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Arma 3: S.O.G. Prairie Fire Tactical Realism 1 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

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Local time
9:50 PM
I don't want this to go off on a long winded thing all im gonna say it how do you expect us to try new stuff. people wont go to mod tests last time we had one only like 5-6 people turned up. This server has been up for less than 3 days or so this is the best time to hot swap to find whats right or whats wrong but people flaming the people from trying isn't gonna do much. If you don't like it good sit back wait and go on tac 2.

Its the big change regardles we just gotta find the right tune thats all
No one has said don't try new stuff, but maybe make it clear to everyone and have it planned, and accept the consequences of doing that which leaves people feeling pressured to spend money during a pandemic. The people who have the money (myself included, it's ok) but there are people that don't and we should always have a server dedicated to that as we don't leave men behind in the battlefield we shouldn't be doing it on the way to a battlefield either.
Last edited:


Local time
9:50 PM
Moving on

Anyway loving the new stuff it makes a nice change. The AI seem to have a good balance cool map and nice new toys did a bit of flying enjoying it so far and happy to see TFAR again on a cav server I do hope this moves over as its way better than acre. i remember when we started using it when the acre devs wasnt gonna move to arma 3
It's always interesting to see who has the backs of the unfortunate. Why don't we make a poll asking everyone what they think, instead of assuming it, buying content and doing it without the vote of every cav member?

This isn't a dictatorship where just because some people who are friends with high ranks are going to control the population, people have voices and they should be heard on issues that affect their time with the cav BEFORE their server time is interrupted, it's common courtesy.


Local time
8:50 PM
I just think with all the recent drama regarding mission files in the last month, a lot of people have a hot head and are on edge right now. I feel bad now since I was among the people who were getting angry yesterday at the file. But In all seriousness I didn't give it that long of a chance, 5 hours the most where as with the Liberation mission file it's been up for a week or two. Mike Force hasn't even been given a chance to touch on all it has to offer and discover. I have now realized this and I think others who are very angry recently with the posts should also realize that not everything is perfect and everything has rough edges.

It was a unannounced test, which is understandable they probably had limited time, but perhaps for the sake of everyone's sanity. A little post informing or attempting to inform everyone about it such as "This will be occurring today at said time." so everyone is aware that "yeah there is going to be a test for this new game mode it's not permanent it's just a test." So people don't lose their marbles thinking it's a permanent thing.


Local time
9:50 PM
I just think with all the recent drama regarding mission files in the last month, a lot of people have a hot head and are on edge right now. I feel bad now since I was among the people who were getting angry yesterday at the file. But In all seriousness I didn't give it that long of a chance, 5 hours the most where as with the Liberation mission file it's been up for a week or two. Mike Force hasn't even been given a chance to touch on all it has to offer and discover. I have now realized this and I think others who are very angry recently with the posts should also realize that not everything is perfect and everything has rough edges.

It was a unannounced test, which is understandable they probably had limited time, but perhaps for the sake of everyone's sanity. A little post informing or attempting to inform everyone about it such as "This will be occurring today at said time." so everyone is aware that "yeah there is going to be a test for this new game mode it's not permanent it's just a test." So people don't lose their marbles thinking it's a permanent thing.


Active Duty
Local time
2:50 AM
It's always interesting to see who has the backs of the unfortunate. Why don't we make a poll asking everyone what they think, instead of assuming it, buying content and doing it without the vote of every cav member?

This isn't a dictatorship where just because some people who are friends with high ranks are going to control the population, people have voices and they should be heard on issues that affect their time with the cav BEFORE their server time is interrupted, it's common courtesy
nobody's server time has been "interrupted" at all. What if this new server didnt even happen. Nothing would of changed. I dont get what your on about a dictatorship. If people want their voice heard then send them here its what this thread is for instead of blasting it while on the server or on discord.

