7th Cavalry Gaming

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  • Two nights ago, I lost another person in my life to 'the big C'. Another life gone too early.

    2023 has been a year of quiet reflection for me so I just wanted to say this to you all -

    As we go into the holidays - make time for your friends and loved ones and make sure to do the things you love. We never know whats around the corner <3
    is there a deadline for EOY packages?
    Tomorrow is the deadline for S1 to process it before Furlough.
    So I went and got married! :)

    Riding home today on my motorbike - car pulls straight out and takes me out. Miracles happen. 🤕 I’m ok and the bike hasn’t come out too bad. Might be a bit sore in the morning.
    Ugh that's rough. So far in my riding career I've been lucky enough to only be taken out by myself. Glad you made it out okay.
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    Reactions: Jay.M
    I took our state run motorcycle safety course and it's saved my life a number of times. Always look twice, both ways, establish eye contact with the other drivers etc etc. One thing they didn't teach is dealing with the folks on cell phones turning left across your path without a turn signal. Yeah, you are going to be sore for a few days.
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    Geez really lucky.
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    Reactions: Hans.D
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