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Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - CLOSED

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Staff Sergeant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 SL/ASL
S3 Staff
Local time
8:11 PM

Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread

New thread for a new mission. This will be where feedback for Tactical Realism is collected to help facilitate the development process. Please be constructive with feedback to provide clear changes that you would like to see made. Keep in mind that all mission devs are volunteers who have put tons of work into making this server possible and want to see it succeed. Development for domination can be tracked and contributed to on the 7Cav Domination Git Repo. Other missions are also on the 7cav git

For players new to the server, the presets for the server are attached below. You can also find the mods on the Tactical Realism Steam Workshop Collection.

Please see here for more information about the Tactical Realism server.

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The Man Himself
Wall of Honor
Local time
10:11 PM
What is known so far for bugs.

  • UH-60, Interactive Controls, unable to toggle switches inside cockpit [FIXED]
  • Missing Track/Spare Tires in Vehicles [FIXED]
  • Duplication Bug when picking up enemy weapons [Patched but not confirmed fixed]
  • Issue with respawn of F/A-18E on Altis Map.
  • Unable to Refuel at Jet/Chopper Service points.
  • 3CB Factions / Vehicles not in Bonus / Reward pool. And or OPFOR Composition to fight against.
  • AA/Opfor Air, Spawn Rate too High.
  • Desync / Lag jumps in H-60 mod Helicopters.
  • Missing engineer permissions on Saber Slots.
  • Reserved Slots not kicking/locked. [Unconfirmed]
  • Kill/Score Stats not updating onto Database.
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Active Duty
1/A/1-7 HQ
S7 Staff
Local time
11:11 PM
Thank you to everyone for the hard work with the new modlist and the quick fixes that have been happening since the launch of it.

The two models of H-60 that we discussed (Company Commander Hobbs was there) that should be featured were the:
  1. MH-60M Transport (Callsign BUFFALO)
  2. MH-60M DAP - Medium CAS (Callsign BISON which is a placeholder name for now)

    and if you want to be generous to our crew operated weapon loving friends as it has a '50cal in the passenger side on the left in addition to the two miniguns

  3. MH-60S Knighthawk - GAU 21

We prefer these over the UH-60 models because they all have a camera for a copilot and pilot to use and the UH-60 doesn't. The camera allows the co-pilot to direct fire via the laser for the crew gunners as well as offer recon support even as just a transport. It's one of THE great features of this mod.


Myself and Mariani are both experiencing a bug with BetterIR/A3TI Thermal Improvements we aren't getting them at all, just vanilla nightvision and thermals. I tested this both in the H-60 and in the Apache.

Note that the H-60 has in the previous months of testing had this issue but only for the co-pilot. But the pilot was able to use the improved thermals like normal. But like I said I tested this with the Apache and same issue.

TL;DR - BetterIR/A3TI Thermal Improvement isn't working.


1st Lieutenant
Local time
4:11 AM
We really need a tent or medical building at base that heals people when you enter it, so we can medivac people who are down and require healing. As of now there is no way to full heal at base without a medic.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
4:11 AM
Some spawn able boxes would be really helpful or a box spawner that you can customize


First Sergeant
Local time
11:11 PM
First off thank you for adding the H60 and FA18 mods!!!

With the recuitment drive going on right now do you think we would be able to add a second eagle slot?

Without a 2nd slot it's tough to fly with possible recruits and show them the way 7Cav conduct CAS. This also helps ground forces as CAS wont just take everything out unless it's called in to do so. I guess I can only compare it to having one infantry slot and the public player is in that slot while you guide them through taking an objective from a helicopter. You can't really show them proper tactics or anything.

If we are concerned with multiple jets killing everything in sight we can whitelist the 2nd slot to 7cav aviators so it would be no different than it is now but still allow for fixed wing to recruit properly when they are on.

Another thing that would be nice is to have a list of players with Zeus perms for help with running SPs on the public server or other issues when they are logged in.

Thank you
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Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:11 PM
Another thing that would be nice is to have a list of players with Zeus perms for help with running SPs on the public server or other issues when they are logged in.

We're going to consider and discuss the rest of your suggestions but I wanted to address this, with your SL billet you're authorized to request Zeus access for yourself to facilitate running these SPs. Simply send a PM to myself and Liber with your steam64 ID and we'll get you added.



The Man Himself
Wall of Honor
Local time
10:11 PM
We're going to consider and discuss the rest of your suggestions but I wanted to address this, with your SL billet you're authorized to request Zeus access for yourself to facilitate running these SPs. Simply send a PM to myself and Liber with your steam64 ID and we'll get you added.

Reminder to all SL/non-S3 Staff.
Running MCC's and non-Section Practice events requires explicit permission by S3 Public Staff. (For Public Servers)
Don't get caught running un-official operations or running public events without permission, you could loose your access.

