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Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

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Active Duty
S7 Staff
Local time
3:34 AM

New thread for a new mission. This will be where feedback for Tactical Realism 2 is collected to help facilitate the development process. Please be constructive with feedback to provide clear changes that you would like to see made. Keep in mind that all mission devs are volunteers who have put tons of work into making this server possible and want to see it succeed. Development can be tracked and contributed to on the 7Cav Liberation Git Repo.

For players new to the server, the presets for the server are attached below. You can also find the mods on the Tac 2 Steam Workshop Collection.

Please see here for more information about Tactical Realism 2.



  • Arma 3 Preset Tactical Realism 2 Summer.zip
    3.9 KB · Views: 46
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Local time
3:34 AM
KP menu or "U" menu is something we removed in the INSURGENCY file and it's something that I've seen already be a culprit in preventing team organisation. I'd hope to see the server force slotting onto players once they have selected their slot. Otherwise we get a lot of "solo squads" and an even more cluttered map. It's also impossible as any sort of Platoon leader/sgt to manage any sort of organisation downward. If you allow players to constantly add to the battle group and make-up then it is an uphill battle to try to round 25 squads up into elements that will actually work with any sort of combined intent or communication structure. It is also very clunky as I actually slotted in and to my surprise saw that players had nicely slotted together in infantry roles but disappointing when i loaded in and also saw that everybody had their own ALPHA-#-# callsign and group. It also constantly renames your squad after changing it.

Mobile re spawning or HALO jumping is something that takes away from the roles of pilots and also easily allows a single player to affect server performance and easily lonewolf. It is also something that is a very "arcade" feature and clearly goes against any sort of need to rely on other roles such as air transport or even motorized/mechanised squads. It's not something we should promote especially publicly, as there is an entire standard to keep with HALO inserts and it should not be violated for the sake of getting into otherwise unreachable AO's faster. If people want to do HALO's it should involve more than a single persons decision to do so and should be something a majority of people can participate in together.

Finally, the removal of blue force tracking on the map screen and hopefully a decrease in the map clutter that comes with this file. We already have multiple pieces of equipment that allow us to track friendly elements and having it still be something we show on the map is slightly frustrating. This topic specifically should reflect our operational standards where troopers will never have access to such levels of tracking and it may also result in the inability of new troopers to use tools because they are so reliant on "arcade features" of Tac2.

It's a great file but it promotes a lot of arcade play. I think if we can mould this mission into something reflective of our community's intent for playing Arma3 we really have something here.

Thanks for the effort.
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Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
New version uploaded to Tac2, Changelog is as follows:

Quality of Life:

  • Added new vehicles for blufor preset.
  • Added HEAL script addaction for FOB/Mobile FOB
  • Removed check for recycle or not on supply containers.
  • Added (Modified) Advanced Towing script.
  • Changed civilian behavior to actually run when in danger to nearest building.
  • Added more buildable assets for FOB
  • Customized cba_settings.sqf to fit the mission format.
  • Removed AH-64D from having to be unlocked.
  • Added FIR A10C as a optional airframe (Needs unlock)
  • Added CWIS AA as a optional base defense.
  • Changed default parameters to be more inline with production.
  • Added whitelist for most of S3/S6 Staff working or needing access to commander or zeus.
  • Adjusted costs of standard HMMWV to allow for easier access to early vehicles.
  • Adjusted Reputation costs to be harder but more rewards for doing taks.
  • Adjusted Intel to reduce odd numbers when accumulating intel. (being 1 digit shy of next goal)
  • Replaced Tent Hanger (AIR CONTROLLER) with Diesel Ground Power unit due to FIRAWS believing its a resupply point for presets.
  • added check for pilots, to disable HALO Jumping if one exists.
  • added mp whitelist for spectator cam
  • change intro music to something less intrusive.
  • fixed grouping issue on slot joining where it would isolate you into seperate groups regardless of selection in lobby.

