- Local time
- 8:08 PM
- 163
- 217
Element Callsign: Axis Dog Squad, Callsign "Badger"
Element Leader: Specialist Etoh.I
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Private Stannislaw.E
Private Loup.N
Element Leader: Specialist Etoh.I
7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element:
Private Stannislaw.E
Private Loup.N
- 3 man AT/Support squad is always fun with good comms and swaps
- Coordination between squads was good for building objectives and moving productively
- Jeep Gambit 100% batting average
- Well balanced operation, love the historics, great effort from both sides
- Reached Garrison max quickly which stifled our momentum. If you've built a garrison that is no longer useful consider redeploying to dismantle it yourself to save time/commander resources
- Slow to rebuild lost garrisons. When critical garrisons go down take the initiative and put those back up don't wait for someone else to do it