7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

AAR AAR Operation Tijgerlelie - E/2-7 FTX | 29SEP24 1900Z

After Action Report


Active Duty
E/2-7 HQ
WAG Staff
S5 Staff
Local time
7:16 PM
7th Cavalry Regiment
Name of Combat Mission:
Operation Tijgerlelie - E/2-7 FTX | 29SEP24 1900Z
Game: Hell Let Loose
Server Hosted on: Training Server 1
Date of Combat Mission: 29SEP24
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu): 1900z

Mission OIC: Major Cameron.J
Mission Controller: Major Cameron.J & Second Lieutenant Rhodes.R
Number of Attendees: 82
7th Cavalry Personnel Involved in Action:

Colonel Budd.D
Major Cameron.J
Major Mix.C
Major Rollins.R
First Lieutenant Anderson.P
Second Lieutenant Rhodes.R

Second Lieutenant Sotelo.R
Second Lieutenant Leifried.R
First Sergeant Webber.R
First Sergeant Balazova.S
Master Sergeant Becks.J
Sergeant First Class Mueller.H
Staff Sergeant Konn.G
Staff Sergeant Avery.D

Staff Sergeant Herber.R
Staff Sergeant Hermes.S
Sergeant Guillermo.C
Sergeant Mulholland.J
Sergeant Wisniewski.A

Sergeant Lucas.A
Corporal Noriega.D
Corporal Sokol.Z

Corporal Slagg.J
Corporal Donato.E
Corporal Owens.J
Corporal Etoh.I
Corporal Baldrick.D
Corporal LaRoche.P
Corporal Macpherson.C
Corporal Laui.M
Corporal Flanagan.L

Corporal Martin.R
Specialist Mulvany.J
Specialist Winter.A
Specialist Von Busch.M
Specialist Nutting.J
Specialist Sanchez.E
Specialist Houser.J
Specialist Choi.S
Specialist Schulz.R
Specialist Maines.Z
Specialist Mason.P
Specialist Jat.R
Specialist Parton.D
Specialist Loup.N

Specialist Lemon.D
Specialst Fields.M
Specialist Rilian.M
Specialist Suplee.B
Specialist Hood.D
Specialist Blade.B
Specialist Eckert.B
Specialist Wolf.P
Specialist Leaf.J
Specialist Woody.W
Specialist Mair.B

Private First Class Durrant.J
Private First Class Stankovic.S
Private First Class Grey.J
Private First Class Kavaar.D
Private First Class Barnes.D

Private First Class Jeff.F
Private First Class Jay.JH
Private First Class Dieppe.C
Private First Class Rowe.S
Private First Class Allen.R
Private First Class Dirt.E
Private McAbbot.A

Private Powers.K
Private Roscoe.N
Private Mess.L
Private Couch.W
Private Yee.L
Private Duffy.C
Private Miller.E
Private Tech.C
Private Girard.J
Private Mogensen.J

Private Heinz.B
Private Buckaloo.C

First Lieutenant Adler.J Ret.
Specialist Rousseau.A Ret.
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Active Duty
E/2-7 HQ
WAG Staff
S5 Staff
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied Command
Element Leader: Major Cameron.J
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Major Cameron.J

  • Great turn out
  • Despite not having a per-determined cadre commander, the cadre organized really well
  • Comms were better than ever

  • Technical Difficulties to start
  • Some basics skills were still a bit lacking
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Active Duty
Local time
7:16 PM
callsign. Axis logistics
Element Leader:
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:


RECON squad--- they were with me at start

our commander

  • good squad work and pre building
  • good at usage had fun finding spots for at guns and building Garry's
  • good sector control
  • kept getting beind enmy lines stoping at least 5 south pushes and also got enemy recon squad and there op at one point.
  • my recon guys like the early at guns getting long shots kills with it and pre building Garry's
  • rebuilt garrys as the diapered
  • eco your south flank could of worked! It just need more guys! You guys seemed to stop and sit near that at gun. You should have just pushed south with out the gun. Your east push was perfect. So much so you could have broke the south. But the focuse seemed to be east north east. That south flank had a hill that was very inportent to take and hold! I’ll Blame the restrictions on the south tho.
  • I allways enjoy trying to help the tanks as much as possible! Had fun trying to defend our tank! On top of dealing with evrything else going on! when I had some quiet time i decided to switch off sl and go eng to repair and build a repair station for our tank. :)
  • don't forget to get rid of old markers guys lots of marks left.. (tank marks specifically… it’s very important they are accreted. Zoom all the way in on the map for better marks!) and if there is 5 tank marks all in different spots it makes it supper hard. If your marking for squad mated try useing observer or attack markers Instead of tank markers.
  • a little bit of over talking in command coms
  • for eco you front push needed and stronger south or rear push
  • i did not like my spotting for our at guns I could of dont better marks I feel
  • i did no know the eco guys had a restriction to them that they could only go so far. I wish they could of done more flanking i was waking for them 2 flank but didn’t know they were not allowed
  • we had a lack of garrys for most the start. Once we lost Pavlov we had 2-3 Garry’s for a good portion of the match. Dont be afraid to build Garry’s. And you should never have to ask to build a Garry! Garry’s are not just a spawn, they are our flanks and they allso act as a indactor to let you know enemy is near! If there is a rout that is not covered a Garry on that path will let you know enmy are comeing from that road or ally or vally..
  • balancing.. so I have notice in previous ops this usaly happened the defenders are almost un moveable. what I notice helped once by accident is we were doing a defensive ftx and the defenders ended up being out numbered. (25 guys on def 35 on attack) this ended up being a very good Match. history has shown it will usaly allways take more attacker vs the defenders for the attackers to succeed. I would like to maby see an out numbered battle for theses matches to see if it does help! More attackers vs the defenders.
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2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
2/C/2-7 HQ
MP Staff
S5 Staff
Local time
6:16 PM
Element Callsign: Baker Squad - Axis
Element Leader: Second Lieutenant Leifried.R
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

First Sergeant Balazova.S
Second Lieutenant Sotelo.R
Specialist Rousseau.A

  • Vanilla Operations with minimal ruleset still slap just the same. Gud game
  • Great teamwork and leadership on Axis side (Non-Easy Co. Team)
  • Comms on Axis for SL's & Commander were clean and crisp the whole time

  • Stalingrad is a cluster f*ck however was disappointing to see enemy infantry run past corners without checking them - all game long
  • Weighting of offensive side a little more would have made for a very interesting match


Active Duty
1/C/2-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
6:16 PM
Element Callsign: Axis Infantry Jig Squad
Element Leader:
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

Private Roscoe.N
Specialist Hood.D

Excellent Defence, covered each other's backs. Callouts were accurate. Cohesion was great.
Very fun FTX, there was a lot of dynamic defense where Jig Squad would hold a Trench Bunker, then collapse on point, then push back to retake the trench bunker

only 1 Friendly tank, would have liked to see more tanks

Von Busch.M

Active Duty
1/C/2-7 SL/ASL
Local time
6:16 PM
Element Callsign: AXIS TC
Element Leader: Specialist Von Busch.M
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Specialist Von Busch.M
Specialist Choi.S
Specialist Winter.A

  • Always fun to go against other Cav elements
  • Good Command Comms the entire OP
  • Good Vanilla OP
  • Great teamwork
  • Great job moving troops between different squads
  • Confusion in the Rally and Start of the OP
  • 1 Tank per team felt low


Active Duty
Local time
12:16 AM
Element Callsign: Axis Recon 'Love'
Element Leader: CPL.Slagg.J
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:


  • Solid communication and teamwork.
  • 4 man squad structure allowed excellent flexibility.
  • Freedom to operate under loose orders allowed excellent combat efficiency and enabled us to disrupt first their southern pushes then move back to rear zone interdiction and intel.
  • Split Sniper/Spotter doctrine enabled great flexibility and ability to cover large areas with minimum personnel
  • Initial briefing a little hazy, but resolved before game start.
  • No other cons, excellent teamplay all round.
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Staff Sergeant
Active Duty
2/E/2-7 SL/ASL
Local time
6:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied How Squad
Element Leader: Staff Sergeant Avery.D
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

Staff Sergeant Avery.D
Corporal Baldrick.D
Private First Class Durrant.J
Private First Class Grey.J
Private McAbbot.A

  • Did well as a squad
  • The way with command comms we had done for his FTX

  • Most troopers did not like the FTX.
  • Pushing open field with a lot of it on the map.
  • Organization could have been done better.
  • Felt like our squad was alone or just too far away from the front.
  • Within squad acknowledgment on orders so the SL does not need to keep repeating the same order over and over.