"It's always interesting to see who has the backs of the unfortunate." Care to expand further cause i really dont understand what you mean


Local time
9:50 PM
nobody's server time has been "interrupted" at all. What if this new server didnt even happen. Nothing would of changed. I dont get what your on about a dictatorship. If people want their voice heard then send them here its what this thread is for instead of blasting it while on the server or on discord.

"It's always interesting to see who has the backs of the unfortunate." Care to expand further cause i really dont understand what you mean
Moving on,

Things always change, it's the process that matters. and as echoed in this thread, notice should be given.

It's interesting to me the people who have a vested interest (developers) or friends with the people that want to be, are avid supporters, while the people that want to include everyone are stuck paying out of their pocket for material that can be created or closely emulated by our own staff and feel responsible for the cav members that can't pay. Their concerns are being minimized instead of appreciated. You should be happy people are complaining, it means they care.

Forum navigation is an issue for a lot of people, I didn't even know this thread was up until I heard about it on teamspeak. Transparency on the goals for mission files, testing etc should be planned to give members a chance to make plans and look forward to something, not just have it shoved in their face.

A vote would be a good way to show representation for more than just the people who are on teamspeak or discord all the time. There are a lot of good members that mostly only come to ops / sp because of the way the tact 1 / 2 revolve untested mission files.


Active Duty
Local time
2:50 AM
I'm not S3 but I can say from own experience from the many years actively around the cav that 1. Tests don't get done cause people don't turn up and nobody is being forced to pay for anything this mission is up because people who bought the new DLC wanted a mission to play on and 2. Out of the many people in the cav who play arma 3 its a sad amount of people that when a vote does go up the little amount that votes and the many that don't. In regards to Tac 2 of untested mission why do you think we changed to the new lib mission cause people wanted something else just cause peoples suggestions arent being acted on doesn't mean its not appreciated.
Either way im gonna go play some games :)

PS. all my replys I meant to be in a constructive manner. Just trying to look at whole the movie and not one scene


First Sergeant
Local time
9:50 PM
I have been watching this, much like our other threads for our normal Tac 2 experience. And those who are speaking up with constructive criticism and ideas for improvement are welcomed. Those who continue to try and make this a skewed understanding of what the Cav is trying to do, need to step back and relook through our history.

We are a set of doors, that is the nature of an online experience, people come and leave as with anything that is considered voluntary, especially an online community with no in-person commitments like a volunteer rescue squad for example or ROTC. Those that don't participate don't stay, its simple. But that means we have a dwindling number of people trying to create items for us to work with and play with that put allot of their own time into learning new code, new modules, new files, all to try and make an experience better for the whole. Sometimes it starts with an experiment, as with all things, to try and see what works, what doesn't, what needs changing, make a roadmap to success so to speak.

As for 'paying for content' vs. 'us making our own', this requires us to look again into the past with what we have used. Allot of these developers for the mods we use, are also voluntary they don't get paid, and some of our own members are part of those groups, but it is a fraction of a fraction of our people who know what to do and how to do it to 'emulate' these mods in a way that works with everything else we use as well as works smoothly so that everyone enjoys smooth gameplay with all the bells/whistles we have come to hoard and become accustomed to. RHS has one of our members in it, one Richards.D, but they focus more on Russian military then US and it has taken some serious time and effort by him and others to make it so everything is even. In ACV [for those that have been here long enough like myself] remember that we HAD to make our own mod for UNSUNG because the developer lost members and just could not make it happen. We have been down these roads before, and all with similar fates. The DLC is not mandatory, it is an experiment, if it works, then great, if it doesn't oh well. Don't make this about marginalizing people in the Cav who may or may not have funds, we have all suffered through this pandemic, and this is just something the Cav wants to try and see if it floats. A crucifixition of our mission staff will get us no where, especially if we want to continue adapting to the world.