As per memo sent to 1-7 Staff, anyone wanting access to Zeus anyone not within S3 will need to submit a ticket to S6 if they want to be added to the whitelist. You can run Public MCC's on the server without permission if you have the access. But please ensure that you understand that S3 has priority on slots if they request them and you must vacate them when asked.
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Staff Sergeant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 SL/ASL
S3 Staff
Local time
8:11 PM
Reminder to all SL/non-S3 Staff.
Running MCC's and non-Section Practice events requires explicit permission by S3 Public Staff. (For Public Servers)
Don't get caught running un-official operations or running public events without permission, you could loose your access.
Yeah, get permission or else I'll steal your kneecaps


Active Duty
1/A/1-7 HQ
S7 Staff
Local time
11:11 PM
Spent a few more hours on today. Things are going great but seeing room for some improvements that aren't priority but in the long term.

-AO's too close to base are a bit much, the enemy just take out vehicles on the ground from quite a distance.
-CIWS anti-air defenses should be standard at base as well. If we're concerned about range it's possible to place hesco's high enough around it to limit it from destroying far away targets .

But basically when there wasn't an Eagle around to take out enemy fast movers rotary was just rapidly taken out of the air and even base wasn't safe.

-Not sure how domination works in terms which vehicles it spawns but if there's a list, it would be great to place some 3CB stuff that we haven't dealt with before just to keep things fresh.


Local time
11:11 PM
In its own respect, the current mission file would suit a more basic and vanilla game-play style that's not as tactically realistic as the cavalry is. Go here, kill this, RTB, repeat. I don't believe that this file is a successor to the previous. Liberation was different in that you needed to plan where you were going which added an extra gameplay element.

Honestly, I don't like this as much as I liked liberation. In my opinion, the only thing that was needed to make the other mission file more fun was some basic quality of life things. In my opinion, some basic vehicle respawns for some vehicles like HMMVs a single buffalo, or maybe an MRZR or something similar would have added a lot. On top of that, maybe lessen the amount of enemy armored vehicles. These two things would have made a pretty darn good and custom mission file that, in my opinion, would even succeed my own ALiVE creations back in the day.

From a second-hand source (I never looked into it) I heard that a big problem with Liberation was the pooled resources for the entire team. The problem was that a random player would get on, spawn something, take it out, and immediately lose it and those points would be gone. So you could hop on, do some crazy cool stuff and get a ton of resources and log off. Then when you come back the next day, all your progress was lost, because everyone else who logged on will have spawned stuff and kept losing it or using it. So it felt pretty terrible when you saw all your work go away when you logged on the next time. Now, you have to do it all over again and repeat the cycle. Not fun. Just remove that one aspect or rework the numbers to make it easier, and presto you have a solution to a problem everyone had.
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Local time
6:11 AM
In its own respect, the current mission file would suit a more basic and vanilla game-play style that's not as tactically realistic as the cavalry is. Go here, kill this, RTB, repeat. I don't believe that this file is a successor to the previous. Liberation was different in that you needed to plan where you were going which added an extra gameplay element.

Honestly, I don't like this as much as I liked liberation. In my opinion, the only thing that was needed to make the other mission file more fun was some basic quality of life things. In my opinion, some basic vehicle respawns for some vehicles like HMMVs a single buffalo, or maybe an MRZR or something similar would have added a lot. On top of that, maybe lessen the amount of enemy armored vehicles. These two things would have made a pretty darn good and custom mission file that, in my opinion, would even succeed my own ALiVE creations back in the day.

From a second-hand source (I never looked into it) I heard that a big problem with Liberation was the pooled resources for the entire team. The problem was that a random player would get on, spawn something, take it out, and immediately lose it and those points would be gone. So you could hop on, do some crazy cool stuff and get a ton of resources and log off. Then when you come back the next day, all your progress was lost, because everyone else who logged on will have spawned stuff and kept losing it or using it. So it felt pretty terrible when you saw all your work go away when you logged on the next time. Now, you have to do it all over again and repeat the cycle. Not fun. Just remove that one aspect or rework the numbers to make it easier, and presto you have a solution to a problem everyone had.
I too think Liberation is better and more fun overall, however it does a poor job showcasing the Cav and its play style. Due to its dynamic nature and abundance of different mechanics it made it hard to run MCC's or even section practices.

The purpose of the server is to showcase the Cav and recruit new players, but you take a closer look you will see that Liberation game loop almost completely contradicts Cav play style. I will give you a few examples:

  • We don't do logistics.
  • We don't focus on asset preservation.
  • We don't do resource management.
  • We don't do any base building.
  • We love to have all assets available all the time.
  • We love the mighty Zeus.

