7th Cavalry Gaming

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S5 2IC position Opening

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S5 2IC Position Opening


The S5 Department has an opening for the S5 2IC position.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Be in good standing with no active negative actions
  • Be at the minimum rank of:
    • Second Lieutenant (O-1) for Officers
    • Warrant Officer 1 (W-1) for Warrant Officers
    • Corporal (E-4) for Non-Commissioned Officers
  • Letter of Interest from applicant to First Lieutenant Hobbs.T, Captain Ratcliff.M and Major General Baeder.S for review
  • Leadership experience within S5 is preferred, but not required

  • Read and respond to PMs from the S5 department Comms
  • Provide monthly S5 departments report for CSC meeting
  • Ensure all members of S5 have the correct access to all resources required to allow them to fulfill their job requirements
  • Read and respond to external clans that try and reach the 7th Cavalry on our forums
  • Track department staffing and advise on staffing levels
  • Be ready to talk with external clan members on Teamspeak
  • Personnel Accountability - Work with S5 HHQ to Monitor transfers, LOA's (incl ELOA), AWOLs, PAF Logs, and Discharges for changes to Departmental strength.
  • Ensure the ASFM tracker is up to date.
  • Verbally Counsel Staff Leads/AO Leads as required to ensure adherence to rules/regulations/policies/codes.
  • Ensure disciplinary documentation is reviewed and sentenced where appropriate.
How to Apply:

Announcement  End-game Pathway Training & Operations Force

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1st Battalion HQ is pleased to announce additional training opportunities and operations open to all, and focused and led by those that have achieved the capstone of their end-game pathways through the Ranger, Advanced Care Provider, and Cavalry Scout pathways. The intent is to create occasional higher level training content that will then be utilized in Special Forces themed operations.

Currently, we are seeking motivated individuals with the following career pathway capstones who will come together to create the voluntary training material and implement it during voluntary classes possibly twice a month. The below-listed capstones are currently eligible to assist and instruct:
  • Rangers
    • RangerTab.png
  • Cavalry Spurs (Cavalry Scout)
  • Advanced Care Provider
    • Flight-medic.png

All Rangers, Cavalry Scouts (that have their Cavalry Spurs), and Advanced Care Providers (that have earned their Flight Medic Badges) are welcomed! If you have any of these capstones and would like to assist in bettering yourself and others within the 7th Cavalry as a combat leader in and out of special forces-themed trainings and operations, please contact: 1SG. Burton.P, SGT.Whitsel.M, and COL.Tharen.R.

Bear in mind that this is the first step to enabling the execution of the aforementioned types of operations where otherwise restricted equipment would be utilized to prosecute high-risk targets utilizing small...