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Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

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Warrant Officer 1
Active Duty
MP Staff
S7 Staff
Local time
11:00 AM
NVG's are broken again. I think Liber.N fixed em last time, can we PLEASE get a re-fix. Flew a 2-bird night mission for an SP the other night and the whole thing was white-knuckle because NVGs went dark and we couldn't see shit. It's a wonder we survived. Basically it goes from bright to dark and you have to keep switching off an on just to get marginal visibility of the ground. It's terrible for everybody, but especially for us that love night missions. PLEASE FIX and thank you!
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1st Lieutenant
Local time
4:00 PM
The 'Hearts & Minds' mission file's default parameters need to be altered a little bit. Even after doing a little experiment where I completed several side missions and did nothing to lower reputation, civilians still said that our rep was low.

If there's a way to cap how low rep can go that would be great, but right now any effort to keep reputation high will be lost when someone comes on at 4AM and nukes a town with a helicopter or something. At least that's how it feels right now.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
2/A/1-7 HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
The 'Hearts & Minds' mission file's default parameters need to be altered a little bit. Even after doing a little experiment where I completed several side missions and did nothing to lower reputation, civilians still said that our rep was low.

If there's a way to cap how low rep can go that would be great, but right now any effort to keep reputation high will be lost when someone comes on at 4AM and nukes a town with a helicopter or something. At least that's how it feels right now.
Plus the fact that every respawn hurts our reputation. Most of the regular players try to repeatedly remind people not to respawn, but the reality is that many just don't realize that respawning affects the entire playerbase and we end up losing rep incredibly consistently because of it....is there a way for us to disable that function?


1st Lieutenant
Local time
4:00 PM
I love the H&M mission set, but I honestly feel that it's more suited for organised gameplay instead of long term uptime on a public server unless we can fix some of these issues.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
2/A/1-7 HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
On an entirely different note, I believe we used to have a list of radio channels in the TacR somewhere -- in the map screen briefing tab, I think? Can we bring that back or find some other way to list it on the board at spawn for example, we've been getting some new players and that's always a big point of confusion


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
2/A/1-7 HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
I haven't had much time to work on the mission files lately, ill try to sort all the complaints soon.
not complaints, suggestions -- if anybody be complaining about a server run by volunteers I'll come after them myself :mad:


1st Lieutenant
Local time
4:00 PM
I would like to see vehicle cookoffs re-enabled on the server for a trial run, the ACE team has recently (as of Nov 2021 and the latest patch) made improvements to the system to bring it in-line with the new fire damage type that people can receive around incendiary weapons and other burning things.

There are now CBA settings for intensity/duration of cookoff, so if frames are a factor, you can hard limit cooking off to something like 10 seconds.


Local time
10:00 AM
As someone that joined Alpha because of WFW I was a little off put come to find that this WFW didn't have a single slot for pilots of any kind. If I understand WFW is a combined arms force/battalion focused and to show case the 7cav as a hole to the public this didn't feel right. As today was a Bravo only day in my mind. It was off putting as yes I could just join in on an infantry slot but my setup is not the most comfortable for me to us Mouse and keyboard in that way. As some one that has full HOTAS and pedals as many alpha members have. This just seems we have two options that are not that great for us. I know its not a every Wednesday thing but for it to happen it concerns the health of FW and Rotary. Hope my point came across fine. Thank you. And I really do enjoy it hear just felt like I needed to say something.


Active Duty
2/C/1-7 SL/ASL
S5 Staff
RTC Staff
Local time
10:00 AM
As someone that joined Alpha because of WFW I was a little off put come to find that this WFW didn't have a single slot for pilots of any kind. If I understand WFW is a combined arms force/battalion focused and to show case the 7cav as a hole to the public this didn't feel right. As today was a Bravo only day in my mind. It was off putting as yes I could just join in on an infantry slot but my setup is not the most comfortable for me to us Mouse and keyboard in that way. As some one that has full HOTAS and pedals as many alpha members have. This just seems we have two options that are not that great for us. I know its not a every Wednesday thing but for it to happen it concerns the health of FW and Rotary. Hope my point came across fine. Thank you. And I really do enjoy it hear just felt like I needed to say something.
Air support is a pretty crazy force-multiplier, especially when you have other support assets on the field. The people who run WfW do their best to include everyone as often as possible but there's some cases where it's choosing between having air support and not needing or using it, or removing it and letting the people who would have slotted as air support run as another element. Then there's server performance to also take into consideration.