Liberation is about progression. Sadly the Cav can't/don't want to do progression, we always need the hottest toys all the time. The only game mechanic that Liberation and Cav share is shooting the enemy and blowing things up.

I think Domination is decent game mode, at least for the recruiting competition month.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:11 PM
Also worth noting we had frequent and persistent server fps issues related to liberation scripts that eluded resolution for months. In addition to the persistent fps issues related to certain maps and the way liberation interacted with them.

Domination is much more refined codewise and should have significantly less of these issues.

We're also going to be continuing to develop on the core domination gameplay to try and keep it fresh.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
11:11 PM
Spent a few more hours on today. Things are going great but seeing room for some improvements that aren't priority but in the long term.

-AO's too close to base are a bit much, the enemy just take out vehicles on the ground from quite a distance.
-CIWS anti-air defenses should be standard at base as well. If we're concerned about range it's possible to place hesco's high enough around it to limit it from destroying far away targets .

But basically when there wasn't an Eagle around to take out enemy fast movers rotary was just rapidly taken out of the air and even base wasn't safe.

-Not sure how domination works in terms which vehicles it spawns but if there's a list, it would be great to place some 3CB stuff that we haven't dealt with before just to keep things fresh.

3CB stuff is coming, we were focused on getting everything functional and playable, but don't worry we have some surprises to lay on you soon

RE: the CIWS, the base currently has two Bradley Linebacker vehicles manned by AI, were these not shooting down the hostile air?


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
4:11 AM
I am enjoying the new H-60 mod just this alone made me come onto the server. It's a shame that we lost lib but it is what it is


Local time
11:11 PM
Morning Folks, thanks for the promising mission file! People are really enjoying it & I'm glad to see the active development

But so far, I just have a couple of gripes pertaining to how we run Tanks

Upgrade SABRE to M1A2 SepV2 - Currently within 1/B/1-7, we utilize the SepV2 Abrams with the Commander CROWS for all our SPs. Could we have that reflected on the Public Server? It will help immensely when conducting makeups.

Respawn Timer? - I couldn't find an answer for this, but do vehicles in Domination respawn after a certain amount of time, or are they dead until they come back as an award?

Tank Track Spawner Please - Last Night, we were fielding a Wing of 2 fully crewed SABREs reigning down upon the AO. And how the mission currently spawns QRF & many Tanks to our flanks (which I enjoy), our Tracks were consistently getting targetted & destroyed, which immobilized us. This occurred probably 5 times within 15 minutes. And the fix we found was to drive the Repair Truck from the base, up to us & hope it didn't get destroyed in the process (which it did). So is it possible to get 2 sets of tracks in each SABRE & possibly have them restocked when we RTB to base, in order to avoid these frustrations?


Active Duty
1/A/1-7 HQ
S7 Staff
Local time
11:11 PM
3CB stuff is coming, we were focused on getting everything functional and playable, but don't worry we have some surprises to lay on you soon

RE: the CIWS, the base currently has two Bradley Linebacker vehicles manned by AI, were these not shooting down the hostile air?
Last night there were no linebacker's. Maybe they were destroyed, I think the AI's Mi-24's don't lock onto the CIWS and but they will radar lock mobile anti-air vehicles. Not sure about that but I did have two blufor tunguska's before that and they lasted a bit and then got taken out, while the CIWS didn't get destroyed at all.


Local time
6:11 AM
Morning Folks, thanks for the promising mission file! People are really enjoying it & I'm glad to see the active development

But so far, I just have a couple of gripes pertaining to how we run Tanks

Upgrade SABRE to M1A2 SepV2 - Currently within 1/B/1-7, we utilize the SepV2 Abrams with the Commander CROWS for all our SPs. Could we have that reflected on the Public Server? It will help immensely when conducting makeups.

Respawn Timer? - I couldn't find an answer for this, but do vehicles in Domination respawn after a certain amount of time, or are they dead until they come back as an award?

Tank Track Spawner Please - Last Night, we were fielding a Wing of 2 fully crewed SABREs reigning down upon the AO. And how the mission currently spawns QRF & many Tanks to our flanks (which I enjoy), our Tracks were consistently getting targetted & destroyed, which immobilized us. This occurred probably 5 times within 15 minutes. And the fix we found was to drive the Repair Truck from the base, up to us & hope it didn't get destroyed in the process (which it did). So is it possible to get 2 sets of tracks in each SABRE & possibly have them restocked when we RTB to base, in order to avoid these frustrations?
You can now spawn spare tracks with the box spawner.


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
4:11 AM
Any plans to add the MH-60 Dap unless I wasnt looking in the right place. Will there be a way I can use the HH-60 just figured we got the mod might as well use it to full use with all its good
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