  • replaced == and != statements with EqualTo and NotEqualTo for faster performance.
  • added Event handlers for ifFired to stop using depreciated wait until loops.
  • fixed EH on drop rope by deleting the detach object before ending the add action. (ADV towing)



Active Duty
S3 Staff
Local time
8:34 AM
Do we actually have Android devices and other BLUFOR trackers? Because previously they were not available on TAC2 and the map was the only recourse.

Also, without the map BLUFOR tracking it's really hard to estimate where the active AO is and you can only hang out at base until some transport arrives (since they're out of 343 range).


Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S5 Staff
RTC Staff
Local time
2:34 AM
Do we actually have Android devices and other BLUFOR trackers? Because previously they were not available on TAC2 and the map was the only recourse.

Also, without the map BLUFOR tracking it's really hard to estimate where the active AO is and you can only hang out at base until some transport arrives (since they're out of 343 range).
Yes, androids and BLUFOR trackers are in there.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
Do we actually have Android devices and other BLUFOR trackers? Because previously they were not available on TAC2 and the map was the only recourse.

Also, without the map BLUFOR tracking it's really hard to estimate where the active AO is and you can only hang out at base until some transport arrives (since they're out of 343 range).

Could also contact transport on 1 or 14 to ask what the current situation is


The Man Himself
Wall of Honor
Local time
2:34 AM
Little bit of an update,
This is the full changelog plus release.
  • Added: Additional Vehicles to Blufor preset.
  • Added: Heal Script addaction when near FOB, Mobile FOB or Arsenal Box.
  • Added: Advanced Towing Script (Scroll Wheel option)
  • Added: FIRAWS A10C as a optional purchase with unlock.
  • Added: CWIS AA Static Emplacement as a optional purchase.
  • Added: Whitelist + Whitelist by default on mission parameters
  • Added: Pilot detection script, This disables Halo Jumping if player is in the Heli-Pilot Slot.
  • Added: Whitelist for 7cav MP Staff to allow spectating as a scrollwheel option.
  • Added: More variety in FOB building assets.
  • Removed: AH64D Requirement of being unlocked to purchase.
  • Removed: Check for Recycle on Fuel, Ammo and Repair Huron containers (Still Inprogress)
  • Tweaked: Cost of standard HMMWV are adjusted to allow less burden on supplies when spawned for large player counts.
  • Tweaked: Civilian Behaviour was modified to force animations to run to nearest building to hide if in danger of being shot.
  • Tweaked: Reputation cost for killing non-combatants or friends was modified for more consequences.
  • Tweaked: Reputation rewards for completing objectives or helping civilians is increased.
  • Tweaked: Changed intro music to cause slightly less hearing loss.
  • Tweaked: CBA settings - Logistics are now implemented to have finite ammunition for all vehicles.
  • Tweaked: CBA settings - ACRE2 is changed to LOS Multipath with interference at long range.
  • Tweaked: CBA settings - Ballistics was enabled.
  • Tweaked: CBA settings - Map was changed to enabled to show locations on map.
  • Fixed: Adjusted how groups are assigned to player when joining the mission. which should sove the issue of players being in individual groups regardless of selection in lobby.
  • Fixed: Replacement of '==' and '!=' statements with 'EqualTo' in pre-existing files for faster performance on prep()
  • Fixed: Added Event Handlers to some various 'while wait (loop)' to "Hopefully" give better performance.
  • Fixed: Changed Civilian AI to remove unneeded functionality to improve frames.
  • Fixed: Changed Event Handler on Detach Object for Towing to remove the helper object before releasing ropes.
  • Fixed: Updated Classname for Helicopter pilots for the HaloJump check actually works.
  • Fixed: Updated Classname for Jet/CAS Pilots so that it does not trigger HaloJump feature if a player is in those slots.
  • Fixed: Changed Tent Hanger object (Was for Air Asset capacity) to Disel Ground Power unit since FIRAWS sees a vanilla Tent Hanger as a unlimited resupply point.
  • Fixed: Added Stringtable values for Helojump and localizations that were erroring out on RPT.


