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2024 Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread


Local time
2:23 PM
Can we increase some of the ACE cargo abilities of the bigger helis as well as the C-130? The CH-47 holds the most at 20 slots (Which is reasonable enough for a heli of that size) But things like the CH-53E should be able to hold more as its a much bigger heli.
Also the C-130 can quite literally hold the entire body of a CH-47 yet its ace cargo is only able to hold the same amount (20 slots).
Th CH-47 in its current state is able to hold a total of 6 crates (Supply,Ammo,Fuel) for Fobs. Plus 1 sling load (Up to 3 but I haven't been able to get all 3 to stay hooked).

I think the CH-47 should stay at 6 + sling load. But I think much larger vehicles should be able to hold more supplies.

30 Cargo slots for C-130 & Gloabmaster?
26-30 for CH-53?


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
Can we increase some of the ACE cargo abilities of the bigger helis as well as the C-130? The CH-47 holds the most at 20 slots (Which is reasonable enough for a heli of that size) But things like the CH-53E should be able to hold more as its a much bigger heli.
Also the C-130 can quite literally hold the entire body of a CH-47 yet its ace cargo is only able to hold the same amount (20 slots).
Th CH-47 in its current state is able to hold a total of 6 crates (Supply,Ammo,Fuel) for Fobs. Plus 1 sling load (Up to 3 but I haven't been able to get all 3 to stay hooked).

I think the CH-47 should stay at 6 + sling load. But I think much larger vehicles should be able to hold more supplies.

30 Cargo slots for C-130 & Gloabmaster?
26-30 for CH-53?
Tracking....and agree. I will look into increasing the cargo capacity.


Local time
9:23 PM
Might be good to gatekeep bigger and smaller airframes differently. similarly for armor it might be nice to require some hangar or so too


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM
Westcott.R Just a heads up the Code Of Conduct that shows up on the flash page of TacR its unreadable on my end its pushed in to tight all the words are a blur


1st Lieutenant
Local time
3:23 PM
The current mission file (Liberation Green Sea) has incorrect medical permissions for Gunslinger-7. Gunslinger-7 (and all platoon medic roles) should be scripted to have doctor perms, not medic perms.

We have also noticed a steep increase in CIVREP loss on the past two mission files (Liberation Sumava and current Green Sea). We are unsure if this is due to player interaction or if there is a difference in how the file handles civilian structures.

Certain islands on the Green Sea Map are composed almost entirely of radio tower objectives, which means these islands incur extra heavy QRF action.


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
The current mission file (Liberation Green Sea) has incorrect medical permissions for Gunslinger-7. Gunslinger-7 (and all platoon medic roles) should be scripted to have doctor perms, not medic perms.

We have also noticed a steep increase in CIVREP loss on the past two mission files (Liberation Sumava and current Green Sea). We are unsure if this is due to player interaction or if there is a difference in how the file handles civilian structures.

Certain islands on the Green Sea Map are composed almost entirely of radio tower objectives, which means these islands incur extra heavy QRF action.
Gun-7 noted, composition fixed, mission file fixed and hotfix will be applied within the hour.

I personally have not done any adjustments to how the CIVREP is handled in the game...but perhaps something else has broken it. Will be looked into.

Sumava was steamrolled in like a week and a half, I instructed the mission builder to make it extra spicy for Green Sea (stacking objective areas). Finding the balance is proving challenging.


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM
Weapons and equipment boxes on build menu spawn empty.

Also I believe the medical create is wrong as well I think there is a Atlas create that is used for Ops Turn.J prob has the info on what create we use is called


Active Duty
2/B/1-7 SL/ASL
S5 Staff
Local time
3:23 PM
Invade and annex file should allow anyone to have access to all loadout presets, having to be in a viking slot to have access to viking loadouts is not very based yo.


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
Invade and annex file should allow anyone to have access to all loadout presets, having to be in a viking slot to have access to viking loadouts is not very based yo.
Noted. The inclusion of cScripts (which gives you the loadouts upon spawn) was a decision I made to enable new (to our servers) players to slot up and be able to immediately fill that role. The full arsenal is available for modifying your kit as you see fit as well. cScripts also gives up jump script capabilities, accurate resupply capabilities, as well a a host of "behind the curtain" functionality.