First Sergeant
Local time
10:00 AM
Air support is a pretty crazy force-multiplier, especially when you have other support assets on the field. The people who run WfW do their best to include everyone as often as possible but there's some cases where it's choosing between having air support and not needing or using it, or removing it and letting the people who would have slotted as air support run as another element. Then there's server performance to also take into consideration.
Fair enough and in the case of Cav Ops I agree 100% however WFW is a showcase for 7th Cav to the public largely as a recruiting tool so in effect excluding elements from it prevents those Companies from recruiting and leaves a bad taste within that element. How would an "All Air" WFW go over? It wouldn't because its a terrible idea and ignores the greatest strength of ARMA3 and the 7th's which is combined arms.

I don't believe it's intentional by any means however, all of the 1st Batt Companies (Alpha especially) needs to get in front of as many people as possible right now for reasons we're all well aware of. Furthermore it doesn't need to be a crazy force multiplier and I'm a little confused as to why this misconception keeps rearing its ugly head. The ROE is pretty clear either Type 3 only engaging in area's clear to engage at pilots digression or Type 1 or 2 and the FAC controls what the airframes can and cannot engage. So I don't entirely understand that point?

Lag I get it and 100% agree certain elements lagging the server out ruins everyone's experience, try flying a helo into a hot LZ at 10 frames/sec. No fun.
If its enhanced mobility for transport/utility that can be fixed by having no fly zones and forcing aircraft to take a longer path, giving the enemy room to withdraw, probe, flank and so on.

My points are

1. If the ground is busy the air has no fun, if the air is busy the ground has no fun. Surely there is a way to strike a balance?

2. WFW needs to include as many facets of 1st Bat as possible every time as its a recruiting tool, and excluding elements entirely is a bad idea, you obviously can't have everything but you should have something.

3. If 1 and 2 don't happen 1st Batt will suffer and I don't want that.
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Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
Fair enough and in the case of Cav Ops I agree 100% however WFW is a showcase for 7th Cav to the public largely as a recruiting tool so in effect excluding elements from it prevents those Companies from recruiting and leaves a bad taste within that element. How would an "All Air" WFW go over? It wouldn't because its a terrible idea and ignores the greatest strength of ARMA3 and the 7th's which is combined arms.

I don't believe it's intentional by any means however, all of the 1st Batt Companies (Alpha especially) needs to get in front of as many people as possible right now for reasons we're all well aware of. Furthermore it doesn't need to be a crazy force multiplier and I'm a little confused as to why this misconception keeps rearing its ugly head. The ROE is pretty clear either Type 3 only engaging in area's clear to engage at pilots digression or Type 1 or 2 and the FAC controls what the airframes can and cannot engage. So I don't entirely understand that point?

Lag I get it and 100% agree certain elements lagging the server out ruins everyone's experience, try flying a helo into a hot LZ at 10 frames/sec. No fun.
If its enhanced mobility for transport/utility that can be fixed by having no fly zones and forcing aircraft to take a longer path, giving the enemy room to withdraw, probe, flank and so on.

My points are

1. If the ground is busy the air has no fun, if the air is busy the ground has no fun. Surely there is a way to strike a balance?

2. WFW needs to include as many facets of 1st Bat as possible every time as its a recruiting tool, and excluding elements entirely is a bad idea, you obviously can't have everything but you should have something.

3. If 1 and 2 don't happen 1st Batt will suffer and I don't want that.
Create a wfw mission that answers these points and we'll run it :)


First Sergeant
Local time
10:00 AM
Create a wfw mission that answers these points and we'll run it :)
Rob.Y thanks for your comment, however my point is I believe well made and you've offered nothing in return, barring a snarky remark and smiley face.

When people in a 1st Batt Company in good faith raise the issue of a lack of inclusion with a Cav event which at its core is about promoting the Cav, Arma 3 and 1st Battalion Companies. Something to act as a foundation for recruiting and are trying to make the point that exclusion from such events ties directly to struggles with recruiting, retention and the long term viability of the company (which by the way our Company and Battalion Leadership are actively encouraging us to do); but S3 (which you are the OIC of I believe according to the ADR?) appears to not only be actively obstructing (either by omission or commission in this specific instance) but in addition is refusing to engage in a good faith discuss makes a person wonder what possible reason(s) would there be for acting in such a manner? I'm happy to listen to any good faith, reasonable argument you might be able to provide however you have some tough sledding ahead of you.

