Sounds good! Are some of these platforms just going to be used as ISR?‐------
Any sign-ups below this post will be noted. Unfortunately anything prior to this PM I don't know if it was for Week 4 or Week 5
Berg.J Corbin.R I can do 2 Reaper Sensor Operators considering there's gonna be 3 or 4 MQ-9s and a Global Hawk. We're going on a hunt in the Darkush Mountain Range for some HVTs, so more eyeballs the better.
However JTAC and GFC desireSounds good! Are some of these platforms just going to be used as ISR?
Same. I'll grab an FTL or AR slot in Bandit-1, depending on the Hurricane situation!I can Bandit-1, but that is tentative based on current hurricane sitch in my area.
Week 5 - Hammer 1: IR Operator
I'll move to Buffalo-1 as we need BlackhawksBuffalo for week 5, I can do Buffalo 1 if there are no other signs up Buff 1 but I would prefer someone else lead