7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

7th Cav Introductions (All games and AOs)


2nd Lieutenant
Local time
6:58 PM
My name is Bill; I am 54 years old and from Chesapeake, Virginia, but I live outside of Tampa, Florida, now. I work for Equinix, a global leader in data centers. Within the Cav, I am the 1/A/ACD Platoon Sergeant and I hold two secondary billets, one in S7, where I am assigned as a Trade course writer for the F/A 18C, and the second in RTC as a DIIT for DCS, where I conduct recruit briefings and boot camps for DCS.

I was on active duty in the US Army as a 14T Patriot Missile Crewman; I was deployed twice and stationed in Germany. Afterward, I went into the infantry 11B. I enjoy placing DCS, HLL, and RoN as well as MW2; oh yeah…I enjoy spending time with my two miniature schnauzers.


Local time
11:58 PM
Hey yall,

I'm Hutch, aka Vicki admin from the Hell let loose console community.

I am cough years old, still very young.

I have been in the Cav...umm less than a week.
I have been playing hell let loose since November 2021, fell in love, found the console community and took over clan management. I'm currently in charge of managing relationships with nearly 20 clans of different shapes and sizes.

I'm a new streamer and over the last 2 months have hit 140 followers and growing.

I'm a passionate advocate for mental health and recently have been asked to be a volunteer for the GAMRC - gamers mental health resource community.

Other then that I work, I eat..sometimes I sleep..oh and I have pink hair

That all



Dishon. Discharge
Local time
6:58 PM
Hi Everyone,

Around here I'm Haliday, but my friends call me Jordan. I am 34 years-old and I'm from Toronto, Canada. I am a proud member of Hell Let Loose Console, and serve as Platoon Leader for 2nd Platoon B/ACD. I have been with the Cav for 8 months (as of the time of this post) and am thankful to have met so many good people. Additional billets I've taken on include S3 Operations for HLL Console, S7 Training, and most recently as an NCOA Instructor. I chose the Cav because I wanted to find a group on console who played the game seriously and I've never looked back. I've found a place here where my skills are appreciated and helping new members become leaders is my contribution to the company.

2nd Lieutenant Haliday.J


Local time
6:58 PM
Hey all,

I'm Hayden. Been in the Cav for just under two and a half years, most of that time spent in A/2-7 and C/2-7 as an ASL/SL for Hell Let Loose on the PC. Now currently the platoon sergeant for Squad in C/ACD (come check out some of our upcoming Ops!). I've also spent some time in S3 for both Squad and Hell Let Loose as well as S7 for HLL. I currently work for a large ITAD company auditing equipment for resale/recycling. Mostly spend my free time here or with my fiancée, cat, and friends doing nerd things.


Warrant Officer 1
Local time
6:58 PM
Im Tristen, most people that know me call me Dumbass! Im 24 from Watertown,NY, im a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force. I am a Sensor Operator on the MQ-9 Reaper, we work exclusively with SOF going after HVIs, HVTs and providing SIGINT, ELINT, CAS and ISR is all we do. If staring at a screen for 10 hours with blood-shot eyes while you pound monster energy drinks is intriguing, let me know and i can get you in touch with our recruiters LOL. I fly the F-16C in DCS (its the best) but also play HLL RoN Squad and Arma III. Hit me up if you wanna play HLL!!!


Private First Class
Local time
11:58 PM
Hello all.

Brand new member here for Hell Let Loose Console.

My name is Paul. I am a 40 year old male from the North West of England. I currently work as a Software Engineer and have been in IT for about 12 years. I live my partner, 3 grown up children (1 of which usually plays HLL with me), 3 cats and dog.

I am an early adopter of HLL on Xbox pre-ordering it and jumping into combat on release day and genuinely list it as possibly the (2nd) best game I have ever played. It'll take some going to knock Elite: Dangerous off that mantle for me!


Sergeant Major
Local time
5:58 PM
Hi my name is Malcolm. I am 26 years old from Atlanta, Georgia, but currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee. I work as a residential grout & tile technician. In the Cav I fly the F-18 (the actual best) in DCS for 4/1/A/ACD. Im a huge fan of fps games on PC like squad, arma, and HLL so if anybody needs some cannon fodder im your dude.


Local time
6:58 PM
Hey all, I figured I'd throw out a post here as I've been gone for a couple years. I'm Thumper, Callsign Justicar, I've been in and out of the Cav since 2014, but sans writing a book, my MILPAC can show you what I've done previously here. Currently I'm a master rotary aviator in ArmA 3 with the Reapers (A/1/A/1-7), and an S7 Flight Instructor. I've lived pretty much all over the country from D.C. to Oakland to Hawaii, originally from Oregon. Personally, I'm 40, I've been married, then divorced, two step kids, etc...my last GF in California said the song "One of the good ones" which I had never heard before described me...long distance killed that when I moved though. Professionally, I've got a MBA and LSSBB, among others and currently I run a $2.2B Medical/Surgical program for the U.S. DoD, through the DLA and DHA.

I've had my dark times and my high times, and the darker times have been made better by the Cav, and it has always pulled me back as one of the higher points, mainly the people....I've made several close relationships here and while you may not always get along, they'll always be there for you regardless. I can count on one hand the number of people I could call any time, any day, if I was in trouble or needed something; they all are or have been in the Cav (you know who you are)....and to me, that's saying something.


First Sergeant
Local time
5:58 PM

I am 45 years old and I live in Manitoba, Canada. I currently work full time for a Fiber optic/Telecom company.

I am a rotary winged pilot (153A) in Alpha Company with A-1/A/1/7 as well as the AGCS Rotary Senior Instructor. I joined the Cav in the Fall of 2017. I'm a former commercial helicopter pilot, and I've been flying and training people to fly aircraft in real life and online for somewhere in the neighbourhood of 24 years give or take. I like short walks to the pub and long discussions with interesting people.
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Sergeant First Class
Local time
8:58 PM
I'm Bellator Goel, which obviously is not my real name. Bellator comes from latin which means warrior and Goel comes from Go'el, hebraic for redemption, also the birthname of one of my favorite characters out there.
I'm 29 years old and I'm from Curitiba, Brazil. I work on a IT company where I'm a infrastructure analyst.
I joined the Cav first almost 3 years ago on HLL. Now I'm with the combat medics (68W) on Bravo Troop 1/7. Also a investigator for S2 and a operations staff member of S3.
I served the brazillian army for almost 3 years, where I worked as calculator for self propelled artillery mostly working with M108 and M109 pieces. Got out with honors as a Corporal.
I like a lot of stuff, martial arts, gym, games and most importantly anime.
If you need anything here be it a friend to chat to a shoulder to cry, hit me up on discord :D
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