7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence


4/2/B/1-7 ASL Opening

  • 94
  • 1


(Assistant) Squad Leader Opening

2nd Platoon, Bravo Troop (Cavalry Scout Stryker Platoon) is currently looking for highly motivated and capable individuals interested in fulfilling the following role:

  • 4/2/B/1-7 Assistant Squad Leader (SP - Sundays at 1800z)
Your Duties:

  • Assist your Squad Leader in all administrative duties
  • Assist your Squad Leader in building and hosting weekly section practices
  • Maintain the standard of section practices we provide in Bravo Troop First Battalion

Minimum Requirements:

S5 Position Openings

  • 115
  • 0

S5 Position Openings

The S5 Department has currently has openings for the following Clerk roles:
  • S5 Graphics Clerk
  • S5 Public Relations Clerk

Minimum requirements for all roles:
  1. Minimum rank of Private First Class (E-3)
  2. No negative action within 60 days.

Graphics clerk expectations:
  • Meet established timeline for posting.
  • 30 days to complete the request.
  • 7 days for the first draft on the thread.
  • 3 days from posting to notify the requester and confirm the assignment.
  • All graphics must meet 7 Cavalry standards on professionalism and decency.

Public Relations Clerk expectations
  • Network with other clans/communities who have a similar playstyle as us (i.e. tactical, respectable, etc.).
  • Plan Combat Missions with other communities either internally or pass plan off to an S3 Battlestaff Liaison to develop the Combat Mission.
  • Find community events for the 7th Cavalry to take place in. (i.e. Battles, tournaments, etc.)
  • Review and update clan folders in the forum section.

How to Apply:

If interested in applying, please fill out the Department Application PAF and state your preference of AO if applicable.

If you have any questions about the Clerk roles, S5, or anything in general, feel free to PM me or Ronnings.P .
