7th Cavalry Gaming

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Rule Change for HLL Servers Suggestion: ROE #6


Local time
5:54 AM
Suggestion to change the HLL ROE #6 from "NO SOLO TANKING EVER" to "No solo locked armor".

Coming from outside the MP department, it seems like an enormous burden to our MP's to police this ROE. Additionally, it lowers the enjoyment of "blueberries" on our servers. It is wildly common to have unlocked solo armor crews in HLL, due to the lack of people willing to play armor. In my personal observations, this has led to either wildly unbalanced gameplay (one team has members that want to tank, while the other team has one guy getting yelled at in an unlocked armor squad), or just unhappy public players who would like to have armor crewman join them, but aren't willing to afk in spawn for 15 minutes waiting for someone to join them.

In my opinion, there is a slight disadvantage to a solo tanker vs a 2 or 3 man tank crew, obviously. However, disallowing players to solo tank (unlocked only!) only unnecessarily burdens our MP's and makes our server less and less popular for public players who enjoy playing armor.

TLDR: Punish solo locked armor. Leave unlocked solo armor alone.

Thanks for reading



Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
5:54 AM
Think this may solve itself as the next update is removing is making seat changes take like 30 seconds so solo tank will no longer be viable. This is a healthy discussion though that if battalion can be convinced would be the avenue for change.


Active Duty
2-7 HQ
Local time
5:54 AM
Personally I would agree with this if in almost every circumstance there wasn’t 2 solo squads in the server. It is hard for me to not enforce the rule when there are people who are willing to tank but just don’t want to be in a squad. When there are 4 tank squads 2 of which have 2+ players and 2 who have 1 then it is hard for me not to enforce the rule.

Are there cases where you have 1 tank squad with a solo tanker yes, but most of my experiences with solo tankers are just people who don’t want to team up with other people.

In almost every case I have to enforce the rule, by just explaining the rule most players comply. The ones who don’t usually become combative right away. I almost always gain support from the local blueberries who don’t really like it either. In a game just last night people were complaining in the command chat about 2 solo tankers, and I know many players who have thanked me for enforcing that rule.

Possible edits in the future.
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Local time
5:54 AM
Personally I would agree with this if in almost every circumstance there wasn’t 2 solo squads in the server. It is hard for me to not enforce the rule when there are people who are willing to tank but just don’t want to be in a squad. When there are 4 tank squads 2 of which have 2+ players and 2 who have 1 then it is hard for me not to enforce the rule.

Are there cases where you have 1 tank squad with a solo tanker yes, but most of my experiences with solo tankers are just people who don’t want to team up with other people.

In almost every case I have to enforce the rule, by just explaining the rule most players comply. The ones who don’t usually become combative right away. I almost always gain support from the local blueberries who don’t really like it either. In a game just last night people were complaining in the command chat about 2 solo tankers, and I know many players who have thanked me for enforcing that rule.

Possible edits in the future.
Good points, glad to have some input from the MP side of things.

I agree having two solo tankers is a bit silly. Maybe there could room for discussion in the middle ground? Not sure how flexible the cav is to rule changes/if this would be a desirable change but I'd figure I'd start a discussion.

Maybe allowing the first armor squad to operate solo and unlocked, but make the ROE restrict people from starting another solo tank squad until the original is full? Just throwing some ideas out there.


Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
5:54 AM
Your best bet Hayden is to collect all the feedback and come up with a concrete change. Then pass it up the CoC. These changes would require battalion approval as they set the server rules. I am aware these rules are not looking to be adjusted, same for arty and HQ camping which can also be a bit difficult to admin, that said make your best case and I am confident those up top will listen, may not be swayed but are open to hearing a diversity of ideas :)
Local time
2:54 AM
A possible solution would be solo tankers must remain in point on defense, or if no armor units are in game, then solo is allowed. Another thought, solo armor only allowed at HQ points until they pick up one more crewman.


Active Duty
B/2-7 HQ
RRD Staff
Local time
2:54 AM
A possible solution would be solo tankers must remain in point on defense, or if no armor units are in game, then solo is allowed. Another thought, solo armor only allowed at HQ points until they pick up one more crewman.
Whoa, Zombie thread!

Problem with those ideas is that they require more complicated and nuanced explanations and policing. This would further increase the workload on our admins and seems likely cause more confusion and arguments than a simple yes or no type rule.


Sergeant First Class
Local time
4:54 AM
Spirit of the rule is what is always admined on. Should be no different for solo tanking Id imagine. Admins are there to make judgement calls always. I trust the admins given a rule about solo tanking to do whats in the best interest for the server at all times.
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Warrant Officer 1
Local time
10:54 AM
Or possibly add “no more than one solo tank at any one time.”


Local time
5:54 AM
Spirit of the rule is what is always admined on. Should be no different for solo tanking Id imagine. Admins are there to make judgement calls always. I trust the admins given a rule about solo tanking to do whats in the best interest for the server at all times.
Necro thread indeed, haven't checked back in a minute until I got these notifications. Thought I got rid of email notifications lol.

I 100% respect your opinion on this, and see the merit in it as well, but my opinion falls on the other side of things.

I used to be super active on the servers but HATED admining rules like these because there was no clear cut answer. Undue frustration to people dedicating their time instead of just enjoying the game. Same thing with the base camping rule. Just make it clear cut, black and white. You cannot do "X". It's better for blueberries to see you have some structure (Oh, they didn't do it last match but this guy enforced it this match? Nerd rage ensues), it's better for operators and admins and MP's, w/e. They know exactly what to do because it's black and white. Sure, there's counterarguments and it will never be perfect, but at least it will be consistent.

Anyway, back to my hobbit hole I go. Hope everyone's doing well!