7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

  • Guest, the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment is currently not accepting Enlistments/Re-Enlistments until after our Furlough (winter break). Enlistments/Re-Enlistments will reopen when we return from Furlough on January 4th, 2025. Please click this link to join our Discord server to stay up to date and keep in contact with us!

Announcement  7th Cavalry Arma 3 Modpack Update - September 2021 - OUTDATED

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Arma Modpack Update: 4Q 2021

Release Date:

The next version of our Arma 3 Modpack is being released today! A Zip file containing presets for our public and private modpacks can be downloaded here: https://downloads.7cav.us/arma/7cav_preset_090821.zip. Please download it to import the presets and download the mods required as soon as possible! You can then use those presets through the Arma 3 Launcher to download the mods and launch your game. More information about the modpack can also be found at our Wiki at https://wiki.7cav.us/wiki/7th_Cavalry_Arma_3_Mod_Set.

Public Modpack

For the public modpack, our primary focus was adding more essential mods to help showcase the Cav while keeping the overall mod count low enough to still be able to function with the technical limitations of the "set up mods and join" function on the Arma 3 launcher. We hope that this will help to make the server still easily accessible to new players and also give Cav members more mods from our private modpack to be able to host SP's and perform most of their MOS' duties with more equipment that we are used to having available in our private modpack. This is always a hard balance to strike, but we think we've done the best we can that will make the most people happy balanced with these technical limitations. The new modpack launch today will also come with a new set of Domination missions that we hope will reinvigorate enthusiasm on our Arma 3 Tactical Realism Public Server!

DOWNLOAD: Tactical Realism Steam Workshop Collection...

Arma 3 | S7-ACE | Rotary Crew Instructor Opening

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Arma 3 Aviation Center of Excellence Rotary Crew Instructor Opening

The S7 Department Arma 3 The ACE School has a Rotary Crew Instructor opening.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Minimum rank of Specialist [E-3]
  • No negative action


  • Instructors in any course should have the course qualification prior to attending as an assistant instructor. For new courses, the course developers will run the course for the first few runs.
  • Instructors are required to assist or lead instruct a course at least once monthly. Instructors who fail to meet this minimum requirement will receive a Developmental Counseling Statement (DCS). Subsequent failures to meet the minimum requirement will result in removal from the department.
  • Previous Instructors that were out of the S7 Department longer than 6 months have to do a refresher on all courses the school offers in the form of one assist before they can teach courses on their own

How to Apply:

If interested in applying, please send a forum PM to First Sergeant Summerfield.P and Second Lieutenant Dread.M

Thank you!
