7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence


S3 HLL Operations Staff Openings

  • 44
  • 0
S3 HLL is looking for motivated individuals to assist in the creation and running of our operations.

Operations are at the heart of the experience of the 7th Cav. We need creative and responsible individuals to help us make them happen!

If you are interested or would like additional information, please send a PM to 1LT.Mix.C

Must be rank of PFC or higher and have attended a minimum of five operations.

HQ | LDS | NCOA Phase 1 | 17JAN22 - S1 Completed

  • 114
  • 6

NCOA Phase I Graduation​


NCOA Phase I

Effective with this posting the following individuals have completed the requirements set forth by the 7th Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. They have applied themselves and showed dedication to furthering their position within the 7th Cavalry. Please join me in congratulating our new graduates.

Specialist Bishop.C
Specialist Kilo.M
Specialist DeVriend.M
Specialist Raymond.S
Specialist Smithson.R
Specialist Zander.D
Specialist Verlot.L
Private First Class Steward.H
Private First Class Samba.S
Private First Class Pickens.A
Private First Class Hoffmann.D
Private First Class Corbin.R

Command Sergeant Major Nexhex.A
First Sergeant Komar.T
Sergeant Stetchkov.A
