7th Cavalry Gaming

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Been staring down the position openings like a hawk. Hoping one of the secondary billets I want will open.
S1 has entered the chat
I am definitely watching for S1 and S2. S7 I know nothing about yet. I'd have to see some of their work to know if I would enjoy that. Nevermind, I know what S7 is, I think they were S3 back in the day for me. When I saw S7, I thought of S6
For S1 I want to go back to processing milpacs
My friend recently ordered a Chocolate record player. I am not really sure about it.. but it looks pretty sweet

I am starting to experiment with graphics, a skill I haven't touched in ages.
if you are reading this. . . .

Congra----t-u... hey there deep down inside you are currently wondering why you didn't finish that sentence correctly and tried to sound it out in your head and why I am explaining it to you as a narrative, well the reason is cause this is the last and FINAL Chance ".JT" we are going to try reaching you about your cars extended warranty.
Why dont skeletons fight each other?

they dont have the guts!
The real question is why do they fight each other?

Because they have a bone to pick with each other.
They don't have the heart to go through with such ugly fights
This quote always reminds me of 7Cav and definitely our 1-7 ARMA AO... they must have been thinking about us 7Cav when they said this:

"You can't outrun them, you can't destroy them. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains. They regenerate and keep coming. Eventually, you will weaken. Your reserves will be gone. They are relentless!"

We are relentless.

I saw that you are a S1 Uniforms Clerk, how would I go about doing that?
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Moe.J Put a PAF in here, https://7cav.us/form/ , and for Primary Billet: put S1 and for PAF Type: put in department application. Then in the details just mention your interest and then say you are looking to join the Uniform section.
Thanks bro. again, GG!
Of course! Glad to have you :) when you join the 2nd platoon lounge on Wednesday, just add “make-up” to your name so we can have a good idea of which squad to place you with.
awesome, thanks! see you wednesday