7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Boyd.M

    Operation [ARMA3][FTX]Bravo Troop FTX Garchomp - 29MAY22 - 1900Z

    I will attend as Raider-1/2 as pilot.
  2. Boyd.M

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign Wild East - Operation Rough Aprons - 30APR22 - 1900Z

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Roughneck-7 Element Leader: Specialist Boyd.M Pros: OP was fun overall. No black tags. Communication was good between Roughneck-7 and Atlas teams was good. Cons...
  3. Boyd.M

    Do medical fridays and i'll come.

    Do medical fridays and i'll come.
  4. Boyd.M

    And we love you for it.

    And we love you for it.
  5. Boyd.M

    Operation April Warfare Wednesday 2022 - Every Wednesday @2200Z

    I will attend as Gunslinger-7 for April 13th EDIT: won't attend, didn't realize WFW was so late in the day now.
  6. Boyd.M

    Stop it.

    Stop it.
  7. Boyd.M

    was this an example of how not to do it?

    was this an example of how not to do it?
  8. Boyd.M

    AAR Arma 3 | Operation Three Days in Zaros

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Viking-5 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Specialist Boyd.M Pro: -Static line drop! -Really fun 90s OP -Viking had good react to IDF -Viking killed a lot of enemy...
  9. Boyd.M

    If you haven't seen it, watch Barry on Crave.

    If you haven't seen it, watch Barry on Crave.
  10. Boyd.M

    AAR ARMA3 | Campaign White Castle | Operation Far From Home

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Bandit-2 Element Leader: Specialist Boyd.M 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Corporal Harvey.S Corporal Novak.I Specialist Dunn.W Specialist McMaster.G Private First Class...
  11. Boyd.M

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

    Any way we could see an L85A2 on the server, would really finish off the British kit for a lot of us. Also we did H&M today for a while and we cleared a bunch of little cells of enemies. each town or hamlet had on average 2-4 enemy insurgents. This is crazy low, and was an extremely boring...
  12. Boyd.M

    Alec, what are ways to induce vomiting.

    Alec, what are ways to induce vomiting.
  13. Boyd.M

    AAR ARMA3 | March Warfare Wednesday 2000 | Warfare Wednesday 130

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: GUNSLINGER-7 Element Leader: Specialist Boyd.M Pros: Got to call in multiple 6 lines and it was wicked Atlas was responsive and available when needed medical response was on...
  14. Boyd.M

    Operation March Warfare Wednesday 2022 - Every Wednesday @2200Z

    I would like to attend as Gun-7 SPC.BOYD.M 3/1/B/1-7 68w
  15. Boyd.M

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

    This is probably one of the most irritating issues. I always forget about it until its happening. I agree we need to fix this, there was a time that using OPFOR vics was not acceptable.
  16. Boyd.M

    AAR ARMA3 | Campaign Mitag - Operation Outstretched Hands - 26FEB22

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Atlas-2 Element Leader:Specialist Boyd.M 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Specialist Weiss.S Specialist Ewing.R Specialist Winters.R Private First Class Phillips.O Pros...
  17. Boyd.M

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign Mitag - Operation Outstretched Hands - 26FEB22 - 1900Z

    I will attend as, Emergency Care Sergeant.