3 channel for the next map to Tac 2. If you're not currently in there join our discord at https://discord.7cav.us and visit the #channel-roles channel to get the Arma 3 role s so you can participate in choosing the direction we go for the next map.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## 0.96.7a-7cav-0.6
* Added: Respawning UH-1D on 10 minute delay to Operation Base on Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Buildable lamp to Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Hostile fob templates to Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Buildable ammo and medical crates
* Fixed: Pilots not having engineer perms on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Airport Refuel/Repair/Rearm vehicles being airliftable - These are just for the master arm functionality at base
* Fixed: Vanilla FAKs not being converted to ACE bandages
* Fixed: Missing M-14 scopes in arsenal on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Implemented potential fix for bugged AOs on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: 105MM Arty missing from build menu on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Ignored buildings wasn't enabling properly on Chernarus
* Fixed: Incorrect variable name in manage_logistics.sqf
* Tweaked: Blufor/Opfor/Civilian/Resistance presets on Cam Lao Nam
* Tweaked: Increased supply crate value paramater
* Tweaked: Further performance optimizations
* Tweaked: Reenabled mobile arsenal buildable via build menu
* Tweaked: Convert all .HPP files into .INC
* Tweaked: Lowered duration and probability of cookoff
* Removed: Mousewheel earplugs option and CDLC gesture menu on Cam Lao Nam


Active Duty
S7 Staff
Local time
11:35 AM
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## 0.96.7a-7cav-0.6
* Added: Respawning UH-1D on 10 minute delay to Operation Base on Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Buildable lamp to Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Hostile fob templates to Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Buildable ammo and medical crates
* Fixed: Pilots not having engineer perms on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Airport Refuel/Repair/Rearm vehicles being airliftable - These are just for the master arm functionality at base
* Fixed: Vanilla FAKs not being converted to ACE bandages
* Fixed: Missing M-14 scopes in arsenal on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Implemented potential fix for bugged AOs on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: 105MM Arty missing from build menu on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Ignored buildings wasn't enabling properly on Chernarus
* Fixed: Incorrect variable name in manage_logistics.sqf
* Tweaked: Blufor/Opfor/Civilian/Resistance presets on Cam Lao Nam
* Tweaked: Increased supply crate value paramater
* Tweaked: Further performance optimizations
* Tweaked: Reenabled mobile arsenal buildable via build menu
* Tweaked: Convert all .HPP files into .INC
* Tweaked: Lowered duration and probability of cookoff
* Removed: Mousewheel earplugs option and CDLC gesture menu on Cam Lao Nam
Isn't this for Tac1 though, Sypolt.R? :)


Local time
6:35 AM
At the time of this post, the current Tact 2 Takistan Liberation File is showing to be running v0.96.7a-7Cav-0.5.5 instead of 0.96.7a-7cav-0.6 released today.

Server Spawned UH-60 Blackhawks kicks Infantry out for becoming "fill-ins" on the Crew Chief/Door Gunner seats -

  • If a Trooper attempts to occupy a Door Gunner seat, it will kick them out without warning & probably cause them to fall to their death. Generally, I fly without Door Gunners now regardless of either the Server or myself spawning the Aircraft as it is not worth the risk.
  • Door Gunners are non-rated crew members who are vital to the survival & mission of any aircraft. They act as additional eyes for the PC (Pilot-in-Command) & provide essential security with their M134 Gatling Guns.
  • "It is ultimately up to the PC as to who, what, and where crewmen are assigned on the aircraft. Positions and assignments may change based on the available crew, the mission, and other considerations by the PC." 7Cav ACE BRAC Field Manual & should be adjusted accordingly so to allow for this freedom of movement.
  • This issue relevant to both the Tact 1 & Tact 2 Servers.

Newly captured Factories are not producing any Logistical Material -
A few Public Players told me that the "Commander" would have to first allow the Factories to produce goods before any materials would spawn. I observed one newly captured Factory for around 1 hour today & noticed that no materials were spawned. This effectively prevents the Playerbase from growing our economy & expanding our horizons until a Commander appears online to enable this feature.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
At the time of this post, the current Tact 2 Takistan Liberation File is showing to be running v0.96.7a-7Cav-0.5.5 instead of 0.96.7a-7cav-0.6 released today.