Active Duty
2/E/2-7 SL/ASL
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied Fox Squad
Element Leader: Sergeant Lucas.A
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Master Sergeant Becks.J
Corporal Donato.E
Corporal Martin.R
Private Miller.E

  • Great turn out
  • Great squad use of smokes and use of buddy bounding
  • Squad movement and covered each other well.
  • Explosive boxes being dropped to resupply smokes.
  • Utilizing discord to limit the amount of people talking.

  • Felt like a meat grinder on the midpoint.
  • Lacks of smokes and satchels from squads.
  • Limited attendance from some Easy Squads.
  • Call out satchels in local chat
  • Garrison placement mistakes.


Staff Sergeant
Active Duty
1/E/2-7 SL/ASL
Local time
2:16 AM
Element Callsign: Allied Armor
Element Leader: Staff Sergeant Konn.G
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Corporal Laui.M
Private Mogensen.J

  • Great performance both individually the crewmembers and as a whole ( each crewman one pulled a ~1000m shot and we had good anglings and bounces, won most tank engagements).
  • Excellent Communications both in squad and as a platoon.

  • Technical Difficulties to start.
  • Difficult cooperation with engineers.
  • Really hard to execute certain moves due to the terrain (defenders had a major advantage with the hill AT guns and long empty spaces).


Active Duty
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: AXIS SL
Element Leader:
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

  • Callouts and communication were at top Tier
  • OP Placement across the map was good for early warning detection.
  • Calm cool and collective communications for the whole game
  • More fun than any other operation they have played in recent times.
  • Ping and communications never left my squad guessing.

  • Not having teams and squads designated prior to, caused confusion for JR personnel and can cause negative outlooks.
  • Let medics do their jobs. Don't waste their time if you are going to redeploy due to bad positioning let them know in local chat ahead of time.
  • More aggression on first point and defense would have allowed us more time on center point prep work.
  • Terrible at clearing "OLD" marks on the map. Listening for the cleared positions and remembering that those marks can give the wrong map representation to your squad members.
  • Be better at squad members jumping into other squads when it is called out. We designated to have only 4 personnel per squad but never had anyone envelope into other squads to assist with the directional change. I asked for assistance 4x and never received any additional personnel in my squad.
  • I need to be better at making personnel swap to designated roles to facilitate the changing battlefield parameters.
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Active Duty
S1 Staff
S2 Staff
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allies Charlie Squad - Assault Infantry
Element Leader:
Corporal Owens.J
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Sergeant First Class Mueller.H
Private Mess.L
Private Couch.W
Private Yee.L

  • Ops = fun
  • Good communications, 3 newer members but performed well, the squad was a force on the battlefield
  • Multi asset use was good, unfortunately may have missed key timing for taking the center point
  • Good back and forth, was absolutley an intense fun battle despite the map issues
  • Went better than expected, I believe experience was gained across the board
  • Unlimited enemy flanking, was hard to truly eliminate, may need to allow a smaller inf squad for a flank defense specifically
  • Related to above the map point allowed us to get shot from 2 and 3 sides literally at the same time, smoke nominal in effectiveness when theres not much room to manuever
  • Need better cordination with tanks, however any infantry support was easy to pick off on this one


Private First Class
Active Duty
Local time
12:16 AM
TEAM: Able Squad Allied
Element Leader: PFC.Jay.JH
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

(not positive on these exact naming)

  • Good communication, including in-game, local, discord
  • Everyone found it to be a fun FTX
  • Our squad was working extremely well together
    • We were the first to assault and enter Pavlov's, getting in a foothold for a major push,
    • They were very supportive and understanding with this being my first FTX as a SL
  • Our whole teams identification of OPs and Garry's was great, taking them out effectively
  • The initial push of the first few points and initial pushes on the final point went extremely well from eyes, alongside the relocation being great.
    • could be due to the pressure of time on opposing side
  • The Map and Middle Point
    • Both squad mates and myself reiterated how the final point was a tough push
      • low cover via the broken buildings and open area
        • could have been solved with arty smoke or a different angle/attack
  • It was mentioned how our team had quite aggressive OPs
    • They seemed to be wiped out quite quickly and all at once since close together


