7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence


Medal Recommendation - 1-7 Recruitment Drive 2022 Medal Package

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1-7 2022 Recruitment Competition

First Place - Individual
Meritorious Service Medal


For exceptionally meritorious contributions to 1st Battalion. Specialist Roy Eugene contributed by coming in First Place during the 2022 1-7 Recruitment Drive, scoring the most points within the Battalion. Specialist Roy Eugene's dedication to duty and exceptionally meritorious service contributions are in great credit to themself and the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

Second Place - Individual
Meritorious Service Medal


For exceptionally meritorious contributions to 1st Battalion. Specialist William Sutodoreh contributed by coming in Second Place during the 2022 1-7 Recruitment Drive. Specialist William Sutodoreh's dedication to duty and exceptionally meritorious service contributions are in great credit to themself and the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment.

Third Place - Individual
Meritorious Service Medal


For exceptionally meritorious contributions to 1st Battalion. Specialist Gibbs McMaster contributed by coming in Third Place during the 2022 1-7 Recruitment Drive. Specialist Gibbs McMaster's dedication to duty and exceptionally meritorious service contributions are in great credit to themself and the 7th Cavalry...​

Info  Arma Reforger, FAQ, & Public Server Info

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ARMA REFORGER, FAQ, & Public Server Info


Bohemia Interactive has announced and launched Arma Reforger today and it is already available to purchase and play now in an alpha phase:

It takes place in 1989 in a fictional Cold War scenario. The intent of this game is to basically be an alpha or bridge to Arma 4. It's a new Arma game on the new Enfusion engine that they're using to build out the final Arma 4 product. It's got a lot of quality of life upgrades, and is especially mod-friendly, which should all help with an Arma 4 launch and transition one day. Arma Reforger will give us a taste of what Arma 4 will be!

You can view BI's Road to Arma 4 presentation today for more details about Arma Reforger and the road to Arma 4!

New 7Cav Arma Reforger Tactical Realism Public Server Info

Server Name: =7Cav=Tactical Realism discord.7cav.us

Port: 2001

See below for details.

Are we requiring Arma Reforger for membership in 1-7 CAV?

No, it will be optional. We will provide occasional content for Arma Reforger for those who elect to participate, but will not require it as a pre-requisite for membership in 1-7 at this time. We are hosting a public server for it and will run the occasional operation for it (all ops are optional), but that's all that's planned at this time. As a note, we have not closed the door to making it a requirement for membership, but it's a no for now as of Arma Reforger's launch in May 2022.

We do, however, encourage...