Server Spawned UH-60 Blackhawks kicks Infantry out for becoming "fill-ins" on the Crew Chief/Door Gunner seats -

  • If a Trooper attempts to occupy a Door Gunner seat, it will kick them out without warning & probably cause them to fall to their death. Generally, I fly without Door Gunners now regardless of either the Server or myself spawning the Aircraft as it is not worth the risk.
  • Door Gunners are non-rated crew members who are vital to the survival & mission of any aircraft. They act as additional eyes for the PC (Pilot-in-Command) & provide essential security with their M134 Gatling Guns.
  • "It is ultimately up to the PC as to who, what, and where crewmen are assigned on the aircraft. Positions and assignments may change based on the available crew, the mission, and other considerations by the PC." 7Cav ACE BRAC Field Manual & should be adjusted accordingly so to allow for this freedom of movement.
  • This issue relevant to both the Tact 1 & Tact 2 Servers.

Newly captured Factories are not producing any Logistical Material -
A few Public Players told me that the "Commander" would have to first allow the Factories to produce goods before any materials would spawn. I observed one newly captured Factory for around 1 hour today & noticed that no materials were spawned. This effectively prevents the Playerbase from growing our economy & expanding our horizons until a Commander appears online to enable this feature.

Thank you for reporting these, both of these are known issues, we're considering fixes to both but have no news yet.

As it is I usually log on once a day at minimum to make sure all captured factories are running. Please help ensure this happens by building storage facilities at all capture factories.


Active Duty
S7 Staff
Local time
11:35 AM
As it is I usually log on once a day at minimum to make sure all captured factories are running. Please help ensure this happens by building storage facilities at all capture factories.
Is there an instruction on how to enable those, they seem very laggy and non-responsive. I think I've figured them out, but not sure what's the expected delay to see the status change and production to even begin?


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Is there an instruction on how to enable those, they seem very laggy and non-responsive. I think I've figured them out, but not sure what's the expected delay to see the status change and production to even begin?

During the 24 hour op we upped the refresh times on many of those menus to try and take some load off the server. As a result they can currently feel very laggy. You basically just have to press the button to start a factory then wait for it to update. Believe its set to a 60 second refresh currently.

This was done for the sake of server performance, but we're probably going to reduce that refresh back down to something more sensible so the production menu isn't so delayed.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Server Spawned UH-60 Blackhawks kicks Infantry out for becoming "fill-ins" on the Crew Chief/Door Gunner seats -
  • If a Trooper attempts to occupy a Door Gunner seat, it will kick them out without warning & probably cause them to fall to their death. Generally, I fly without Door Gunners now regardless of either the Server or myself spawning the Aircraft as it is not worth the risk.
  • Door Gunners are non-rated crew members who are vital to the survival & mission of any aircraft. They act as additional eyes for the PC (Pilot-in-Command) & provide essential security with their M134 Gatling Guns.
  • "It is ultimately up to the PC as to who, what, and where crewmen are assigned on the aircraft. Positions and assignments may change based on the available crew, the mission, and other considerations by the PC." 7Cav ACE BRAC Field Manual & should be adjusted accordingly so to allow for this freedom of movement.
  • This issue relevant to both the Tact 1 & Tact 2 Servers.

Update to this, we've come up with a solution and should have it implemented in 0.7. We have to add each airframe config class individually so we may have missed some but the buffalo/grizzly and vietnam helos should be covered. Once 0.7 goes live let me know if any are still non-functional.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## 0.96.7a-7cav-0.7
* Tweaked: Increased ace cargo space to 40 for the CH-47 and UH-34
* Tweaked: Cleaned up all map SQMs
* Tweaked: Adjusted permissions for adminlogged zeus
* Tweaked: Reduced chance of snake bite
* Fixed: Infantry being ejected from doorgunner/crew chief seats
* Fixed: Missing helicopter helemts on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Missing rifle grenades on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Reduced refresh time on Production menu
* Fixed: Removed AI support system not in use


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:35 AM
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## 0.96.7a-7cav-0.7.1 PATCHFIX
* Fixed: Allow epinephrine use by anyone


Local time
6:35 AM
Gents, It has been brought up this evening that Previous saved vehicles left in the battlefield during server crashes exploding when server is back up and running. In addition to this Mark -19 Humvee getting and out of crashes players.
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