Active Duty
S3 Staff
Local time
8:34 AM
Local time
1:34 PM
Please fix the rearming process for the A-10A RHS.
Main GAU-8 cannon reloads by 1 bullet manually. I like to do stuff myself and take care of my aircraft, but reloading the main cannon 1150 times to get it full is too much for me :D.
BTW Bomb rearming and AGM rearming is good. The amount of HYDRA's in 1 load can be probably a little bit higher, to reload not 2, but 3 at the same time.


Active Duty
S3 Staff
Local time
8:34 AM
Main GAU-8 cannon reloads by 1 bullet manually. I like to do stuff myself and take care of my aircraft, but reloading the main cannon 1150 times to get it full is too much for me :D.


Warrant Officer 1
Local time
2:34 AM
Last night, me and my section tried to have our SP in Tac2. Other than the confusion of not knowing how anything works in the map anymore, we found several issues:

-Alpha FOB is useless for aviation, no taxiways, weird helipad locations, artillery and lots of vehicles in the runway, etc.
-Fog came on instantly, and was so thick that flying was pretty much impossible.
-Infantry can't HALO if there are pilots logged in, which is good, but AA in the AO shreds buffalos from too far, so troop transport becomes very impractical.
-Not nearly enough aviation slots, and no restrictions on who can use air assets, which resulted in random public players severely interfering with air operations.
-Friendly artillery is so badly placed that it hurts you and the helicopters when it fires.
-Lack of Zeus slots prevent us from organizing any meaningful training for our section.

The gist of all this is that 7Cav pilots can no longer carry out SPs in Tac 2 at all, which is mildly infuriating given that our leadership made one monthly Tac2 SP mandatory. Even individual training is severely hindered; I had a couple of troopers complaining that they haven't been able to get any training in Tac2 due to the limited aviation slots and the air assets being unrestricted.

I applaud the efforts being made to keep Tac2 fresh and fun, but for the time being our section will have no choice but to refrain from working in Tac2.


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
Last night, me and my section tried to have our SP in Tac2. Other than the confusion of not knowing how anything works in the map anymore, we found several issues:

-Alpha FOB is useless for aviation, no taxiways, weird helipad locations, artillery and lots of vehicles in the runway, etc.
-Fog came on instantly, and was so thick that flying was pretty much impossible.
-Infantry can't HALO if there are pilots logged in, which is good, but AA in the AO shreds buffalos from too far, so troop transport becomes very impractical.
-Not nearly enough aviation slots, and no restrictions on who can use air assets, which resulted in random public players severely interfering with air operations.
-Friendly artillery is so badly placed that it hurts you and the helicopters when it fires.
-Lack of Zeus slots prevent us from organizing any meaningful training for our section.

The gist of all this is that 7Cav pilots can no longer carry out SPs in Tac 2 at all, which is mildly infuriating given that our leadership made one monthly Tac2 SP mandatory. Even individual training is severely hindered; I had a couple of troopers complaining that they haven't been able to get any training in Tac2 due to the limited aviation slots and the air assets being unrestricted.

I applaud the efforts being made to keep Tac2 fresh and fun, but for the time being our section will have no choice but to refrain from working in Tac2.
Gonzalez.E - that’s definitely a fair assessment and it’s an unfinished product and hasn’t been fully integrated yet to be “Cavisized”, so to speak, with all of the normal Cav features we are used to like zeus, slot restrictions, considerations for support MOS’ like aviation and armor, customized starting areas, etc. It’s a work in progress and accommodating the ability to conduct SP’s is a goal and will hopefully get implemented eventually by the hard working staff that are volunteering their extra time to work on this for us all. So, have patience, great feedback, and thank you!

Liber.N Whitsel.M


Active Duty
1/A/1-7 HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
Gonzalez.E - that’s definitely a fair assessment and it’s an unfinished product and hasn’t been fully integrated yet to be “Cavisized”, so to speak, with all of the normal Cav features we are used to like zeus, slot restrictions, considerations for support MOS’ like aviation and armor, customized starting areas, etc. It’s a work in progress and accommodating the ability to conduct SP’s is a goal and will hopefully get implemented eventually by the hard working staff that are volunteering their extra time to work on this for us all. So, have patience, great feedback, and thank you!