Active Duty
1/E/2-7 SL/ASL
RRD Staff
S3 Staff
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied Infantry Dog Squad - Jaeger Infantry
Element Leader: Sergeant Mulholland.J
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

Corporal Flanagan.L
Recruit Heinz.B
Specialist Leaf.J
Specialist Eckert.B
Private First Class Stankovic.S (Went to arty in his own section half of the time)

  • Overall it was a fun FTX. Everyone agrees that the first point and fighting over Pavlov's house was great. We had some great laughs and awesome team moments.
  • Coordination and comms in the squad were on point. As an SL you couldn't ask for a better group of guys to play a game on Sunday night with.
  • Platoon comms were solid. I muted leadership chat so I only had Discord comms to work with and it was great.
  • We had the highest score of an Infantry section on our side. WOLVES HUNT TOGETHER!!!

  • The middle northern point is just not meant to be attacked from the front only. In general all points that are hugging the edge of the map are designed to be attacked from both sides. If we absolutely can not re flip then an audible could be used to give the side that is running into a wall some type of advantage.
  • Team stacking. This is more of a Cav culture thing. Its ok in a scrimmage or something where it's designed that way but in a FTX which is training it can be changed and the teams evened so we can achieve our training goal. Not much training is gained from banzai charging over and over.
  • This isn't a E.Co thing but in general we could be utilizing the time we have in the preparation phase much better. The way we now go through the signup sheet and asking people to say "Here" is oldschool and was useful before the Cav as a whole migrated to Discord. There is really no need to do it that way anymore. That can be done with 1 person taking attendance and 1 person placing teams. The commanders/leadership than puts people where they need to be squad wise which we did that last part and it was good. While this is going on maybe the commander can read the Operation Board/Flipping the map/Go over the rules. Something.


First Sergeant
Active Duty
A/2-7 HQ
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Axis Able Squad
Element Leader: First Sergeant Webber.R
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

Staff Sergeant Herber.R
Corporal Macpherson.C
Corporal Sokol.Z

  • Axis team had a great defensive gameplan of 360 4 grid defense with an extended line north to south. Our Squad had found a comfortable position on the mid point where we were able to watch southeast, but also position ourselves to aim north and keep different angles on attackers than our other defenders giving us some overlapping positions of fire.
  • Allies - despite the meatgrinder I'm sure you endured, it never felt like you gave up spirit and every time your attack was repelled it felt like you probed a new area or were right back on the frontlines.
    • Also, did a good job during the mid point of trying to set up a position to the south and south-west. We were able to QRF a team to remove OPs each time, but that kind of maneuver from you was going to be necessary to pincer the point. I don't believe just brute-forcing it from the east would have worked, although you definitely got very close multiple times. You just needed to commit another team to help secure and anchor that position so you could combine a push with the eastern attack.
  • Despite the stall at the mid point, I do feel like overall the OPORD was balanced enough in the attackers favor for future iterations. I think it was just an unfortunate point to attack in a gamemode like this.

  • Defenders maybe could have used another minute at the start to get situated, especially when the team was formed right before match start. The first point was definitely haphazard from our side just due to trying to throw together something in the moment.


Active Duty
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied Infantry Item Squad - Jaeger Infantry
Element Leader: Specialist Wolf.P
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:

Private First Class Rowe.S
Specialist Schultz.M
Specialist Nutting.J
Specialist Lemon.D (Did arty in the last 25 mins of the FTX)

  • Command comms were well managed. The idea of keeping leadership in Discord and muting command chat worked well. Would like to do it again.
  • We got to apply what we practiced in SPs for the first point, Pavlov's house. That was well done. It proves how practice can give results.
  • Fun FTX overall. Tough fight against a strong Cadre. The fight was enjoyable even if we lost the game. THANK YOU CADRE FOR SHOWING UP!!!

