7th Cavalry Gaming

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AAR Operation Trenched n' Tuesday 24OCT23

After Action Report
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1st Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/2-7 HQ
RRD Staff
Local time
10:36 AM
Name of Combat Mission: Operation Trenched n' Tuesday 24OCT23
Campaign of Combat Mission: Campaign Let Loose Tuesdays OCT23
Number within campaign: 4/5
Hell Let Loose
Server Hosted on: Tactical Realism Server East & West
Date of Combat Mission: 24OCT23
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu):
2300Z (1800CST) (1900)
Mission OIC: Specialist Argentini.E,
Mission Controllers: Colonel Rob.Y, Specialist Kugo.El

Number of Attendees: 56

Colonel Budd.D
Colonel Rob.Y

Major Dread.M
Major Mix.C
Major Rollins.R
Second Lieutenant James.M
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Dalton.D
Master Sergeant Zimm.L
First Sergeant Komar.
Staff Sergeant Phillips.B
Sergeant Ackelson.K
Sergeant Crowley.T
Sergeant Hellious.T
Sergeant Mueller.H
Sergeant Thrawn.N
Sergeant Warren.G
Sergeant Webber.R
Corporal Berkowski.C
Corporal Bizutto.A
Corporal Brough.C
Corporal Busch.J
Corporal Griffin.B
Corporal Guillermo.C
Corporal Jinto.H
Corporal Moreau.M
Corporal OCulien.M
Corporal Owens.J
Corporal Rasmus.M
Corporal Slagg.J
Corporal Voci.P
Corporal Zulu.P
Specialist Argentini.E
Specialist Button.J
Specialist Cris.C
Specialist Karr.H
Specialist Kugo.El
Specialist Lowther.B
Specialist Noriega.D
Specialist Pippin.C
Specialist Price.B
Specialist Quake.B
Specialist Rousseau.A
Specialist Swanson.B
Specialist Vostok.V
Specialist Watson.J
Specialist Willis.B
Private First Class Bas.D
Private Evans.T
Private Hazen.D
Private Korfias.F
Private Woody.W
Recruit Baldwin.C
Recruit Lawton.D
RET Reign.A
RET Smith.N


  • Solid squads all around
  • Good feedback on new night maps
  • Both servers popped
  • Light issues for admins
  • Heavy Cav one sided on East. Please adjust to increase enjoyment for both sides.
  • Please make room for randoms to join squad. Leave one spot open in Recon and Tanks. 2 Spots in Squads
  • This week we had over 10 members playing on our servers, but not on discord. Please ensure that you are following TNT rules to receive full credit.

If you are missing from this list and attended TnT, please notify Specialist Argentini.E or any of the mission controllers before the operation is locked & Posted
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