Local time
7:23 PM
In the "TacR" Invade and annex scenario, players do not start with radios in any of the loadouts. if this is intentional or an oversight in the inventory configuration.
AI: It appears that enemy units do not respond to players beyond a distance of 300 meters unless they have been engaged. Even then, their reaction is often lacking if the player is positioned at a considerable distance. For example, during an engagement with three T-80 tanks and one IFV, the enemy units did not return fire. Despite our position on a hill 2 kilometres away and using Javelins, one tank was targeted by a squad with MAWWS rockets from 600-800M but still did not respond back with any attempt of fire.

Suggestions: Having a enemy QRF attack the AO when either taking all objectives or a Key objecting Example: Taking over the Enemy HQ in the AO
(Depending on player count Mabey)

Other then that Cool mission types and layouts I am sure with some fine tuning with AI this Mission file will Slap


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
In the "TacR" Invade and annex scenario, players do not start with radios in any of the loadouts. if this is intentional or an oversight in the inventory configuration.
AI: It appears that enemy units do not respond to players beyond a distance of 300 meters unless they have been engaged. Even then, their reaction is often lacking if the player is positioned at a considerable distance. For example, during an engagement with three T-80 tanks and one IFV, the enemy units did not return fire. Despite our position on a hill 2 kilometres away and using Javelins, one tank was targeted by a squad with MAWWS rockets from 600-800M but still did not respond back with any attempt of fire.

Suggestions: Having a enemy QRF attack the AO when either taking all objectives or a Key objecting Example: Taking over the Enemy HQ in the AO
(Depending on player count Mabey)

Other then that Cool mission types and layouts I am sure with some fine tuning with AI this Mission file will Slap
Yes it is intentional to not spawn with a radio. With TFAR it will create too many radio IDs and will nuke the TS server.
We are aware that some of the AI do not behave as expected on the current I/A mission file. We are in the process of re-writing it from the ground up and the current version is really to gather feedback as we are using it as a base for our in house development. The Dynamic Simulation placed on the OPFOR will not activate until players are withing like 500m (1k if in a vehicle). The Dyn Sim is pretty hard baked into the current mission and changing it breaks other things lol...but it will be looked into further.


Local time
7:23 PM
Suggestions for Improvement and Enhancements in 7th Cav Invade and Annex

This is just my opinion, and I appreciate all the hard work you all do to make the TacR server the amazing experience we know and love. I understand that some suggestions may not be universally liked, but I wanted to share my thoughts on the current Invade and Annex mission file.
  1. Vehicle Spawner - Clear Cargo Function: The "Clear Cargo" function in the Vehicle Spawner is not working as intended. Vehicles are still spawning with a full inventory.
  2. Vehicle Inventory Loader Area: It would be beneficial to add an inventory editing area at the main base. This would allow customization of vehicle loadouts without the need to go back and forth between the arsenal and the vehicle inventory.
  3. Crate Spawner: Please consider adding an option to spawn an empty crate. This might eliminate the need for the proposed vehicle inventory editing area.
  4. FARP Fast Travel: Implement a travel system similar to the halo jump for fast travel to a selected Forward Arming and Refuelling Point (FARP). This feature should be disabled when a transport rotary aircraft is is available or slotted Similar to the Halo jump action.
  5. FARP Repair/Refuel: Introduce repair and refuel areas at FARP locations. Note that a rearm function should not be included to avoid overpowered capabilities.
  6. FARP MRZR4: Modify the despawning behavior of the MRZR4 at FARP locations. Instead of despawning when no one is nearby or when a certain distance is reached, consider increasing the range or implementing an inactivity timer.
  7. Expanded Mission Types for AO: Enhance mission variety and difficulty in Areas of Operation (AO) based on player count and slotted assets. Proposed mission types include:
    • Search and Destroy: Locate and eliminate a weapons cache.
    • Gather Intel: Activate a special hidden side objective.
    • Search and Rescue: Escort individuals out of the AO.
    • Clear Minefield/IEDs: Dependent on enemy faction and map specifics.
  8. Vehicle Fast Travel to Checkpoints: Consider adding a fast travel option for vehicles when the AO is located on the opposite side of the map. Ensure there is a range limit, such as not allowing travel to checkpoints within a 5km radius of the current AO.
  9. AI and AI Vehicle Skill Discrepancy: Adjust the alertness and responsiveness of AI and AI vehicles to contact and movement. The current AI skill level is not challenging enough and can be unengaging.
  10. AI Health Pool/Armor: Review and adjust the health pool and armor of AI units. Currently, it can take 6-10 shots from a 5.56mm weapon at 300m to down a target, with 2-4 headshots often required. This seems excessive and should be balanced for a more realistic experience.


