- Local time
- 8:17 PM
- 335
- 302
Element Callsign: Allied Alpha 1 squad
Element Leader: Staff Sergeant Hellious.T
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Corporal Willis.B
Specialist Kona.B
Specialist Cris.C
Private First Class Patricks.C
Element Leader: Staff Sergeant Hellious.T
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Corporal Willis.B
Specialist Kona.B
Specialist Cris.C
Private First Class Patricks.C
- Squad performed all functions requested of them including far off lane sweeping routes that required point man and close local comms to communicate status and squad comms to relay to lead who was 2-4 grids away resulting in successful push back on enemy forces
- Plan for checkpoint was executed well. became a bastion of defense
- separated comms on discord from in game clarified responsible areas and alleviated cross talk for comms that may not have been relevant to the assigned areas
- Flex of the squad to quickly reassign themselves rolls when required or asked and to probe lines for weakness was efficient and quick
- The FTX setup was tight, the separation of objectives, equal importance for the most part of those objectvies, gave leadership an opportunity to decide what was most important for the victory path
- Setup also split forces which made for closer skirmishes and more squad level combat in the streets
- overall there were no complaints from the unit to object to running again
- was a little quiet at times around checkpoint
- tanks seemed uneven here and there as far as impact per side - could have been an infantry impact on this as well