  • As a squad, we did not move a lot during engagements. We should have been more mobile while fighting the enemy instead of sitting in the same position. Hoping that this will be fixed in October with SP training. Adding on to this, I think there should be an emphasis on SLs and PLT leaders to not get in direct engagements and focus on actual leadership. I personally realized that it was something I've done in the past and I'm trying to fix it. I realized that I can find solutions easier when I'm not playing soldier, but when I'm playing leader.
  • Situational awareness needed on individual levels. Sometimes troopers pile up and charge in together and that is not good as they stand too close to each other. Troopers need to be aware of where they are (on the map as well), who they are with and place themselves accordingly. I think some people are not aware of this. This needs to be taught and emphasized at SPs/Trainings.
  • Arty was not used efficiently. In Railway Crossing, we needed arty the most but arty was not manned most of the time. We had to send one soldier from my squad to play arty. Better coordination is needed in terms of using our assets.


Active Duty
2/E/2-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
7:16 PM
Element Callsign: Allied Infantry Baker Squad - Fighting Badgers
Element Leader: Corporal Etoh.I
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Specialist Rilian.M
Specialist Loup.N
Recruit Powers.K
Specialist Suplee.B


  • Incredibly proud of my Badgers and how they performed in all aspects
  • Often in situations with healthy and informative prox. comms
  • Infantry attempted and succeeded at times with Armor Synergy (hotzone repairs and rear guarding)
  • Came very close to capturing the mid point on numerous occasions but cadre held strong, kudos to everyone
  • AT guns were placed intelligently and to great effect
  • Incredible efforts and plays were put up by all who participated and the individual actions and moments should be celebrated.
  • An improvement over past performances as a Company eg. transitions between point captures were much more fluid
  • Simplicity can be elegant and I enjoyed the direction that this took. Appropriate and refreshing as the company continues to learn how to work as a company. I appreciated the Meat and Potatoes nature of the Operation
  • A very fun Operation despite not capping the midpoint and issues listed below
  • Operation Organization
    • AO restrictions while good natured in intention once again made things cumbersome
    • AO restrictions should be shared or mirrored by both sides for Operations of this caliber
    • Dying from Regions that you are not allowed to access is not fun and sows discontent
    • Not having roles defined before the Operation led to confusion (I understand that the storms affected these things as well as late/unconfirmed signups (I'm one of them) made this difficult to address but it is still a con
  • Map Formations
    • Solid attempts were made at flanking garrisons (repeated at length until the distance from the point was impractical) but AO restrictions made it so that only a frontal assault was feasible
    • With an understanding that the terrain was difficult to achieve grand offensive movements we still failed to maintain a solid line of skirmish and instead flocked en masse to various garrisons hoping the grass would be greener. This resulted in us always surrounded and simply shifted our cage up and down instead of controlling territory we had just held.
    • Garrison placements were suboptimal at the best of times and detrimental at their worst, furthermore there seemed no rush to rebuild garrisons that were lost.
    • Either through lack of Squad Leader conviction or Trooper selfishness; simple exercises such as support swaps did not take place in half the time they should have.
  • Armor/Infantry Cohesion
    • For the amount of time we spent assaulting a fixed point there was an upsetting lack of repair stations for our armor to fire from or retreat towards. This led to situations where tankers were out of their tanks and repairing themselves, this should not happen, I would like to see Infantry squads designated as tank sitters in the future
    • No obvious attempts at truly pushing the point cohesively with tanks and their front hull armor providing a moving shield for infantry
    • Due to incongruencies between playstyles tanks sometimes attempted high risk low reward cannonball runs through the point and infantry attempted wild pushes of their own to no avail
    • Prox Comms Prox Comms Prox Comms. Infantry please speak to your Tankers and coordinate their needs. Tankers yell at your infantry and communicate what must be done. You both rely on each other so you should be on the same page. If you feel disconnected muster up some extroversion and force connection. No Man's An island
This is just one Canuck's perspective and not intended to be pointed at anyone. I will always have wordier cons than pros because I want to explain my thoughts around the issues. A huge crux I've been noticing in all HLL games is the relation between infantry and armor. I'm so glad that Tanktober is happening because that cohesion is crucial to intelligent gameplay! If anyone is interested, I came across this article on that very topic during the Pacific Front and highly recommend giving it a read as much of it is applicable "Tank-Infantry Teamwork" from Combat Lessons, No. 9.