This leads us to S3, these members are workhorses, they continue to make missions for us, to make public files for us, all trying to be different because we run so many missions it is hard not to repeat ourselves over the years. As stated before they have learned so much just to keep everything moving it boggles my mind that they are still sane. Have they made mistakes? Yes, everyone has. Do they continue to make things for us, even though we may take them for granted? Also yes. So we need to sit back and understand that this in the end of the day, is to see where we lie, if this is something we can pursue or change to fit our needs. Nothing is being forced, and everyone who is putting up criticism or issues with the file is helping us understand how this damn thing works, so maybe down the line we CAN make our own version or something close enough to be real that we don't notice the difference.

In final, keep this thread about what needs to be said. The workings and issues with the mission FILE, not the people who made it, the people in S3 trying to make something happen, or those you believe 'were not heard'. Everything the Cav does is push us forward, if it works. Great. If not, then we build it back up and try again, but chastising an entire department over something you don't agree with is not only against the Three Pillars of the Cav but it is also energy that could be used elsewhere to continually improve the whole instead of attacking the few.

Going forward, I expect this thread to keep to topic.


Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S5 Staff
RTC Staff
Local time
8:50 PM
I have been watching this, much like our other threads for our normal Tac 2 experience. And those who are speaking up with constructive criticism and ideas for improvement are welcomed. Those who continue to try and make this a skewed understanding of what the Cav is trying to do, need to step back and relook through our history.

We are a set of doors, that is the nature of an online experience, people come and leave as with anything that is considered voluntary, especially an online community with no in-person commitments like a volunteer rescue squad for example or ROTC. Those that don't participate don't stay, its simple. But that means we have a dwindling number of people trying to create items for us to work with and play with that put allot of their own time into learning new code, new modules, new files, all to try and make an experience better for the whole. Sometimes it starts with an experiment, as with all things, to try and see what works, what doesn't, what needs changing, make a roadmap to success so to speak.

As for 'paying for content' vs. 'us making our own', this requires us to look again into the past with what we have used. Allot of these developers for the mods we use, are also voluntary they don't get paid, and some of our own members are part of those groups, but it is a fraction of a fraction of our people who know what to do and how to do it to 'emulate' these mods in a way that works with everything else we use as well as works smoothly so that everyone enjoys smooth gameplay with all the bells/whistles we have come to hoard and become accustomed to. RHS has one of our members in it, one Richards.D, but they focus more on Russian military then US and it has taken some serious time and effort by him and others to make it so everything is even. In ACV [for those that have been here long enough like myself] remember that we HAD to make our own mod for UNSUNG because the developer lost members and just could not make it happen. We have been down these roads before, and all with similar fates. The DLC is not mandatory, it is an experiment, if it works, then great, if it doesn't oh well. Don't make this about marginalizing people in the Cav who may or may not have funds, we have all suffered through this pandemic, and this is just something the Cav wants to try and see if it floats. A crucifixition of our mission staff will get us no where, especially if we want to continue adapting to the world.

This leads us to S3, these members are workhorses, they continue to make missions for us, to make public files for us, all trying to be different because we run so many missions it is hard not to repeat ourselves over the years. As stated before they have learned so much just to keep everything moving it boggles my mind that they are still sane. Have they made mistakes? Yes, everyone has. Do they continue to make things for us, even though we may take them for granted? Also yes. So we need to sit back and understand that this in the end of the day, is to see where we lie, if this is something we can pursue or change to fit our needs. Nothing is being forced, and everyone who is putting up criticism or issues with the file is helping us understand how this damn thing works, so maybe down the line we CAN make our own version or something close enough to be real that we don't notice the difference.

In final, keep this thread about what needs to be said. The workings and issues with the mission FILE, not the people who made it, the people in S3 trying to make something happen, or those you believe 'were not heard'. Everything the Cav does is push us forward, if it works. Great. If not, then we build it back up and try again, but chastising an entire department over something you don't agree with is not only against the Three Pillars of the Cav but it is also energy that could be used elsewhere to continually improve the whole instead of attacking the few.

Going forward, I expect this thread to keep to topic.
Well said. Let me cap it all off with, thank you S3 and S6. You tried something, it didn't pan out, and you reverted. There's nothing wrong with experimenting. There's also nothing wrong with giving it another go down the line when more wrinkles have been ironed out. Much love guys.


