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Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

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1st Lieutenant
Local time
12:41 PM
I'm seeing a trend on liberation where the general playerbase solely adopts opfor vehicles and it's starting to get a little concerning. Seems like people just abandon doing logistics in favour of using OPFOR vehicles instead.


Lieutenant Colonel
Local time
6:41 AM
Requesting that ACE Nightvision Noise setting be adjusted down or allow player setting to overwrite server setting. I've received multiple complaints that when flying or driving it is like using a generation 1 NVG and not generation 2 and 3 the pvs's are supposed to model.


Local time
4:41 AM
I'm seeing a trend on liberation where the general playerbase solely adopts opfor vehicles and it's starting to get a little concerning. Seems like people just abandon doing logistics in favour of using OPFOR vehicles instead.
This is probably one of the most irritating issues. I always forget about it until its happening. I agree we need to fix this, there was a time that using OPFOR vics was not acceptable.


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
I'm seeing a trend on liberation where the general playerbase solely adopts opfor vehicles and it's starting to get a little concerning. Seems like people just abandon doing logistics in favour of using OPFOR vehicles instead.
This is probably one of the most irritating issues. I always forget about it until its happening. I agree we need to fix this, there was a time that using OPFOR vics was not acceptable.
Arma 3- Public Server Rules
  1. No fratricide or destruction of friendly equipment
  2. No offensive or disruptive behavior
  3. All support assets must be on call and TeamSpeak 3
  4. You must play your role and cooperate with your team
There isn't a single role or call-sign that has to play in OPFOR vehicles in order to do their job. You must play your role, which means utilizing BLUFOR vehicles and equipment. This also helps you cooperate with your team. Authorized game admins are free to enforce this accordingly. In short, people shouldn't be using OPFOR vehicles unless they've got permission from a game admin/mission controller.


Active Duty
2/B/1-7 SL/ASL
Local time
1:41 PM
There for being able to Salvage them should make the trend change towards using friendly vehicles, one other thing that could help, is also having more space and quicker load times of the Boxes of supply, ammo and fuel into vehicles in general, as a load time of 15 seconds per box in Ace is not fun gameplay.


Local time
7:41 AM
I really would like to see H&M come back to TacR, this file is difficult to get people to coordinate and play together on. when we tried it before it was the same thing. It becomes a really rushed play with no consideration for civilians, or anything other than rushing AO's and killing all the opfor. Things like HALO jump option make people dislike when transport pilots are on. And near the end of each objective, it become a standstill search for 1 guy in a building. It's too much clutter, a simpler file like H&M served us better in my opinion and i found myself enjoying myself on it more often.

Just give us more maps with H&M.


Local time
1:41 PM
I noticed that the Surgery setting on TacR is set to "Medical Facilities" only. This limits the use of the new Surgery system down by a lot. It forces to RTB every time someone has anything more than a simple fracture. While this encourages pilots and PJs to work on extracting causalities with complex fractures, it also completely removes the option on a large map without a pilot. At this point, I rather use the Personal Aid Kit to fix the fracture, as it's impractical to pull them halfway across the map just to fix a complex fracture.

I suggest putting the setting to "Medical Facilities and Vehicles" as it gives much more flexibility and works better even when there are no pilots available.


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
I noticed that the Surgery setting on TacR is set to "Medical Facilities" only. This limits the use of the new Surgery system down by a lot. It forces to RTB every time someone has anything more than a simple fracture. While this encourages pilots and PJs to work on extracting causalities with complex fractures, it also completely removes the option on a large map without a pilot. At this point, I rather use the Personal Aid Kit to fix the fracture, as it's impractical to pull them halfway across the map just to fix a complex fracture.

I suggest putting the setting to "Medical Facilities and Vehicles" as it gives much more flexibility and works better even when there are no pilots available.
Raeder.U Mazinski.H


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
I really would like to see H&M come back to TacR, this file is difficult to get people to coordinate and play together on. when we tried it before it was the same thing. It becomes a really rushed play with no consideration for civilians, or anything other than rushing AO's and killing all the opfor. Things like HALO jump option make people dislike when transport pilots are on. And near the end of each objective, it become a standstill search for 1 guy in a building. It's too much clutter, a simpler file like H&M served us better in my opinion and i found myself enjoying myself on it more often.