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
Okie dokie! Thank you for your valuable input! This is why we have the current I/A file up...to gather input for our current project! I will address these in numerical order for ease:

1)We are using cScripts to enable a ton of backend functionality for some of the cool stuff we can do (paradrops, loadouts upon spawn, etc) and cScripts automatically applies an inventory to vehicle that was carefully put together by our Scripting team. The vehicle loadouts are made to provide common resupply for the Fireteam level (humvees) up to and including full squad resupply, with MOS specific launchers etc. A cScripts version specifically for our public missions is an idea that is currently being discussed, and blank vehicle inventory options can be added once we start work on that project.

2)Again, the vehicle loadouts should be pretty solid for infantry needs. If you feel you need to add...well...anyone who has ever been in the military will tell you that carrying stuff from point A to point B is a fairly regular occurrence lol...often followed up by picking the same thing up at point B and returning it to point A.

3) Empty crates are a double edged sword. The crates that are available are cultivated by cScripts (this will be a theme) and their carry weight is adjusted via cScripts so that we can...well... carry them. If you get an empty crate...fill it up with stuff (other than just a few magazines and maybe a single launcher) they will be too heavy to carry/move. I will get with the team on that one and see what they think!

4-6) Dev team is already tracking and hashing out how to implement/ these.

7)Boy oh boy is this already in work! This will be for the next iteration of I/A but we have a bunch of mission/side mission sets in the pipeline!

8) Have you ever teleported a vehicle in ARMA? It usually doesn't end well for anyone involved. We understand that vehicles are important force multipliers, especially when small groups are on the servers, but perhaps a second vehicle spawner with a limited selection can be placed for when the AO is like 20 km away or more.

9) Yes...the AI (especially vehicles) are dumb in this version. This has to do with the Dynamic Simulation placed on them by the mission file itself, which breaks the mission every time we try to remove it. This will be fixed in the next iteration.

10) AI health is determined by our CBA settings, which is currently sets their health at .6 (vanilla ARMA is a 1). Interestingly enough...the player health threshold is set at 6. Yep...players have 6 times the damage threshold of AI...keep in mind that does not factor in Body Armor or helmets. A lot of the units we choose for OPFOR have body armor of some sort...otherwise players would just steamroll them and there would be no challenge at all.

The S3 DEV team is continually striving to make the most solid and engaging persistent missions we can...and this is pretty awesome feedback! Thank you and I hope I have answered some of your questions/suggestions!


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM
Since its been joked about after the spreadhead update about a WW2 lib. In all seriousness I wanna know what is the chance of grabbing a basic spreadhead Lib mission to run for a couple weeks? Doesnt need all the cav stuff putting onto it just some sort of mission that can be ran. Since we have done it with the Nam PF CDLC I think a few people would like to do it with the spreadhead DLC. Might give the server a bit of a boost even more so with the recruitment event going on at the moment.


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
Since its been joked about after the spreadhead update about a WW2 lib. In all seriousness I wanna know what is the chance of grabbing a basic spreadhead Lib mission to run for a couple weeks? Doesnt need all the cav stuff putting onto it just some sort of mission that can be ran. Since we have done it with the Nam PF CDLC I think a few people would like to do it with the spreadhead DLC. Might give the server a bit of a boost even more so with the recruitment event going on at the moment.
This would involve coordination between S3, S5 and S6. It would also require a mod-pack change on the servers as well as for players. Also the liberation for Spearhead does not work with the CDLC, players must have Spearhead DLC (it is specifically the radios that are an issue, as well as gun emplacements). It would also require BN and maybe even RN approval.
That being said, if given the green light, S3 Dev would gladly put together something, but it would be a couple months out (maybe even over furlough).


