7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Hamm.C

    Operation ARMA 3 | 24 Hour Operation | Operation Sumava Freedom | 09DEC23 - 10DEC23 | 2000Z to 2000Z

    I also had to scale back my participation due to IRL family stuff and didn't want to take slots I wasn't confident I could make. I may be able to jump back in and play later on or on Sunday, but I wanted these slots to be open for others, so please remove my name on the slots I struck through on...
  2. Hamm.C

    AAR ARMA 3 | November 2023 Warfare Wednesday | WFW 217

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: BUFFALO-1 Element Leader: Warrant Officer 1 Hamm.C 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Corporal Davis.D Pros: Tons of fun. Enjoyed supporting our ground forces. CSAR was...
  3. Hamm.C

    Otakar.D I actually did capture the explosion, just need to edit out the middle part since the...

    Otakar.D I actually did capture the explosion, just need to edit out the middle part since the video is so long. I'll put that up soon cause it was significant. But IMO your bigger contribution was CRM attitude and remaining calm and getting the mayday out since I was flying and we always do it...
  4. Hamm.C

    Super-surprised... and then super-eventful....Well done EVERYBODY! Otakar.D .... sooo great

    Super-surprised... and then super-eventful....Well done EVERYBODY! Otakar.D .... sooo great
  5. Hamm.C

    Not much better than this autorotation and of course the amazing CRM that made it happen... [MEDIA]

    Not much better than this autorotation and of course the amazing CRM that made it happen...
  6. Hamm.C

    Extremely pro IRL HEMS pilot and pro IRL CRM... and nobody got this guy to join The Cav lol...

    Extremely pro IRL HEMS pilot and pro IRL CRM... and nobody got this guy to join The Cav lol :cavdab:
  7. Hamm.C

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign Crisis Response | Operation United Hands

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: BUFFALO-1 Element Leader: Warrant Officer 1 Hamm.C "Hooker" 7Cav Members in attendance: Warrant Officer 1 Hamm.C "Hooker" Corporal Davis.D Captain Highman.J Pros Super fun...
  8. Hamm.C

    "Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."

    "Engage your brain before you engage your weapon."
  9. Hamm.C

    I was just sitting here listening to the Cav Cast and thought I would really like to see another...

    I was just sitting here listening to the Cav Cast and thought I would really like to see another SOG PF Vietnam mission soon.
  10. Hamm.C

    ICYMI---> How AMAZING is this! [MEDIA]

    ICYMI---> How AMAZING is this!
  11. Hamm.C

    Operation ARMA 3 | November Warfare Wednesday | Every Wednesday @ 2200z (DST ENDS 05NOV23)

    Week 5---> BUFFALO-1 Pilot, WO1.Hamm.C, 2/1/A/1-7 (153A)... and praying for a Crew Chief as always.
  12. Hamm.C

    Yes cause it was sooo ultra-realistic LMFAO

    Yes cause it was sooo ultra-realistic LMFAO
  13. Hamm.C

    Yeah Dujakovic.R ... but it can't pick you up... can't hoist you, super-loud hovering target...

    Yeah Dujakovic.R ... but it can't pick you up... can't hoist you, super-loud hovering target... all kinds of issues with Harrier. Unless of course it's the movie "True Lies" where a Harrier can just zoom around, hover and do anything LOL
  14. Hamm.C

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign: Sumava Security | Operation Dead Air - 25NOV2023 @ 1900z

    RAVEN-1 Pilot, WO1.Hamm.C, 2/1/A/1-7 (153A)
  15. Hamm.C

    AAR ARMA 3 | November 2023 Warfare Wednesday | WFW 216

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: BUFFALO-1 Element Leader: Warrant Officer 1 Hamm.C "Hooker" 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Corporal Davis.D (Crew Chief) Pros: Had a really good time and good turnout...
  16. Hamm.C

    "If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a...

    "If you are in trouble anywhere in the world, an airplane can fly over and drop flowers, but a helicopter can land and save your life." -Igor Sikorsky [But we also shoot too]
  17. Hamm.C

    Thumper.N ... Couldn't agree more. SFM is really an arcade-style joke IMO...Happy we don't deal...

    Thumper.N ... Couldn't agree more. SFM is really an arcade-style joke IMO...Happy we don't deal with that in our organization. I guess he's much more into producing videos than actual helo flight.
  18. Hamm.C

    Every day's a school day and here you go to keep in mind... and they use SFM, not AFM like we...

    Every day's a school day and here you go to keep in mind... and they use SFM, not AFM like we do. Our 7Cav pilots are the very, very best.
  19. Hamm.C

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Crisis Response | Operation United Hands - 26NOV 1900z

    BUFFALO-1 Pilot, WO1.Hamm.C, 2/1/A/1-7 (153A). Will this count as an official OP or just FTX?
  20. Hamm.C

    Operation ARMA 3 | November Warfare Wednesday | Every Wednesday @ 2200z (DST ENDS 05NOV23)

    Week 3 (15Nov2023)---> BUFFALO-2 Pilot, WO1.Hamm.C, 2/1/A/1-7 (153A)