Just give us more maps with H&M.

To keep things fresh, our rotation should be 2 H&M maps in a row, followed by 1 Liberaton map. Rinse, repeat. So H&M should be on the server the majority of the time already anyway.

I guess if you want H&M really bad, help complete Liberation as fast as you can. :)

Raeder.U Mazinski.H


First Sergeant
Active Duty
B/1-7 HQ
S1 Staff
S5 Staff
S7 Staff
Local time
7:41 AM
I have some suggestions for Tac R Liberation file. I was wondering if the defensive structures from the H&M file could be added to major population zone. I believe that would make the fighting feel more intense and more realistic. Nothing crazy just something like a couple of static MGs or mortars. Also I have been having issues with NVG's on Tac R. I have the brightness up and they are still dark. I can't see very well and it makes it almost impossible to drive at night.


Local time
6:41 AM
I have some suggestions for Tac R Liberation file. I was wondering if the defensive structures from the H&M file could be added to major population zone. I believe that would make the fighting feel more intense and more realistic. Nothing crazy just something like a couple of static MGs or mortars. Also I have been having issues with NVG's on Tac R. I have the brightness up and they are still dark. I can't see very well and it makes it almost impossible to drive at night.

The NVG's should be an easy enough fix, just a simple adjustment to CBA settings from our end. We can make some changes to see if it helps

I'm not sure how easy it would be to add that defensive structures stuff to opfor, however, as I'm not personally familiar with the code bases for our mission files.

Liber.N just so you're tracking on the above


Local time
4:41 AM
Any way we could see an L85A2 on the server, would really finish off the British kit for a lot of us.

Also we did H&M today for a while and we cleared a bunch of little cells of enemies. each town or hamlet had on average 2-4 enemy insurgents. This is crazy low, and was an extremely boring experience for most of us. not sure what's going on and why it's taking so many attempts to find a fun mission file, lots of feedback in this thread... kind of disappointing.
Last edited:


Regimental Chief of Staff
Major General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
Any way we could see an L85A2 on the server, would really finish off the British kit for a lot of us.

Also we did H&M today for a while and we cleared a bunch of little cells of enemies. each town or hamlet had on average 2-4 enemy insurgents. This is crazy low, and was an extremely boring experience for most of us. not sure what's going on and why it's taking so many attempts to find a fun mission file, lots of feedback in this thread... kind of disappointing.
If you can do better, please volunteer for S3 Development Staff and let’s please see it. They do need the help!

Just please be prepared for ungrateful criticism even though you would do this as a volunteer just for fun, you don’t get paid, and the Cav is not a video game development studio with millions of dollars for a budget. While you are simply lending your skills, expertise, and time, all in the service of others in the name of fun, it’s sometimes a pretty thankless volunteer experience.

But always looking for more people to contribute!



Local time
7:41 AM
A common issue we have with our bases is we ALWAYS put infantry outside and near the airfield at spawn. It creates animosity between pilots and infantry gearing up and trying to have convos We shouldn’t have to ask pilots to spool down and people shouldn’t have to deal with turning down volume when they’re at base.

It would also be nice to have a more though out air base, with some AI ambience/well thought out placement of things/ lighting. I don’t mind assisting in this just let me know and we can work together!

TLDR please give the infantry spawn some distance between jets/rotary taking off. We can add teleporters if needed.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
A common issue we have with our bases is we ALWAYS put infantry outside and near the airfield at spawn. It creates animosity between pilots and infantry gearing up and trying to have convos We shouldn’t have to ask pilots to spool down and people shouldn’t have to deal with turning down volume when they’re at base.

It would also be nice to have a more though out air base, with some AI ambience/well thought out placement of things/ lighting. I don’t mind assisting in this just let me know and we can work together!

TLDR please give the infantry spawn some distance between jets/rotary taking off. We can add teleporters if needed.

Anyone is free to help out on any of the missions any time they like. They are all open source and posted on the 7cav github. Make your requested changes and submit a pull request and we'll take a look.

