hey if u have time i would love to show some stuff with the two seaterIf push comes to shove and both Duja and Plan B show up the day of, I'll drop my slot for Mitchell or Fox. Or, if possible, maybe we could get a two-seat variant and I can ride backseat for one of them as a training exercise.
But a lot can happen between now and the 10th with changing schedules or whatever so we'll figure it out on our side before the day of the op! Fox.R Mitchell.B plan the op into your calendars anyway, I'll figure something out for you two
i'll take Eagle-1Dujakovic.R Villmarsson.L Fox.R Mitchell.B I'll be dropping EAGLE-1 and serving as OPFOR Air Zeus instead
EAGLE-1 is open for whoever wants it. We also still have REAPER-1, so each of you four has a slot for Saturday now. Feel free to just show up and hash out who takes which particular role before the briefing.