Liber.N Whitsel.M

Sir is there any chance then that the monthly Tac 2 SP requirement can be temporarily lifted or waived until Tac 2 has been "Cavisized" enough to create a decent training environment.That's one training a month that's just a waste of time that could be better spent in the training servers actually carrying out our company's training goals.


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
Sir is there any chance then that the monthly Tac 2 SP requirement can be temporarily lifted or waived until Tac 2 has been "Cavisized" enough to create a decent training environment.That's one training a month that's just a waste of time that could be better spent in the training servers actually carrying out our company's training goals.
Your direct CoC is the best place to raise that question/issue.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
3:34 AM
-Alpha FOB is useless for aviation, no taxiways, weird helipad locations, artillery and lots of vehicles in the runway, etc.
-Friendly artillery is so badly placed that it hurts you and the helicopters when it fires.

Just as a personal note on these issues, right now the only pre-placed base is the carrier. FOB Alpha and its related artillery are all player built and thus these issues were created by players and can be corrected by players. For comparison think of the fobs built by atlas 4 from the insurgency mission file, just with a lot more fancy options for building.

So as feedback for the file I think a pre-placed friendly base somewhere on the maps that has a few respawning assets, similarly to the little birds and chinook on the carrier, would be a good addition to make it more cav friendly.


Local time
10:34 AM
Last night, me and my section tried to have our SP in Tac2. Other than the confusion of not knowing how anything works in the map anymore, we found several issues:

-Alpha FOB is useless for aviation, no taxiways, weird helipad locations, artillery and lots of vehicles in the runway, etc.
-Fog came on instantly, and was so thick that flying was pretty much impossible.
-Infantry can't HALO if there are pilots logged in, which is good, but AA in the AO shreds buffalos from too far, so troop transport becomes very impractical.
-Not nearly enough aviation slots, and no restrictions on who can use air assets, which resulted in random public players severely interfering with air operations.
-Friendly artillery is so badly placed that it hurts you and the helicopters when it fires.
-Lack of Zeus slots prevent us from organizing any meaningful training for our section.

The gist of all this is that 7Cav pilots can no longer carry out SPs in Tac 2 at all, which is mildly infuriating given that our leadership made one monthly Tac2 SP mandatory. Even individual training is severely hindered; I had a couple of troopers complaining that they haven't been able to get any training in Tac2 due to the limited aviation slots and the air assets being unrestricted.

I applaud the efforts being made to keep Tac2 fresh and fun, but for the time being our section will have no choice but to refrain from working in Tac2.
First of all thank you for your feedback, and I am sorry you had terrible time trying to run SP.
I would like to address some of the points:

- All FOB's are constructed by players, FOB Alpha was built super early in the campaign while most people were still figuring out the build system.
Unfortunately the quality of the FOB's may vary depending on who builds them.
  • Thick fog is just Arma weather doing what its doing, I don't understand its logic and would appreciate more info on that.
  • AA - If you could provide more info on what type was shredding buffalos so we could adjust the balance.
  • Pilot restriction is something that is being looked at. How many slots do you need to conduct an SP ?
  • Zeus slots are being added.
Last edited:


The Man Himself
Wall of Honor
Local time
2:34 AM
Planned Features for v0.2 (v0.96.7a-7Cav-0.2)
Reference: GitHub 7Cav-0.2 Milestone
Markdown (GitHub flavored):
## TODO: v0.96.7a-7Cav-0.2
### Graphics Additions
* Add 7th Cavalry Logo onto mission file(s)

### Enlistment Information
* Add Script for Enlistment Information
* Add General Information as Diary or Map entry
* Add Script/Module for ACRE2 Channel name Preset

### Preset Tweaks
* Change `Opfor_AFRF` preset to reduce AA capability when below 50% Enemy Alery Level.
* Change `Opfor_AFRF` preset to include new RHS 5.5 Vehicles.

### Chernarus Support
* Add Map support for Chernarus
* Add Custom Opfor for Chernarus

### Sahrani Support
* Add Map support for Sahrani
* Add Custom Opfor for Sahrani

### Takistan Support
* Add Map support for Takistan
* Add Custom Opfor for Takistan
* Add Custom Blufor for Takistan

### Default Parameter Balances
* Change Difficulty to Easy
* Change Aggressiveness to Normal
* Change Unit Cap to Reduced
* Change Civilian Cap to Reduced
* Disable Vanilla Fog Parameter.

