7th Cavalry Gaming

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[HLL] [SOI] Basic Infantry Combat Training [BICT] 05SEP24 2359Z (1959 ET)

  • Organiser Preacher.A
  • Start date Date Posted:


The HLL School of Infantry is proud to announce that we will be conducting Basic Infantry Combat Training for highly motivated individuals. BICT is focused on learning basic infantry skills and knowledge. There is a classroom portion followed by practices and a final FTX. The class is 90 minutes long.


Troopers Will Learn
  • Equipment and weapon systems
  • Basic infantry formations
  • Basic communication
  • Phases of the attack

Student Prerequisites
  • No active negative action
  • Pen and paper
  • Hell Let Loose installed and working prior to class start time

  • Minimum of
  • Max of
  • Slotting: A/2-7 -> 2-7 -> Regiment (SLOTS WILL BE RESERVED FOR THE SP OF A/2-7)
  • If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
  • Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance


  1. Specialist Daniel Wagner 2/A ✅
  2. Specialist Calvin Ellison 1/A ✅
  3. Private First Class Ethan Ronald Smith 2/A ✅
  4. Private First Class Vyvian Alcott 1/A✅
  5. Specialist Riley Munch 1/A ✅
  6. Specialist Corey Patterson 2/A ✅
  7. Private First Class Bruce Mair 2/A ✅
  8. Private First Class Murphy York 1/A ✅
  9. Private Max Mills 1/A ✅
  10. Specialist Marco Gimson 2/A ✅
  11. Private First Class Marshal Aly 2/A ✅
  12. Private Michael Plummer 1/A ✅
  13. Private First Class Nate Angels 1/A ✅
  14. Specialist Zachary McKenzie 1/A✅
  15. Private Pete Zielinski 1/A ✅
  16. Specialist Wyatt Bower 1/A ✅
  17. Private Knight Shook 1/A ✅
  18. Specialist Michelob Von Busch 1/C✅
  19. Private Jon Edward Michaels 2/B ✅
  20. Private Wolfgang Titus 2/A ✅
  21. Specialist Rob Daver 2/A ✅
  22. Private First Class Paul Lewis 2/A ✅
  23. Private First Class Jordan Cohen 1/A✅
  24. Specialist Jimenez Matos 1/A ✅
  25. Private Titus Moses 2/A ✅
  26. Specialist Roman Fisher 1/A ✅

  • .

  1. Staff Sergeant Robert Herber 2/A ✅
    Chief Warrant Officer 2 Ryan Mullins RES
  2. First Sergeant Ryan Webber A/2-7 ✅
    Specialist Nathaniel Plainview D/2
  3. Specialist Bob Donk 2/A ✅
  4. Specialist Nick McDonald 2/A ✅
  5. Specialist Jason Knowles 1/A ✅
    Sergeant Hank Karr 1/A
  6. Staff Sergeant Phil Zulu 1/A ✅
  7. Sergeant Alex Wisniewski 2/A ✅
    Specialist Griffyn Johnson 1/A
    Specialist Raven Schulz 2/B
  8. Staff Sergeant Shawn Hermes 2/A ✅
  9. Corporal Jack Slagg
  10. Sergeant Bryan Silvis
  11. Specialist Chris Silvis
  12. Specialist Ryan Smithers
  13. First Lieutenant Bobby Huber
  14. Specialist Benjamin Quake 2/a ✅
  15. Specialist Larson.R
  16. Corporal Smith.N (ret.) ✅
  17. Specialist Fowler.D
  18. Sergeant Bean.P
  19. Maca.D ✅


Please respond with: I would like to attend, RNK.LAST.F, BILLET (MOS)
Example: I would like to attend, PVT.John.D, 1/2/F/1-7 (11B)​


Hell Let Loose
A/2-7 -- 1st Platoon HQ

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