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM
This would involve coordination between S3, S5 and S6. It would also require a mod-pack change on the servers as well as for players. Also the liberation for Spearhead does not work with the CDLC, players must have Spearhead DLC (it is specifically the radios that are an issue, as well as gun emplacements). It would also require BN and maybe even RN approval.
That being said, if given the green light, S3 Dev would gladly put together something, but it would be a couple months out (maybe even over furlough).
Good to know cheers for the reply.


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM
This would involve coordination between S3, S5 and S6. It would also require a mod-pack change on the servers as well as for players. Also the liberation for Spearhead does not work with the CDLC, players must have Spearhead DLC (it is specifically the radios that are an issue, as well as gun emplacements). It would also require BN and maybe even RN approval.
That being said, if given the green light, S3 Dev would gladly put together something, but it would be a couple months out (maybe even over furlough).
Sorry just reread what you said you you expand on the Lib for spearhead does not work with the CDLC. Its suggested on the CDLC website as a gamemode


Sergeant First Class
Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S7 Staff
Local time
2:23 PM
Sorry just reread what you said you you expand on the Lib for spearhead does not work with the CDLC. Its suggested on the CDLC website as a gamemode

What is not possible?

Please note that access to premium content is restricted for non-owners in the same way as the official DLCs of Arma 3.

  • Premium missions and campaigns are inaccessible.
  • Premium terrains can only viewed in camera mod, but not played on.
  • Premium weapons cannot be picked up.
  • Premium vehicles can be primarily used as a passenger for transport or in secondary turret positions. Not available are driver/gunner/commander position.

    This is straight from the BI Wiki . Per the KP Liberation port workshop page there are TONS of issues with the CDLC port of the mission file (FOB truck only goes 5kph, ACE is NOT compatible, actually NO medical is working correctly it looks like lol, the arsenal is bugged, and a few other issues. The "working" version of Spearhead Lib is the IFA3 supplemented version, which doesn't use the CDLC but requires the actual DLC.
    I guess what I am trying to say is the CDLC Spearhead Liberation "works"....but it doesn't really...at least not up to our standards. I love the WW2 stuff myself and would love to see it. I personally don't have the power to just put it on the server. This would have to be run up the COC...then back down a couple steps...then like 2 steps back up...then back down...then forgotten about and put on a shelf then found again a few weeks later dusted off...run back up the chain and approved before I can even start working on it.


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:23 PM

What is not possible?

Please note that access to premium content is restricted for non-owners in the same way as the official DLCs of Arma 3.

  • Premium missions and campaigns are inaccessible.
  • Premium terrains can only viewed in camera mod, but not played on.
  • Premium weapons cannot be picked up.
  • Premium vehicles can be primarily used as a passenger for transport or in secondary turret positions. Not available are driver/gunner/commander position.

    This is straight from the BI Wiki . Per the KP Liberation port workshop page there are TONS of issues with the CDLC port of the mission file (FOB truck only goes 5kph, ACE is NOT compatible, actually NO medical is working correctly it looks like lol, the arsenal is bugged, and a few other issues. The "working" version of Spearhead Lib is the IFA3 supplemented version, which doesn't use the CDLC but requires the actual DLC.
    I guess what I am trying to say is the CDLC Spearhead Liberation "works"....but it doesn't really...at least not up to our standards. I love the WW2 stuff myself and would love to see it. I personally don't have the power to just put it on the server. This would have to be run up the COC...then back down a couple steps...then like 2 steps back up...then back down...then forgotten about and put on a shelf then found again a few weeks later dusted off...run back up the chain and approved before I can even start working on it.
Ah got ya functional but smoky 😂


Private First Class
Active Duty
Local time
4:23 PM
Hey, I would like to make a weapon suggestion
On TacR today, I joined my squad and took the marksman class with the mk-11, also, this class would be better if it had more ammo
We were normally fighting enemies like 500 meters away, so I had to do more calculations with the scope that was made for closer targets
There's normally long engagements in operations, so a sniper or recon team with options like the M107 or bolt-action snipers for it would be amazing
Thanks and have a great day Cav