7th Cavalry Gaming

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AAR HLL-C | Campaign: Breakthrough | Operation: Rook 2/4 | 12MAY24

After Action Report
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Dishon. Discharge
Local time
3:33 PM
7th Cavalry Regiment

Name of Combat Mission: Operation Rook 2/4
Number within Campaign: 2/4
Game: Hell Let Loose Console
Server Hosted on: Public Matchmaking Servers
Date of Combat Mission: 12MAY24
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu):1900
Mission OIC: Major Haliday.J
Mission Controller: Major Haliday.J

Number of Attendees: 19

7th Cavalry Personnel Involved in Action:

Major Haliday.J
First Sergeant Wiseman.L
Staff Sergeant West.R
Sergeant Nazroo.J
Sergeant Tyszka.C
Corporal Brambo.J
Corporal Fields.I
Corporal Libert.P
Corporal Karstaag.B
Specialist Buster.J
Specialist Dorden.B
Specialist Korps.C
Specialist White.G
Specialist White.W
Private First Class Burke.B
Private First Class Robinson.S
Private First Class White.W
Private Cain.J
Private Watts.H

Game One: (Win)

Location: Mortain
Mission type: Warfare
Forces: Allies (American)

Game Two: (Win)

Location: St. Mere
Mission type: Offensive (Defender)
Forces: Axis (German)

First Sergeant Wiseman.L
Thank you for D-2, doing exactly what you practice and doing it fucking well. Being outmanned, out gunned and still came together. Tank crew did well.

Staff Sergeant West.R
Absolute blast in both matches, 1st game - one of his best game in a while - shock and awe perfect execution, just over extending - could be worked on, defenders, don't be afraid to call back reinforcements, 2nd game - over-extending - had a blast

Sergeant Nazroo.J
Hearing how well D-2 worked together, 1st game as SL how effective Command chat was used well - Command was good, running with West was fun

Sergeant Tyszka.C
1st Map had some tech issues, 2nd map was a little borning but then got spicy. Over-extending squads, dial it back a bit

Corporal Brambo.J
Had a fun time, first map was a blast - great comms, good tactics, 2nd map joined on Libert's squad, did an amazing job - coordinating with Wiseman. Got a satchel off Wiseman's tank

Corporal Fields.I
Went well, had to fight for the match and that made it interestesting

Corporal Libert.P
Sometimes a lot of chatter in green and command chat - keep it tactical, positive - my squad was Delta and SP training came together and were effective, coordinated with Wiseman - great game.

Specialist Buster.J
Ops were both good. I played with delta 2 libert was the SL. Comms were great and we were able to get done what he told us to. No cons.

Specialist Dorden.B
Losing St. Mere was too quick, comms

Specialist Korps.C
Had fun, enjoyed being engineer, enjoyed the matches, hunkered down to stay alive, had fun

Private First Class Burke.B
2 really fun games - 1st game was the most fun in a while, 2nd game with Tyszka on Recon, just work on sniper game, had a lot of fun. Like to see more people get on between the Ops.

Private First Class Robinson.S
Great game, enjoyed following Wiseman, good job putting them on the enemy, no complaints, likes the Ops, keep them rolling.

Private Cain.J
Wish we had more people out, but decent numbers, out squad on defence did a good job, protected the tanks, set up AT guns, good very games

Private Watts.H
Love to see 7Cav work as a team, Wiseman had great leadership, guiding Watts, comms were helpful


Dealing Death

Special note for B/ACD Troopers!
Please review the attendance list, if you were in attendance and do not see yourself on this list.
please reach out to the Mission Controller Major Haliday.J ASAP!​
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First Sergeant
Local time
3:33 PM
S1 Operations processed.
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