Upcoming Changes:
Friday Night Fire Fights!
Starting with the biggest one, we are shifting Warfare Wednesdays to Friday nights. One of the biggest complaints I saw and what was voiced was the fact that Wednesdays just aren't achievable anymore given work schedules and how long the operations take. So, for the month of February, we will be hosting our WEEKLY public events on Friday nights calling it "Friday Night Fire Fights". They will be hosted at the same time as WFW would be, but this will allow our members to not have to worry so much about work the next day. Now if you noticed I did mention the WEEKLY part, S3 will be hosting full Operations on Friday Nights every week for the month of February as well as our operations every other Saturday.
Changes to Warfare Wednesday's
Warfare Wednesday are not going away! For those who love coming to our Wednesday operations don't worry we will still host events on the public servers! There is one caveat though, Warfare Wednesday's will only be the standard organized gameplay utilizing the Liberation or Invade and Annex game mode, this is to allow S3 to focus on making operations for Friday Nights and Saturday's. What you should see from S3 is a S3 Operations Staff being the "Mission Controller" and just overviewing the AO and possibly enhancing the AO as needed. Now the unfortunate part about the switch is that Warfare Wednesday's will not be official operations. So, they won't give you operational credit, however, do not let this deter you from coming and enjoying the time! We still want to engage with the public and focus on our recruitment efforts where we can!
Upcoming Special Events for 2025
Special Events! This is always a favorite topic within 1-7, and we're excited to announce that we'll be hosting several special events this year! While we don't have a set timeline yet, all events will be announced well in advance. Some events to look forward to include: the SOG Prairie Fire weeklong event hosted on TacR, ONE LIFE OPS, a Star Wars event, Warhammer 40K, D-Day/Airborne Operations, and our annual Halloween event! Please note, however, that these events may change due to mod testing or other unforeseen issues. That said, we're committed to making our special events more fun and engaging for everyone! Stay tuned for more updates!
ARMA Reforger Coming Soon!
As many of you have been asking, we are working on getting our Reforger server up and running as soon as we receive approval from Gen Staff and S6 that we have an operational server. Our plan is to host a Vanilla Server focused on the popular Conflict game mode. Conflict is a PvP mode, so this will represent a significant shift from our usual PvE events. Both S3 and Battalion Staff are excited to expand our horizons as we progress through the year, so please note that this plan is subject to change as time goes on. Stay tuned for more updates about Reforger in the future!
Now with these changes in February if our testing of Friday Night Fire Fights goes well, we will look to fully transition our Public Events to Friday nights going forward. As far as the other changes and announcements stay tuned for more to follow regarding those as the year progresses. Finally, I want to again thank you all for being a part of this wonderful organization! Without your support through these last few years, we wouldn't be where we are at today!
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