If ground elements were excluded from a WFW wouldn't that raise some red flags ? It would for me and I'm not even in a ground based billet. If the ground elements then questioned why and were met with the responses I've been met with it would raise more than a few eyebrows across all companies in 1st Batt. I'm trying to work towards getting this resolved and moving in a better direction but it appears you sir are deflecting instead of addressing the issue. I would politely request you stop deflecting and address the issue please and thanks. If the only things you have to add are unproductive and demoralizing comments, this discussion would likely be better off without them.

This thread is supposed to be about feedback and working together to try to improve TacR and to a larger extent is a microcosm of the Cav. Uniting and working together to resolve sticky situations and find a practical and pragmatic resolution. Ultimately we won't ever get it perfect but we can try to make Tuesday better than Monday was.

None of us can know everything but if we act in good faith and are actively and genuinely working together towards a viable solution we might not always get it right but if we take in feedback, some useful some not, (Debriefs/AARs after OPS or SPs) the intent is try to make the next WFW, SP, OP etc... better than this one was. I've been to some exceptional SPs and FTXs in Charlie and Bravo Co. that I've learned a lot with regard to what I do and more importantly what other companies do while I'm doing my pilot stuff. Some of my biggest learning moment(s) were flying with members from Bravo and Charlie Co. onboard who over the intercom pointed out things like the reason you can't reach them right now on the radio is they are in contact so they're busy and cannot respond. This is why I have first hand experience the more healthy companies and the more cross training we do together the better we will perform together as a group in combined arms which is essentially what ARMA3, 1st Batt and the 7th Cav is all about.

I'm trying very hard and earnestly to fulfill my obligation in that regard.

I also believe trying as best as I can in I'm sure a deeply flawed way to act in good faith and it seems I'm not getting any reciprocation from the people I need it from. In addition I already have a secondary billet one I believe I'm exceptional at. Training pilots to fly helicopters. I joined the Cav in the Fall of 2017. I'm currently a pilot in Alpha (1st) Section, 1st Platoon, Alpha Company. I'm a former commercial helicopter pilot from Canada, and I've been flying and training people to fly aircraft in real life and online for somewhere in the neighbourhood of 24 years give or take. I'm also the S7 Rotary lead which I believe qualifies me to have an opinion with regard to the subject matter at hand.

I'd like to continue to do so and continue to do so here, however I have a number of people in my company who are starting to express a feeling/belief the 7th Cav doesn't want to have an aviation company like the one I worked very hard to join and build around. I'm trying to quell that feeling/belief however responses like this from no less than the S3 lead breath life into the very thing I'm trying to fend off which incidentally runs contrary to if not the rules the spirit of the rules.

In closing acting in a manner that encourages this negative kind of behavior goes against at least 4 of the 5 articles spelled out in the Code of Conduct possibly even a 5th depending on how you personally view such behavior which I will add here below for reference.
Article I - Rectitude
Innate to all is the sense of knowing right and wrong. This awareness serves to keep us on a path of rightness and fortitude of principle and practice. Simply put, all members of the Unit are expected to do the right thing or make the right decision, not because it ís easy, but because it ís ethically and morally correct regardless of the outcome or result.

  • Do the right thing every time.
  • Uphold and comply with all ethical and written standards (this Code, Rules of Engagement, General Orders, etc.) that apply to all members of the Unit.
Article II - Respect
Members of the Unit show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat our fellow members, guest to our servers and members of other units (allies or neutral) with dignity and honor. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

  • Treat all members and guest of the Unit with respect, dignity and empathy.
  • All verbal, nonverbal and written communication, both within the Unit's own mediums (other forums, game servers, voice chat, etc.) and mediums outside the Unit's (e.g. other clan's forum, game servers, etc.) will be conducted in a mutually respectful manner.
Article III - Honor
Members of the Unit will walk the path that ensures the preservation of self respect and self esteem over and above personal gain, well being, or convenience.

  • Do not lie or cheat, nor tolerate those who do.
  • Be honest; honorable in all encounters, principles, intentions and actions with all members and our guest.
Article IV - Loyalty
Members of the Unit exhibit a clear and non-negotiable commitment to both the Unit and the other members.

  • The Unit above all else (in the virtual world).
  • Be devoted to your duties.
  • Support the leadership and stand by your Cav brothers and sisters.
Article V - Courage
Members of the Unit display courage, not just on the battlefield, but courage to gather the strength of character to walk the righteous path.

  • Facing moral fear or adversity; continuing forward on the right path, especially if taking those actions is not popular with others.
  • Standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable.

Yours very sincerely and respectfully,
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Warrant Officer 1
Active Duty
MP Staff
S7 Staff
Local time
11:00 AM
After the last "walking simulator" Warfare Wednesday, I had written down some notes and was going say it here, but Lindsay.A beat me to it and took all the words right out of my mouth and all the notes right off my paper. His explanation is 100% perfectly correct in every way so I can't say it any better.

