7th Cavalry Gaming

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S1 Department 1IC - Closed

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S1 Department 1IC Position Opening

S1 is responsible for the administration of personnel and the administration requirements for the Regiment. Unique to our virtual community, S1 also has responsibility for the visual representation of each trooper as a unique individual, through standards conformant MILPACS and Uniforms.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Minimum rank of Sergeant [E-5], or​
  • Minimum rank of Chief Warrant Officer 2 [W-2], or​
  • Minimum rank of 2nd Lieutenant [O-1]​
  • No Current Negative Action​
  • Experience within S1 is favourable​
  • Written recommendation from next in CoC​

  • Oversee the execution of duties assigned to the department by the Regiment with respect to the upkeep and maintenance of personnel records.​
  • You will be responsible for the ongoing health and morale of the department in all respects​
  • Ensure that minimum expectations are being met, and updates are being conducted to standard. Counsel Clerks who fail to meet minimum standards. Enforce all departmental rules and regulations.​
  • Perform administrative duties associated with the Department, such as helpdesk tickets, processing disciplinary actions, or any task delegated by IMO HQ.​
  • Create and maintain record citations, or delegate as needed​
  • Perform other duties as required​

How to Apply:

If interested in applying, please send a forum PM to Lieutenant General Burgundy.C and Major Cass.A titled S1 1IC Application - RNK.Last.F.
  1. Why you are interested in the role of S1 1IC​
  2. Any...​

HQ | LDS | NCOA Phase 2 | 05JUN22 - S1 Completed

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NCOA Phase II Graduation​



Effective with this posting the following individuals have completed the requirements set forth by the 7th Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Officer Academy. They have applied themselves and showed dedication to furthering their position within the 7th Cavalry. Please join me in congratulating our new graduates.

Corporal Nicholas Foster
Corporal Matt Marinelli
Specialist Adam Beiter
Specialist George Cobblestone
Specialist Christopher Haigh
Specialist Aaron Hilberg
Specialist Von Macht
Specialist Jacob Mickey
Specialist David Perry
Specialist William Perry
Specialist Shane Robertson
Specialist Taylor Sam
Specialist Thomas Toz
Specialist Tasos Xinos
Specialist Trygye Zaren
Private First Class Jesse James Bell
Private First Class Andrew Groves
Private First Class Harry O'Connell
Private First Class Moore...