Local time
9:50 PM
I have been watching this, much like our other threads for our normal Tac 2 experience. And those who are speaking up with constructive criticism and ideas for improvement are welcomed. Those who continue to try and make this a skewed understanding of what the Cav is trying to do, need to step back and relook through our history.

We are a set of doors, that is the nature of an online experience, people come and leave as with anything that is considered voluntary, especially an online community with no in-person commitments like a volunteer rescue squad for example or ROTC. Those that don't participate don't stay, its simple. But that means we have a dwindling number of people trying to create items for us to work with and play with that put allot of their own time into learning new code, new modules, new files, all to try and make an experience better for the whole. Sometimes it starts with an experiment, as with all things, to try and see what works, what doesn't, what needs changing, make a roadmap to success so to speak.

As for 'paying for content' vs. 'us making our own', this requires us to look again into the past with what we have used. Allot of these developers for the mods we use, are also voluntary they don't get paid, and some of our own members are part of those groups, but it is a fraction of a fraction of our people who know what to do and how to do it to 'emulate' these mods in a way that works with everything else we use as well as works smoothly so that everyone enjoys smooth gameplay with all the bells/whistles we have come to hoard and become accustomed to. RHS has one of our members in it, one Richards.D, but they focus more on Russian military then US and it has taken some serious time and effort by him and others to make it so everything is even. In ACV [for those that have been here long enough like myself] remember that we HAD to make our own mod for UNSUNG because the developer lost members and just could not make it happen. We have been down these roads before, and all with similar fates. The DLC is not mandatory, it is an experiment, if it works, then great, if it doesn't oh well. Don't make this about marginalizing people in the Cav who may or may not have funds, we have all suffered through this pandemic, and this is just something the Cav wants to try and see if it floats. A crucifixition of our mission staff will get us no where, especially if we want to continue adapting to the world.

This leads us to S3, these members are workhorses, they continue to make missions for us, to make public files for us, all trying to be different because we run so many missions it is hard not to repeat ourselves over the years. As stated before they have learned so much just to keep everything moving it boggles my mind that they are still sane. Have they made mistakes? Yes, everyone has. Do they continue to make things for us, even though we may take them for granted? Also yes. So we need to sit back and understand that this in the end of the day, is to see where we lie, if this is something we can pursue or change to fit our needs. Nothing is being forced, and everyone who is putting up criticism or issues with the file is helping us understand how this damn thing works, so maybe down the line we CAN make our own version or something close enough to be real that we don't notice the difference.

In final, keep this thread about what needs to be said. The workings and issues with the mission FILE, not the people who made it, the people in S3 trying to make something happen, or those you believe 'were not heard'. Everything the Cav does is push us forward, if it works. Great. If not, then we build it back up and try again, but chastising an entire department over something you don't agree with is not only against the Three Pillars of the Cav but it is also energy that could be used elsewhere to continually improve the whole instead of attacking the few.

Going forward, I expect this thread to keep to topic.
Maybe people aren't trying to skew anything but it's what they see, and that should be acknowledged, not dismissed, especially by people who expect troopers to come to them with issues.. You've pointed out how people don't show up for testings, that's one failure point, akin to not signing roll call. If someone was genuinely excited about an idea, I think they'd show up, polling ideas from votes would only help with that.

A set of doors is different than revolving doors, which is what seems to happen. People put just as much effort into teaching courses.... anyone that cares and teaches, knows this. That doesn't entitle them to be discourteous and do unplanned, unannounced map swaps that require money, another comms system etc. There are players that struggle with the regular modset, why is their enjoyment worth any less?

Hiding behind a policy when you don't want to answer questions is the fastest way to lose trust & respect. I haven't "chastised" anyone and quite frankly think that discounting the people, the lives and playtime of others simply because they're not on a teamspeak server, playing on a testing server or paying for DLC is doing more long term damage to the cav than people "complaining" could ever do.

