7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence


Lifetime Achievement Awards

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Now is the time to submit recommendations for the Life Time Achievement medals. Even if you have previously submitted a recommendation.

How to submit a recommendation

Send your recommendation via EMAIL to 7cavgoa@gmail.com. Forum PMs, and Discord messages will not be accepted.

I will accept recommendations until 15 Aug 2023. I will announce those selected on 21 Aug 2023.

Announcement  Star Citizen Start-Up Launch

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Good Morning,

As of 1400z time today, Star Citizen has become an officially supported title under the starter platoon process. As is standard with the start-up process, there will not be any internal transfers into the starter until the AO graduates into ACD fully, however for those of you who own the game or who may be interested in playing, we strongly encourage you to come to the future operations or hop in a voice channel any time you see other troopers playing the game.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the SPD Coordinator, CW3 Mullins.R, ACD Battalion staff, or myself. I am incredibly excited to see where this new AO leads our organization as we have quality troopers helping to launch it and giving support.

Good luck SC/ACD!