- Local time
- 2:51 AM
- 216
- 143
Element Callsign: AXIS Dog Squad
Element Leader: Sergeant Dietz.H
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Specialist Blade.B
Specialist Walker.S
Specialist Lucas.A
Corporal Sotelo.R
Specialist Scarselli.T
Element Leader: Sergeant Dietz.H
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Specialist Blade.B
Specialist Walker.S
Specialist Lucas.A
Corporal Sotelo.R
Specialist Scarselli.T
- My squad was able to completely stonewall the enemy all throughout the FTX at our designated sectors
- Squad comms were great. MY guys kept me appraised of what they saw/suspected to pass along to the team
- Frequent command comm callouts of enemy movements/tank positions
- Along the same lines as above I heard requests for assistance. SLs knew when they were getting overrun and prioritized preventing the enemy from getting a foothold
- Arty fire missions have improved from previous FTXs (more requests/better callouts for arty)
- Set up took too long causing us to be caught flat-footed
- Command comms were cluttered at times
- Obligatory "OPORDS" did not match comment