It's good that's it's made clear it's a test, but common courtesy would dictate letting people know / planning it. No one knows the mental health situation of any of those troopers that can't afford it, every consideration should be made when making changes to something you want people to dedicate their lives or time to.


Active Duty
B/1-7 HQ
JAG Staff
RTC Staff
Local time
8:50 PM
Maybe people aren't trying to skew anything but it's what they see, and that should be acknowledged, not dismissed, especially by people who expect troopers to come to them with issues.. You've pointed out how people don't show up for testings, that's one failure point, akin to not signing roll call. If someone was genuinely excited about an idea, I think they'd show up, polling ideas from votes would only help with that.

A set of doors is different than revolving doors, which is what seems to happen. People put just as much effort into teaching courses.... anyone that cares and teaches, knows this. That doesn't entitle them to be discourteous and do unplanned, unannounced map swaps that require money, another comms system etc. There are players that struggle with the regular modset, why is their enjoyment worth any less?

Hiding behind a policy when you don't want to answer questions is the fastest way to lose trust & respect. I haven't "chastised" anyone and quite frankly think that discounting the people, the lives and playtime of others simply because they're not on a teamspeak server, playing on a testing server or paying for DLC is doing more long term damage to the cav than people "complaining" could ever do.

It's good that's it's made clear it's a test, but common courtesy would dictate letting people know / planning it. No one knows the mental health situation of any of those troopers that can't afford it, every consideration should be made when making changes to something you want people to dedicate their lives or time to.
Your concerns have been seen, and they have been responded to by others. Thank you.

However, now you are beginning to just repeat yourself which distracts others from being able to move this conversation forward as Liberation is now active.

I think it important to remember that ultimately this thread is for discussion of the current mission file in place on TAC 1, concerns and problems being experienced by the mission file, and suggestions for improvement of the mission file moving forward.

I believe any criticism of 7CAV support departments or procedures should be forwarded through the Chain of Command as we have always done, so that it gets the appropriate attention.

Hopefully we can get back to discussing the viability of the current mission file.


Local time
9:50 PM
Your concerns have been seen, and they have been responded to by others. Thank you.

However, now you are beginning to just repeat yourself which distracts others from being able to move this conversation forward as Liberation is now active.

I think it important to remember that ultimately this thread is for discussion of the current mission file in place on TAC 1, concerns and problems being experienced by the mission file, and suggestions for improvement of the mission file moving forward.

I believe any criticism of 7CAV support departments or procedures should be forwarded through the Chain of Command as we have always done, so that it gets the appropriate attention.

Hopefully we can get back to discussing the viability of the current mission file.
Oh this is a mission file specific topic? My bad I thought it was just a general feedback. Wilco, thanks.


Local time
8:50 PM
I think people would enjoy the mike force mission, the one we played for most of the daytime yesterday (mike force)... was more fun. I thought the lack of ace in some respects actually made it more fun, in some cases it hurt it. Medical system in ace is superior...however the simplicity of the mission file that wasn’t running ace meant that the mission flow was much smoother. I felt that I had more fun on the mike force mission. I really was enjoying a lot of it’s features such as having to not only build the bases (and the method they’re built feeling vastly superior and fine tuned, but having to run logi to maintain the bases and supplies such as food, water, ammo, and medical, really gave atlas and the engineers something to do. Taking territory with the infantry and then helping them fortify and hold it was so fun!!!
I think a lot of people want all the bells and whistles that ace and acre come with etc. but I myself loved the mike force mission and the lack of it didn’t negatively impact my gameplay personally. I personally love the facet of snake bites, dysentery, and having to eat and drink rations and water...it really adds a whole other level of immersion and challenges that make you truly feel like Charlie is not your only enemy. l There were instances where folks complained that the AI in mike force were too easy but there were also plenty of instances where squads got wiped of where one guy came back as the only survivor so I personally don’t see it. I like how the VC could randomly ambush you on the roadside or in the AO it truly felt like every time you left the wire of main base they could be anywhere and for me that was very challenging and immersive.
the biggest gripe I heard was that some folks didn’t like the limited arsenal but me myself didn’t mind it, more items became available after you gained a few levels and it doesn’t take long to level up. I personally found the progression system satisfying rather than annoying. I think we are gonna rob ourselves of a very popular and very populated server by not running it and being too stuck in our old ways by not running it. We were full all day and were the number two server in the world running it, and I thought that was the point. I highly encourage further testing and support of the mike force mission over the other one at this time while Th r gravy train of hype is at the station. That being said I DO find both missions fun. I just think the whole point is to capitalize on the biggest hype to see Arma in years and get recruits and have another era of content available to those public and members, who wish to participate in the cav Arma 3 community. Before anyone realized it was broken we played the same AO for hours and most folks were having an absolute blast! I think we should be capitalizing on this new hotness and the best way to do that is by running the new mission all the popular you tubers are talking about... and that’s mike force. More comparisons and feedback to come in edit later today regarding liberation but typing on phone and hands are tired lol.