Overall it was a great time and everything always and forever should be a learning opportunity!
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2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/E/2-7 HQ
Local time
6:16 PM
Element Callsign: 1st Platoon, Allies - "the Jaegers"
Element Leader: Second Lieutenant Rhodes.R

7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
(Platoon Leader) Second Lieutenant Rhodes.R
(Armor Commander) Staff Sergeant Konn.G
(1st Squad) Sergeant Mulholland.J
(2nd Squad) Specialist Wolf.P
(1st Aux. Squad) Private First Class Jay.JH

  • Performance from Jaeger squads was top-notch. Highly coordinated Infantry-Armor teams created strong frontal assaults which were very difficult for the enemy to repulse. Likewise, infantry squads did a fantastic job in protecting the tank from enemy infantry, as only once throughout the operation was a jaeger tank destroyed by the means of infantry.
  • Pavlov's House capture was textbook and went to-plan. 2nd Squad was able to keep enemy infantry from jeopardizing the south, while 1st Squad and the Armor advanced alongside 2nd platoon infantry into the strong-point. Supporting artillery also likely played an important role in the capture.
  • Armor dominance was established by our tank teams, resulting in only a handful of deaths by our homegrown armor teams while dishing out a more than proportional amount of kills against enemy armor. When friendly armor was eliminated, the "coverage vacuum" created by its destruction was generally handled well, with only moderate losses of territory.
Improvements & Degradations
  • Utilizing the platoon comms system led less to cluttered and frantic command comms. Comms were professional, organized, and facilitated success and focus.
  • Significant improvements in the tactical deployment of combined arms units led to improvements in outcomes of engagements. Tanks were not deployed to terrains like bridges or areas of limited LoS where they are vulnerable.
  • Artillery performance improved between this operation and the last, with larger, better targeted barrages.
  • No significant Degradations.
  • We should exploring the utilization of repair stations during combat operations, and the implications they bring to combined arms operations.
  • We should work on how to coordinate our armor assets with local infantry elements, and what the best means of communicating with them are. Time constraints are frequently a concern for armor, who must act quickly, proximity comms may not be the best solution, perhaps quickly assigning or reassigning squads who are in the same AO to the proper platoon comms may work? This is something to experiment with.

Problems & Potential Solutions
  • Garrisons were poorly placed and slow to rebuild during the 2nd phase of the operation, this combined with a lack of counter-reconnaissance assets, severely limited our options for deployment.
    • Establish and utilize a small light-infantry force that can perform counter-recon operations and rebuild lost garrisons during operations.
    • Encourage and teach SLs to support switch and use personal initiative to build garrisons.
    • Commanders should be constantly dropping supplies whenever possible, both behind the frontline and ahead of it.
  • A lack of flanking forces forced stalemates for frontal assaults on Railway Crossing. This was caused primarily by map limitation and but could also be secondarily attributed to insufficient personal assigned to perform such operations.
    • During offensives operations, allow attacking forces to operate ~at least~ 3 grid squares behind the front-line (the blue/red divide).
    • Assigning more personnel to flanking assaults and disruption of the enemy backline may create.
    • Better timing and more coordination of offensives between platoons so that assaults can be made more effective. Emphasis: Better Timing of Assaults.
  • Artillery improved between this operation and the last, but remained somewhat disorganized and ill-timed.
    • Establishment of an artillery SOP that allows for artillerymen to take personal initiative and communicate those decisions effectively with SLs.
    • Consistentcey in choice of artillerymen during operations and SPs so that we can create a well-trained reserve of artillerymen. Experience is everything when it comes to artillery.
  • Insufficient utilization of the 7-man tactic. Many offensives were organized with highly aggrssive outposts, which is good, but when outposts went down SLs did not transfer troopers to backup outposts being run by auxiliary squads. This created a typical HLL situation, where overstreched squads were totally reset to the backlines and took significant minutes returning to the front rather than applying constant pressure.
    • Primary squad SLs must be more "on-it" when it comes to transfering troopers between squads to maintain pressure, and this must be practiced during section practices as well.
    • Aux. Squad SLs must be transfering troopers back to the primary as soon as feasible.

As Etoh said before me, I always see more thingswe can improve on more than the alternative. This was a good showing by our team overall. Nice work fellas.
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