Just keep in mind if you go changing things in the sqm to only have the required mods loaded and not the optional mods, or the optional mods will get added to the sqm.
Also keep in mind the more stuff you add to base the more performance impact it will have, so keep it reasonable and disable simulation on as much as possible.


Local time
2:41 PM
A common issue we have with our bases is we ALWAYS put infantry outside and near the airfield at spawn. It creates animosity between pilots and infantry gearing up and trying to have convos We shouldn’t have to ask pilots to spool down and people shouldn’t have to deal with turning down volume when they’re at base.

It would also be nice to have a more though out air base, with some AI ambience/well thought out placement of things/ lighting. I don’t mind assisting in this just let me know and we can work together!

TLDR please give the infantry spawn some distance between jets/rotary taking off. We can add teleporters if needed.
Good point.

Regarding the base, we try to make it as lightweight as possible to gain more stable frames.
Every object placed on the map is simulated and synced across the network and taking away CPU cycles from the main arma thread.


Local time
7:41 AM
Sypolt.R Liber.N I will look into this! I’m sure I can improve the airbase within consideration of frames. Mostly want to change the distance from spawn to the runway.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
12:41 PM
With the expanding of 68W in the 1st Batt could we expand Atlas 1 in 2x 3 man Atlas 1 and Atlas 2 teams.
Also updating the medical boxes with the new medical equipment.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
2/A/1-7 HQ
Local time
7:41 AM
Big credit to all our wonderful mission designers/maintainers as always! A few recommendations/issues:

  • OPFOR stealing vehicles is a recurring issue. Recommended fix: reintroduce keys to the arsenal to allow players to lock vehicles. Currently, any vehicle left unoccupied for even a few minutes in the field is almost guaranteed to be stolen.
  • Recommend to reintroduce the IFF-Strobe items (not sure what mod they were) that were briefly added a few weeks ago and then removed again. The current vanilla IR Strobes only last about 6 minutes and are carried by very few players, whereas those mod strobes lasted seemingly forever and resulted in almost everyone carrying and using them. I personally felt gameplay between ground and air assets was much better at nighttime during the week or two when they were available, and I was a lot less worried about being hit by blue-on-blue. Alternatively, if there's some way to extend the length of the vanilla strobes that'd be fine too.
  • I might just be doing something stupid, but currently (on H&M) when I spawn supply boxes from the object spawner, they all seem to come fully loaded with things (launchers, optics, weapons, etc). Recommend adding an option for an empty box that can be loaded with whatever we need to load without having to first unload everything (again if it already exists and I'm just missing it pls let me know :) )
    • Similar: I can't seem to find an option to spawn a pre-loaded medical supply box anymore. If it's not available, recommend adding it back in as it's maybe the only pre-loaded box (other than ammo) that I ever actually used.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
12:41 PM
Big credit to all our wonderful mission designers/maintainers as always! A few recommendations/issues:

  • OPFOR stealing vehicles is a recurring issue. Recommended fix: reintroduce keys to the arsenal to allow players to lock vehicles. Currently, any vehicle left unoccupied for even a few minutes in the field is almost guaranteed to be stolen.
  • Recommend to reintroduce the IFF-Strobe items (not sure what mod they were) that were briefly added a few weeks ago and then removed again. The current vanilla IR Strobes only last about 6 minutes and are carried by very few players, whereas those mod strobes lasted seemingly forever and resulted in almost everyone carrying and using them. I personally felt gameplay between ground and air assets was much better at nighttime during the week or two when they were available, and I was a lot less worried about being hit by blue-on-blue. Alternatively, if there's some way to extend the length of the vanilla strobes that'd be fine too.
  • I might just be doing something stupid, but currently (on H&M) when I spawn supply boxes from the object spawner, they all seem to come fully loaded with things (launchers, optics, weapons, etc). Recommend adding an option for an empty box that can be loaded with whatever we need to load without having to first unload everything (again if it already exists and I'm just missing it pls let me know :))
    • Similar: I can't seem to find an option to spawn a pre-loaded medical supply box anymore. If it's not available, recommend adding it back in as it's maybe the only pre-loaded box (other than ammo) that I ever actually used.
The IFF strobes were from what I understand removed due to performance issues
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