Now that I am on my PC... Some feedback on my personal experiences from the Liberation experience yesterday. I do like that you have to have a specific type of logi truck to setup the base so not every combat engi is out building bases. However I did feel it was limited and slowed the pace of the game a bit to have that mechanic. The building system is not as precise with the liberation mission although it does more than suffice. The logistics rely more on helicopters, which I actually found to be MORE immersive in that respect, and less on logi trucks in a sense of supply, but not in the sense of initial FOB setup. The element of setting up forward bases felt more necessary in the liberation file versus the mike force file where entrenching the territory you took is supposed to be easier because of the higher pressure of contact.

As for the Liberation mission I found the contact...well not the LACK of contact, but away from main AO's or objectives, I did not feel threatened or risky walking through the forest outside the wire as I did in the mike force mission. The random and sporadic (outside the AO) contact did not feel as paranoid or as it was as much of a threat, and that is a Vietnam thing that I think should defo be a big part of the experience! I did not notice as many traps in the liberation mission which I feel like was a big part of the VC's tactics, I would like every step outside the wire to be a paranoid foot forward worried about traps everywhere that feels more like nam to me! :D In Liberation, having one centralized base was better for staging and planning and felt more like an invasion from a central foothold, whereas in mike force, the ability to TP between bases and stage from whichever one suited your objectives needs was handy but not immersion breaking as it typically still required you to travel a fair distance to the objective. The TP using the map feature is not available in liberation ( Far as I could tell?) which means that Air Cav and heli transport is more required, which I think is cool! I like the idea of convoys with gun trucks for protection as much as I like the idea of air assault! However, I think we should realistically be able to use both! Overall it is indeed a difficult thing because I had a blast in both missions! I do want to say that all criticisms I give are for my hope that we will get the most out of this new DLC and I hope everyone ejoys it! I look forward to us running more of the mike force mission as well and I hope we don't get stuck in the idea of liberation only at this time, but I absolutely MUST give bigtime credit to the folks that made liberation possible because it is super fun too! I am enjoying Vietnam in general and I wanna thank those guys for making that possible!
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Local time
8:50 PM
The Mike mission file not having squad structure creates utter chaos, there's no proper milsim to be done when we don't have squads.

AI also absolutely relentlessly spawns insane amounts of troops constantly pressing FOBs and any kind of movement. I mean, it's nice to get beaten by AI for once, but fighting zerg rushes is rarely fun.
The only part of this I agree with is squad organization. It can be overcome, but idk if that alone is a reason to change the whole mission file off of mine force for the sake or organizing into different squads. The rest I disagree with. Having to defend your positions was a fun facet for me personally :)


Local time
8:50 PM
Please go back to the Liberation file . Restricting weapons and gear to the extent they are in Mike Force, as well as the shocking change to the less-desirable TFAR (got to love hearing people join and leave the teamspeak channel while in-game).