### Slot Standardization
* Change Slots to conform with 7th Cavalry Requirements.
* Add Mission Controller Slots for S3/SP Use.
* Add MP Specific Slots to isolate permissions.

This will be updated as issues are added onto the github.


Warrant Officer 1
Local time
2:34 AM
First of all thank you for your feedback, and I am sorry you had terrible time trying to run SP.
I would like to address some of the points:

- All FOB's are constructed by players, FOB Alpha was built super early in the campaign while most people were still figuring out the build system.
Unfortunately the quality of the FOB's may vary depending on who builds them.
  • Thick fog is just Arma weather doing what its doing, I don't understand its logic and would appreciate more info on that.
  • AA - If you could provide more info on what type was shredding buffalos so we could adjust the balance.
  • Pilot restriction is something that is being looked at. How many slots do you need to conduct an SP ?
  • Zeus slots are being added.

Thanks for taking an interest.

-I did not know that FOBs were created by players; that makes it even worse for us, because then we don't have a place for aviation at all.
-Arma has a variable level of fog; it can get high enough that flying any air assets is just unbearable (in real life they'd just ground all birds). Yesterday it went from 0 to "unbearable" in a second.
-Due to the fog, and precisely the heavy AA resistance, we could not get anywhere near enough to get a look at what was shooting at us.
-For an SP we'd need between 2 and 4 fully-crewed Buffalos. As a permanent slot for Tac2, probably 2 Buffalos would be fine, plus one for each different bird.
-Glad to hear the Zeus slots are coming back; they're a necessity for proper training.


Local time
2:34 AM
Thanks for taking an interest.

-I did not know that FOBs were created by players; that makes it even worse for us, because then we don't have a place for aviation at all.
-Arma has a variable level of fog; it can get high enough that flying any air assets is just unbearable (in real life they'd just ground all birds). Yesterday it went from 0 to "unbearable" in a second.
-Due to the fog, and precisely the heavy AA resistance, we could not get anywhere near enough to get a look at what was shooting at us.
-For an SP we'd need between 2 and 4 fully-crewed Buffalos. As a permanent slot for Tac2, probably 2 Buffalos would be fine, plus one for each different bird.
-Glad to hear the Zeus slots are coming back; they're a necessity for proper training.
Your AA threat was x2 shilka's positioned outside the objective in a nearby town. Hog after fixing issues he was having was tasked and located and neutralized both AA threats. They don't have any missiles i'm pretty sure only guns and have a restricted range that I don't believe is ungodly reach. Ground teams usually take care of them as quickly as we can to make it easier for you guys in the sky. Can't get them all sometimes, and the FOB created by players I feel like is a neat thing and should be kept, however I feel like that person building should make it more "neater" and "legit" so to say. Like a real FOB would look.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
2:34 AM
that makes it even worse for us, because then we don't have a place for aviation at all.
I’ve been playing on the mission today, and only one out of the many many airfields was even partially taken over by an FOB. Even then, both runways were still fully usable at the main Airport (where the FOB was setup), so I’m certain you’ll have all the space you need

If the issue is not having aircraft nearby, then the Zeus slot will fix that right up for you!

Arma has a variable level of fog; it can get high enough that flying any air assets is just unbearable (in real life they'd just ground all birds). Yesterday it went from 0 to "unbearable" in a second.
Looks like the fog has been fixed in the version changelog above!

Due to the fog, and precisely the heavy AA resistance, we could not get anywhere near enough to get a look at what was shooting at us
I’m not a great pilot, and I do fly on normal flight mode. However I was able to act as buffalo perfectly fine for all but one AO, where the AA thread was too much and took me out after taking off again. I’m sure you’ll be fine in the latest versions

Either way, it’s a WIP and all the points you raise are ones that I’m sure will be fixed sooner than you think. Can’t wait to see you running your next public server SP there!
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