7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

ACD Futures and Concepts Center

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ACD is looking for Motivated Individuals for this Department
This would be a Secondary Department Assignment
Major Goals of the Department:

Find Games that the Cav would be able to add. Building our already popular games with something new, while following our Traditions and Structure.
Look for any Data to help see if the new game is popular enough and hold retention.
Is the new game able to grow.
Provide and post short videos on the game.
The new games can either be PC or Console Platformed
Check to see if the Servers are Public or Paid.
Give Reports to ACD Battalion Staff to Pass up to Regiment.
Report area given to post information for review in Forum ACD area.
Write and Post Polls in the Common area of the Forums.​

Send a PM on the forums to Colonel Rogers.S and include Lieutenant Colonel Budd.D to set up an interview.
Application Requirements:
Ensure you are within the following Prerequisites:

  • Rank of Specialist (SPC) or higher.​
  • No NFA within 60 days. (NCS/Article 15)
  • No more than 2 secondary billets.

Announcement  Star Citizen Start-Up Launch

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Good Morning,

As of 1400z time today, Star Citizen has become an officially supported title under the starter platoon process. As is standard with the start-up process, there will not be any internal transfers into the starter until the AO graduates into ACD fully, however for those of you who own the game or who may be interested in playing, we strongly encourage you to come to the future operations or hop in a voice channel any time you see other troopers playing the game.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the SPD Coordinator, CW3 Mullins.R, ACD Battalion staff, or myself. I am incredibly excited to see where this new AO leads our organization as we have quality troopers helping to launch it and giving support.

Good luck SC/ACD!