The inability to change squads (not including everyone being visible on the map) led to a squad so big that half of it was off the right side of my screen.

There are several reasons to see that this might not be the smartest option.
You have to save your loadout and you can still access all the gear you had before back in the arsenal. Once I properly saved it there was no problem picking up my gear again


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
9:50 PM

New thread for a new mission. This will be where feedback for Tactical Realism 1 is collected to help facilitate the development process. Please be constructive with feedback to provide clear changes that you would like to see made. Keep in mind that all mission devs are volunteers who have put tons of work into making this server possible and want to see it succeed.

For players new to the server, the presets for the server are attached below. Please see here for more information about Tactical Realism 1.
Just a friendly reminder to all about the purpose of this public thread. It's meant for specific and constructive feedback on the mission file, from both public and Cav members alike. Everyone can see this, so as Cav members, we must do our best to remain professional and always put our best foot forward. We hold ourselves to a higher standard as members, and that understanding helps make this place special. This is not a discussion thread, and if you find yourself going back and forth with someone over a discussion topic here, then you're not utilizing this thread in the spirit it was intended. Constructive feedback will be answered by developers when they are able. Please continue to keep in mind that all mission devs are volunteers who have put tons of work into making this public server possible and want to see it succeed. We are not a development company business, nobody is getting paid, and this all in the spirit of having fun and serving others through volunteer hours.

If you are a Cav member and have a genuine concern you would like to raise, that is welcomed, and we have official ways to do that successfully. Please utilize your direct chain of command like normal. That is always the best option. Posts that are off-topic will be deleted going forward, and this will be the last warning for all. Thank you again for everyone's help, cooperation, and most importantly, your passion for improvement on our public servers! We do all of this for you, and we couldn't do it without you! We genuinely hope people are having fun, and it sincerely brings everyone great joy to see the enthusiasm and high participation levels recently, so let's keep it up!


Local time
6:50 PM
While reading some Ranger Medal of Honor citations this morning I had a holy s*** moment. Because over the last 3 days on Tac 1 SOG Prairie in the deepest and darkest jungles, with limited weapons, low ammo, F'd up radios, enemies crawling out of tunnels, in the midst of chaos. I was fortunate enough to see 7th Cav members doing the same things that the Medal of Honor Ranger's had done.

You have convinced me that the S in S6 stands for Sorcerer. The last few weeks have been magic and the immersion is going next level on Tac1 and 2. The way you guys jump from an airplane with nothing but a parachute and a knife between your teeth and an hour later are causing breakthroughs for our Tac servers is money!

Hopes are high that you'll be able to get under the hood and get some of these tunnel systems into the mountains of Afghanistan. The frag damage models and some melee function for my gloves and elbow pads in my Bravo kit. BAM! You heard me Charlie. I said BRAVO!

My eyes have been opened

A well trained 7th Cav warrior is UNFU**WITHABLE

Thank you.


Yo Dio where's that DCS meme you love?

Littrell, Gary Lee

Rank and organization: Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, Advisory Team 21, 11 Corps Advisory Group.

