7th Cavalry Gaming

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1/1/C/1-7 ASL Position Opening - CLOSED

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Assistant Squad Leader Opening

Charlie Company 1-7 is accepting applications for an Assistant Squad Leader position for an airborne infantry squad in 1st platoon, callsign "BANDIT" in Charlie Company. Everyone who is interested regardless of meeting all formal requirements are encouraged to apply. ( The squad 1/1/C/1-7 and SP is on Tuesday at 0200z )

Your Duties:

  • Balance administrative duties and section practice planning with the section leader
  • Be present and available for your trooper's needs
  • Maintain the gold standard of section practices we provide in Charlie Company First Battalion
  • Foster leadership development within the platoon and encourage active participation in operations and extracurricular areas

Minimum Requirements:

  • Listed below is the process and requirements for billet selection for ASL for all Troopers across the Regiment.
    • Be in good standing with no active negative actions.
    • Maintained the MOS billet 11B for a minimum of 30 days prior to application.
    • Be at the minimum rank of Specialist or higher upon recommendation
    • Submit a letter of recommendation from your current SL as well as a letter of interest to myself and Sergeant First Class Ocean

      We are looking forward to your applications!

      Deadline: 12FEB2022 - Please have all applications submitted.

      2nd Lieutenant Matt Spiers
      Platoon Leader 1/C/1-7

  • Exceptions to the above may be made based on the needs of the regiment and with a waiver approved by the Chief of Staff pursuant to the policy and submitted by the receiving Company Staff. If you are interested in leading but lack any of these requirements, approach your...

The importance of donations

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Evening all,

I'm not the best with this PR or announcements stuff - but I'm just going to write a little about the topic of donations.

Donations are incredibly important to the Cav and it's existence. It doesn't always need to be a direct mapping of Company or Battalion X donates to Y services, because we all are welcomed to play on each others servers. We often work together to maintain them, through the proxy of support departments. Irregardless of our primary billets.

In November of 2021, I said in the CSC that we were struggling for donations. I even make a stink of it on discord, and we together manaed to raise x2 of our normal $700 target.

However, both December and January we've fallen short. Not as much as pre November 2021, but it's still not great to see so soon after it being raised as an issue.

I want to to highlight that if each of us donated just $5 a month, we'd be set each and every month. That's almost 2 coffees in some neck of the world.

As such, today I am rolling out a new tool for donations. It looks remarkably similar to the old one, except this new tool offers the ability to set recurring donations through a paypal donation subscription.


We will continue to have the ability to make one time donations. But It would be amazing if you could look at setting up that $5 a month subscription.

Link to manage your paypal subscription

I've been asked today about if we would offer VIP or some kind of 'perks' to donators. We've discussed this a few times in General staff. Ultimately, myself and others in Gen Staff really don't like this idea. It sets up the slippery slope to a 2-tier Cav member world. One where 'those who donated' are seen as different or even 'higher'. That's not a world I want us to go into.

Leadership elements please ensure this is passed down.