It is really shocking and astounding that such commonly known- common sense things even have to be said. Extremely disenchanting and SAD

I echo every single sentence of what Lindsay.A wrote, because it could not be more true.




Staff Sergeant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 SL/ASL
S3 Staff
Local time
8:00 AM
Lindsay.A Hamm.C Parker.J

While S3 does value feedback regarding WFW, this is not the place to make it. This forum page is for S3 to track issues and feedback relating to the public mission files on TacR, not WFW. Those issues should be complied and sent up the appropriate COC.

Unless you have additional issues or feedback for the H&M or Liberation mission file, there should be no further discussion of this issue on this forum page.


First Sergeant
Local time
10:00 AM
Understood I was operating under the belief WFW was a public mission file.

I guess it isn't?

I was foolishly hoping to appeal to S3 directly as fellow Cav members and in a transparent manner about something important and nuanced that my Company desperately wants and needs to discuss and hopefully find resolution but needs S3s help to do so about a map on a public server in the feedback thread.

I guess that was a mistake.

Will forward up CoC as directed thanks for the revealing chat.

Olson.DJ Abbassi.G Derry.B Summerfield.P Hobbs.T Schmidt.A
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Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
For what its worth gents. We have this conversation in S3 daily on how to incorporate everyone. Making a mission file is not easy nor simple especially when we are lucky enough to have Liber and Maz make one almost every week. Its important to remind folks this is all volunteer and if someone in S3 wants to make a cool mission awesome. It even more awesome when they can make a more complex mission that incorporates more assets. The issue is not that we are not aware or ignoring other slots. The very few people who take the hours to create a mission simply do not always have the time or energy to build the complexity needed for each asset.
Again you have seen for a long time the few folks making missions struggle to meet your expectations to create the "right" mission file. Hence we need help to make the mission file that is correct for you which is why we ask you to help us make the file.
You will find few people who dedicate more time to the cav then our mission makers. We love them for all there effort and try really hard to make content that appeases and includes everyone.
However, imagine if me in S3 HQ began mandating what missions had to be or how they were designed (we do this to some extent actually). If every time maz or dunn or liber who took hours to make a mission they think would be fun, but because it failed to be complex enough to include all assets we simply snowballed it. Then we asked then to make an op each week. A complex op that takes hours and hour to make, yeah there would be no wfw at all pretty quick.

Now sure we could do less for wfw and not run a mission and simply do the base mission file, that is a potential solution. Or we could have folks passionate about different mos whether it be tankers or rotary to join s3 and help make inclusive missions.
S3 is not an on demand service. They are not paid for these hours and hours. We do read and attempt to place feedback. But again all volunteer and creative. So if folks wanna make a certain mission, we do our best to to encourage them to keep our content creators coming back.
So in closing, please appreciate why i ask for all of your help to create new files when we see these types of complaints. Its not meant as snarky or rude. Its a genuine honest ask to please help us help you as these guys spend endless of thankless hours trying to improve your online experience.
Come find me on TacR sometime or in discord too though I am always open to chat about these things to help S3 be the best it can be :)
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First Sergeant
Local time
10:00 AM
Too many inconsistencies Captain, and Mazinski asked to leave it be so I'm doing so please extend me the same courtesy. This bridge is burnt as far as I'm concerned.


Active Duty
1/A/1-7 HQ
S7 Staff
Local time
11:00 AM
If you follow the thinking of "if you want missions with your MOS you need someone from your company in S3 to make those because we don't want to pressure anyone to include all the companies" to it's logical conclusion, you would get 3 people from 3 companies making their MOS specific missions that exclude the other two companies. At the point could you actually call the 7th Cav a combined arms clan, is that not the core Arma experience that sets us apart, is that not what we advertise.

Are we ok with the idea of an Alpha guy making a mission that takes over a whole Warfare Wednesday and only has slots for aviators and everyone else gets turned away?

Cuz if that's the case tell me and I'll join S3 now just to see how long you would put up with aviation only WFWs? I would guess you'd change your tune on that very quickly.


Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:00 AM
Any mission able to accommodate 40+ players on a public server with slots that the average player can take part in is 100% something we would be open to try :). So yes, if you made a air heavy mission and had gunner seats in black hawks or whatever else that the average non-pilot member can take part in I think that would be really fun and awesome and would do great stuff to showcase the AO. Start crafting and see what we can make work!
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