Place and date: Kontum province, Republic of Vietnam, 4-8 April 1970

Entered service at: Los Angeles, CA

Born: 26 October 1944, Henderson, KY

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sfc. Littrell, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Advisory Team 21, distinguished himself while serving as a Light Weapons Infantry Advisor with the 23d Battalion, 2d Ranger Group, Republic of Vietnam Army, near Dak Seang. After establishing a defensive perimeter on a hill on April 4, the battalion was subjected to an intense enemy mortar attack which killed the Vietnamese commander, 1 advisor, and seriously wounded all the advisors except Sfc. Littrell. During the ensuing 4 days, Sfc Littrell exhibited near superhuman endurance as he single-handedly bolstered the besieged battalion. Repeatedly abandoning positions of relative safety, he directed artillery and air support by day and marked the unit’s location by night, despite the heavy, concentrated enemy fire. His dauntless will instilled in the men of the 23d Battalion a deep desire to resist. Assault after assault was repulsed as the battalion responded to the extraordinary leadership and personal example exhibited by Sfc. Littrell as he continuously moved to those points most seriously threatened by the enemy, redistributed ammunition, strengthened faltering defenses, cared for the wounded and shouted encouragement to the Vietnamese in their own language. When the beleaguered battalion was finally ordered to withdraw, numerous ambushes were encountered. Sfc. Littrell repeatedly prevented widespread disorder by directing air strikes to within 50 meters of their position. Through his indomitable courage and complete disregard for his safety, he averted excessive loss of life and injury to the members of the battalion. The sustained extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by Sfc. Littrell over an extended period of time were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him and the U.S. Army.


Lieutenant Colonel
Local time
8:50 PM

TAC 1 LIBERATION FEEDBACK (mission file from the 24 hour op)
  • Uh-1D Iroquois Slick: When built from logistics players must be slotted as pilot or copilot to enter door gun or crew chief. Work around is for player to sit in front right or front left seat and then switch to the door gunner or crew chief position​
  • All UH airframes: The nose cone physics are plagued with the same bug Unsung had/has in advanced flight model. The bird's hit box extends out past the nose approximately 2 feet. Anything that enters the box will do one of two things. 1.) Bird explodes instantly in a fiery rocket or it jumps a foot up and a foot back. I tested this for an hour in the editor. Recommend that all sand bag landing pads are removed on file creation if possible, or at least any that are present at the operation base​
  • UH models in advanced have a lift capacity of about 8 packs (still sketchy) 6 to 7 is ideal. Nothing can be done about this, but it needs to be understood for mission planners. The Seahorse doesn't suffer the same lift restraints, but it is a larger airframe with a bigger hit box. All just planning considerations. There are people willing to turn advanced off, but it hurts my soul to click that button.​
  • Recommend reducing zone activation diameter, or delaying the time it takes to activate once within the zone. The server was restricted on assets because of performance. Liberation has always had this issue with civ population and enemy spawning. They generate a ton of way points that someone has to manually delete constantly.​
  • Recommend body/junk clean up as well to clear assets on the map. Currently medics can "Hide Body", but they still pile up everywhere. Also vehicle hulks all over the map needlessly until the server resets.​
  • Recommend enhanced zeus so the mission controllers have the ability to fix things they currently can't do much about.​
  • Please remove the Mike toolkit from the arsenal. Players are grabbing the wrong one, and then they can't fix anything.​

Nothing about the mission but I want to thank all the mission developers, leaders, and mission controllers that put this file together with very little time that led to our servers reaching 80+ players.


Local time
8:50 PM
I stated this for the tact 2 feedback thread, but I will also put it here too.

I think this would be cool to see more of, but you can't really force people to do it though it's more of a volunteer thing. It would be cool to see people especially medics using body bags for those who are deceased on the field and calling a Buffalo to come pick them up and bring them back to base instead of leaving corpses out there. If a Zeus has the capability of doing so after they are unloaded and put some where they can then delete them. I personally do this, because it brings more immersion in the field.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
9:50 PM
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## 0.96.7a-7cav-0.5.5
* Added: CDLC Master Arm functionality to operation base
* Added: Additional start vehicles including PT boats and more Huey Slicks on Cam Lao Nam
* Added: Server rules billboard to base on Cam Lao Nam
* Added: System Chat messages for teamkills/civilian kills/resistance kills/epw kills
* Fixed: Further adjust slots to cav standards on Cam Lao Nam including removing 24hour additions
* Fixed: 343s being given on respawn on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: Multiple performance enhancements to various systems
* Fixed: Changed models for pilots on Cam Lao Nam to prevent futuristic underwear display
* Fixed: Air vehicle build list to include all US Army air vehicles and Navy/Air Force variants of F4 on Cam Lao Nam
* Fixed: No vehicles being locked behind military bases on Cam Lao Nam
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